The Fisher King (1991): Is This Robin Williams' Most Underrated Performance?
After five months of teasing this episode we finally squeeze in our review of 'The Fisher King' (1991), Terry Gilliam's surrealist fantasy comedy. The movie was Nathan's pick after winning this year's Oscar's side bet. Joining us once again is Nathan's longtime friend and multi-talented creative force in the film industry, David Merrill.
04:56 Introducing David Merrill
07:34 The Four Questions
29:54 Nathan's thoughts
35:58 Bee's thoughts
39:49 David's thoughts
01:16:48 Movie Pairings
01:27:44 The Verdict: Save or PURGE!!!
01:30:12 Wrap-up and next months retrospective preview
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In the dying embers of human existence, as the asteroid, a
Opening:behemoth the size of Texas, hurdles relentlessly toward Earth, the
Opening:world braces for an apocalyptic end.
Opening:Deep beneath the bunker, a refuge plunges into the bowels of the Earth.
Opening:Here the chosen gather, their purpose clear, to preserve the
Opening:very soul of our civilization.
Opening:The 35 and 70 millimeter prints that encapsulate the magic, the emotion,
Opening:and the dreams of generations past.
Opening:In the past, these masterpieces, each frame a testament to the human
Opening:spirit, are carefully cataloged and cavernous confines of the bunker.
Opening:Perhaps there was room for more.
Opening:For friends and family yearning for salvation.
Opening:But sacrifices must be made.
Opening:The movie nerds stand united.
Opening:The keepers of a flame.
Opening:Promising a future where the art of storytelling endures.
Opening:Transcending the boundaries of time and space.
Opening:God help us all.
Nathan:Welcome to back to the framerate part of the Western Media Podcast Network.
Nathan:Join us as we watch and discuss films on VOD and streaming platforms deliberating
Nathan:on whether each one is worthy of salvation or destined for destruction in the face
Nathan:of the impending asteroid apocalypse.
Nathan:You can find more episodes of this podcast on back to the framerate.
Nathan:com where you can subscribe and share our show and find us on our
Nathan:socials at back to the framerate.
Nathan:I am Nathan Shore and accompanying me are the extraordinary movie mavens,
Nathan:Brianna Butterworth and returning guest, returning champion, David Merrill.
Nathan:Welcome to the show and welcome back, David.
Nathan:All right.
Nathan:Happy to be here.
Nathan:How is everybody doing this week?
David:We are doing well.
Nathan:We're going to get into the show in a moment, but I do
Nathan:have a question for both of you
Nathan:and I'd like to begin.
Nathan:It's been a little while since chance to do this.
Nathan:It's a hypothetical and answer this any way you want, but both of you, this
Nathan:is to each one of you separately, but you work as an overnight radio host at
Nathan:a 500 watt station in Lewisburg, West Virginia, and this is back in 1999.
Nathan:That's important detail.
Nathan:Your shift ends at 6 a.
Nathan:What song do you use as your daily sign off as the good folk of Greenbrier County
Nathan:wake up and get ready for their work day?
Nathan:And what is the station's call sign?
Bee:Oh, this is a really good question.
David:It's a really good question.
David:And, and, okay, wait, I, I, this is terrible.
David:I have to ask this.
David:So what's the state?
David:This is
Nathan:a Lewisburg, West Virginia,
David:West Virginia.
David:So it's 1999.
David:is east of the Mississippi.
David:So it is going to begin with a W.
David:All signs.
David:So, okay.
David:All right.
David:I mean,
Bee:mine would be WBE.
David:would be.
David:All right.
David:All right.
David:That works for
David:Well then I guess mine would have to be WDAV.
Bee:Yeah, there you go.
Bee:All right.
Bee:So 6 AM it's 1999.
Bee:Now to.
Bee:Does it have to be a song from 1999 or before, or?
Nathan:This is 1999, unless you're a time traveler
Bee:and you're curating
Nathan:music from the future.
Nathan:But what are you waking up the people of, of Greenbrier, Greenbrier County
David:What are we waking them up to?
David:What are we waking them up to?
David:It's West
David:In, yeah.
Nathan:In 1999.
Nathan:At 6am.
Nathan:These people want to get ready for work.
Bee:Flower by Moby.
David:Okay, Flower by Andy.
David:That's a good one.
David:That's a good one.
David:Alright, I'm working on this one.
David:I'm thinking about this one.
Bee:was that or like S Club 7,
David:but Yeah.
David:Oh no, wait a minute.
David:I know.
David:I want it that way by the Backstreet Boys.
Bee:Yee haw!
David:How about that?
Bee:I like it.
Bee:Tell me why.
Nathan:Good responses.
Bee:That was a good question.
Nathan:That is
David:a very good question.
Nathan:I love it.
Nathan:It's important, important.
Nathan:Shout out to our, our friends in Greenbrier County.
Bee:middle school, I did all the school, I was like a radio host.
Bee:I did all the school announcements.
David:Oh, very cool.
David:Very cool.
Bee:That didn't get me picked on at all.
Bee:I was so popular.
Bee:But really well for me.
Nathan:Well, if you hadn't guessed.
Nathan:Already we reviewed the Fisher King this week, but before we get into our review,
Nathan:I wanna welcome our guest one more time.
Nathan:David Merrill, you have been with us now.
Nathan:This is our second time joining us on the podcast.
Nathan:How are you doing?
Nathan:I'd like to, we don't have a lot of time tonight, so I'd like to
Nathan:just get a little quick summary.
Nathan:What have you been up to the last few months since you were last on a show?
Nathan:I think it was our Memento episode you last joined us for, but
David:it was Christopher Nolan's Memento, which you and I saw in a movie theater.
David:In Los Angeles, we were both living and working in the belly of the beast.
David:You know, for a tiny little company that can only afford
David:three letters for their name in B.
David:I'm, I'm fine.
David:I've been working a lot of, on a lot of both creative projects and, and a
David:couple of, you know, a couple of things as you, you know, the, we don't have
David:viewers, but if we had viewers, they would see that I'm, I'm wearing a shirt
David:of a semi famous guy from my hometown.
David:Because we just, but,
Nathan:but David, we do have viewers.
Nathan:We are recording this video.
David:We are?
David:Oh yeah.
David:Oh, now I'm really embarrassed because like they're seeing,
David:you know, this is, yeah.
David:I mean, I wish I had a virtual background, you know, you look great.
David:You look okay.
David:All right.
David:But we, yeah, we just concluded we had Elvis week a week, a week ago.
David:So, you know, there was the whole parade of tourists and, you know,
David:we, we don't, you don't call them, they're called tribute artists.
David:That they're not, they're not, you're not allowed to call them.
David:You can't call them imitators.
David:They're not Elvis imitators anymore.
David:They are tribute artists.
Nathan:did that, when did that switch happen from
Nathan:impersonator to a tribute artist?
David:This was a, this was a couple of years ago and I have, I have a very good
David:friend of mine and she acts as a DJ.
David:There's a local hotel that has like a, They host a show and a
David:competition and she's the DJ for it.
David:And she would always invite me over and say, Hey, yeah, you can
David:come watch dress rehearsals or, you know, a couple of guest passes.
David:You can watch the competition.
David:And I was like, Oh, the Elvis, you know, and she's like, no, no, no,
David:no, don't, don't use that word.
David:Can't say that.
David:Can't say that they are tribute artists.
David:And I'm like, Oh, Oh, excuse me.
David:Excuse me.
David:So it's been kind of Memphis is always interesting.
David:Nathan knows he's visited here.
David:He's eating the barbecue.
David:I gotta
David:You gotta go.
David:He's eating
David:We were there.
Nathan:We were there for Elvis week in 2006.
Nathan:If you remember.
Nathan:When is it?
Nathan:During Elvis week.
Nathan:Mm hmm.
Nathan:And I, we were at the hotel where it was happening.
David:It was a sight.
David:I would love
Bee:to go to Memphis one day.
David:It's a scene man.
David:You need to come down here.
David:You need to come down here.
David:It is.
David:It's a fun place.
David:fun place.
David:It's pretty cool.
David:But I've been fine.
David:I've been fine.
David:And seen some movies and television shows.
David:Working on some things of my own working on some things with friends.
David:We talk about it a little bit later, you know, if you want to.
David:I have
Nathan:four quick questions for you and I, and this is something
Nathan:that we implemented after you were a guest last time on the show.
Nathan:Are you ready for these four questions?
Nathan:Very important.
Nathan:Cause I want our audience to know a little bit more about you.
Nathan:I'm just bringing this on you out of the blue.
David:Do I need an attorney?
David:I mean, I don't think
Nathan:we asked this last time you were here.
Nathan:What is the first movie you remember seeing in a theater?
David:Oh, wow.
David:That is a, Oh my God.
David:Because my parents were huge movie fans.
David:And, and I think we've talked about this and Nathan, you, my parents were divorced
David:but, and Nathan met my mother, you know, full disclosure on a, on a visit here.
David:And so my mother and father and my stepfather, they all had, but
David:particularly my mother and father had very different tastes in films.
David:So I got to think about this for a minute because my mother loved sci
David:fi, horror, fantasy and period dramas.
David:And my dad, like, cop, crime, gangster films, or westerns.
David:Only realistic stuff, you know, he only wants to see realistic stuff,
David:you know, was, was his thing.
David:God, okay.
David:You know what?
David:I think it may have been Jaws.
David:I'm, I'm actually, I'm pretty sure that it was, I'm pretty sure
David:that it was, that it was Jaws.
David:And it scared, I was, I was, I was small, I was, I was a little kid and
David:I remember it scared me so badly.
David:I didn't want to go into my godfather's swimming pool.
David:That's not, that's not a joke.
David:I mean, it sounds like a joke now.
David:No, it's so cute.
David:It sounds silly, but it was one of these things of like, we went over to
David:my godfather's and you know, and there's the deep end of the pool, which you
David:could see in, but you know, at that age, my mom was like, come on, jump
David:in the pool, jump in the pool, you got your swimsuit on, jump in the pool.
David:No, there's a 25 foot shark in there.
David:The shark might be in there.
David:She's like, oh, there's not a shark in the swimming pool?
David:And I'm like, it might be down there.
David:I don't know.
Bee:Well, David, you should know I finally saw Jaws in my mid twenties in
Bee:a movie theater, and it scared me too.
David:Scary movie.
David:Scary movie.
David:Oh, and here's another, I just forgot this, but while we were, when,
David:when Nathan and I were living in L.
David:A., I was taking a screenwriting course at UCLA Extension, and one of the women
David:that was in the class with me, very nice lady, we became very good friends, she's
David:a little bit older than me, She said one day, and I thought this, I thought
David:she was playing the new guy to LA joke.
David:She said, I'm going to introduce you to Steven Spielberg's mother.
David:And I was like, Oh yeah, sure you are.
David:Ha ha.
David:She's like, No, really, but I think you'll find it amusing.
David:She owns a kosher, a kosher dairy restaurant on Pico.
David:Meet me there for lunch and I'll introduce you to her.
David:And I'm like, Yeah, right, right, Marla.
David:Okay, sure.
David:Marla Manning, she's a very nice woman.
David:But you know what?
David:But I went, this was a day off from class.
David:I went there and I was thinking she's, she's, she's punking me.
David:This is, it's a joke.
David:It's got to be a joke, right?
David:But I go into this place and I was 20 minutes early because I was perpetually
David:paranoid about being late in L.
David:And, or smartphones, or before they were good.
David:You know, I show up and I'm a little early.
David:I'm, it's like 11.
David:I'm supposed to meet her at noon.
David:No one's in the restaurant.
David:I, you know, I, this, this, this lady comes and she's, well,
David:you can wait on your friend.
David:And then this really nice silver haired lady comes by the table
David:and she says can I help you?
David:And I said, well, I'm waiting on a friend of mine.
David:And I'm, you know, I'm, I'm just, I'm a little early cause I'm new to LA.
David:And then she's like, what do you do?
David:What's your name?
David:And I told her my name.
David:I was like, well, I'm taking screenwriting, trying to get a job.
David:Well, you look very creative.
David:Who are you waiting for?
David:And I said, well, Marla Manning we take a screenwriting class.
David:She's like, Oh, I know Marla.
David:Marla babysits my grandkids.
David:And I was like, Oh, okay, well, cool.
David:I was like, do you work here in the restaurant?
David:She's like, no, I own the restaurant.
David:Do you mind if I wait with you and say hello to Marla?
David:And I was like, sure.
David:And I mean, none of this is, it's, it's not, it's not ringing bells.
David:And I'm still thinking she's not really.
David:And then Marla comes in and they hug and they kiss and
David:they catch up and everything.
David:And And then she goes, she's, I'm going to go get your, your waiter and I'll
David:bring you some, you know, bring you some water and we'll see in a minute or two.
David:I'm like, okay.
David:And so I was like, see you, you, you know, you've met.
David:I'm like, yeah.
David:And she's like, what do you think?
David:And I'm like, very nice lady.
David:And she's, she's just like, she kind of gives me this
David:look and then she comes back.
David:And the woman has a copy of a tabloid magazine.
David:She goes, look, it's a picture of me and Stevie in the star.
David:She opened the page and it was, it was a, it was a photograph her of
David:her and Steven fucking Spielberg, her son walking down Rodeo drive.
David:I was in a blind panic.
David:I'm like.
David:I have been, I have been talking to Steven goddamn Spielberg's
David:mother as though I'm, you know, like, where's my brain, you know?
David:But, you know, she was perfectly nice about it, and we had this lunch, and
David:then Marla was like, yeah, I don't want, so I didn't want to say anything,
David:because if I said this in class, the bunch of, you know, people that are
David:in the industry, they're gonna be, you know, all over me, you know, for this
David:kind of stuff, and I was like, Okay.
Nathan:I had a similar run in.
Nathan:It's nowhere near as good as your story where I was at lunch with the two people,
Nathan:one of which I found out 40 minutes into the lunch was Dino, Dino De Laurentiis's
Nathan:daughter for like 40 minutes or so.
Nathan:Oh my, oh Raffaella.
Nathan:I think it was Raffaella or there's another one too, but
Nathan:she lived in LA at the time.
Nathan:I don't know if she's still there.
Nathan:No, no,
David:no, no.
David:Oh, I, I go ahead, man.
David:Go ahead.
Nathan:It's not that interesting a story, but like, it was like maybe two
Nathan:of the people and, and this was before I met you actually, when I was in LA
Nathan:and I didn't even know much about Dino De Laurentiis at the time, but like, I
Nathan:knew the name, but it was like, I was just kind of like, Oh wait, yeah, I know.
Nathan:I know I didn't really.
Nathan:Gus about it at the time, but it was like interesting that I
Nathan:spent like 40 minutes with Dino's daughter and I didn't even know it.
David:That is really, that's, that's very cool.
David:It's also really weird because before we met, when I was working at
David:universal, a call rang through to my line and I just, you know, I mean, I
David:just picked it up cause they had the services where it's like, it's for you.
David:Well, it turns out it wasn't, but it was Raffaele De Laurentiis.
David:She's trying to reach.
David:And I was like, Oh, I was like, wait a minute.
David:Did you, and she was like, they're Laurentiis.
David:And I was like, are you related to Dino?
David:And, you know, cause I mean, how many really?
David:And she was like, Oh, that's my father.
David:And I said, I love Dune and King Kong.
David:I'm just going to say that I love it.
David:And she's like, Oh, that's very nice.
David:I have some thoughts
Nathan:on Dune, but you know,
David:well, yeah.
David:Don't, don't we all, don't we all.
David:But, but yes, but so that's the weird quirkiness of LA is that,
David:you know, you meet, You meet people like that from time to time.
Nathan:all right.
Nathan:I have a couple other questions.
Nathan:Before we get to our review What was the last movie that you watched besides?
Nathan:Well, you can tell us what you just saw, but what's the
Nathan:last movie that you watched?
David:Okay And let's see.
David:I'm struggling between wanting to be very honest or, or,
David:or really tell us the truth.
Movie Clip:Tell us the truth.
Movie Clip:Okay.
David:All right.
David:The last film that, that I watched that we watched was John Wick three.
David:Because I, I, and look, I, I really, I hate, I, I hate to admit this,
David:but so like there was all the hype around the John Wick movies and
David:all my friends were watching them and I just kept making fun of them.
David:Cause I was like, you know, I go back to like thinking of Keanu in Bill
David:and Ted's Excellent Adventure or even making fun of him in Dangerous Liaisons.
David:You must permit me to treat with skepticism.
David:Anything you might say about the Marquesas, dude, you
David:know, I'm like, come on.
David:And they're like, no, man, no, no, no.
David:This is not, you know, and I'm like, but the matrix, they're like, no, no,
David:this is not, this is not Bill and Ted.
David:With guns.
David:This is not Matrix even.
Bee:have you not seen it?
David:Not until, we, we just, so like, we just recently, it was like, you know,
David:You know, it was the whole thing of, let's check out the first one.
David:So we watched the first, like, holy shit.
David:Holy shit, this is really, This motherfuckers, he's,
David:he's the man, he's the man.
David:So then we quickly like gobbled down, it's like we watched the first one,
David:and the next couple nights later like we watched the second one, and it's
David:like, okay, we gotta, we gotta find and watch the third one, so then like,
David:you know, some things happen, we did some other stuff, but then finally this
David:week it's like, okay, third one, boom, and now I gotta see the fourth one.
David:I, I've gotta, I've, I've gotta see it.
David:I'm like,
Bee:I'm happy you've been John Wick pilled.
David:I am, I am.
David:John Wick pilled.
David:It is, it is.
David:Like, and I love, I love the little, I love the cameos.
David:You know Angelica Houston?
David:I'm like, I'm watching this thing.
David:I'm like, fucking Angelica Houston.
David:I'm like, what the, what the shit?
David:You know these, these guys fucking love
David:Oh, she's great.
David:She is, she is great and Halle Berry and I'm just like going, so we finally
David:got the, it's not the cat woman that we got, but the action hero
David:out of Halle Berry that we deserve.
Bee:We deserved.
Bee:Cause there was
David:the whole thing with the dog and everything.
David:She's like, no, you can't have my dog.
David:And she looks up at him.
David:She was like, you get it?
David:He's like, yeah, I get it.
David:You know, and it's just kind of subtle right there.
David:And I'm just like, you know I'm just like, Oh yeah, this was endorsed
David:by the ASPCA, but it's just fine.
David:It's fine.
David:I love it.
David:I'm a dog.
David:Look, I love, I have a cat, but I love dogs.
David:I grew up with dogs.
David:I get it.
David:You know, sure.
David:And they went and they, you know, they kicked everybody's ass.
David:And it was, I'm just like, now I want another one, you know?
David:And I'm just like, why can't, you know, why can't the Hollywood machine, turn
David:out good stuff like this on a regular.
David:I mean, I guess they can, but they're choosing not to.
David:And we, you find yourselves kind of like we're talking before
David:having to cast about and talk to friends and go, is it really good?
David:I mean, you know, is this really, is this really worth the time?
David:Cause I, you know, I don't want to invest two hours and go like I could
David:have been, you know, I could have been doing something else, you know,
David:so, but this was totally worth it.
Nathan:Two other quick questions for you, David.
Nathan:This, this one, you know, interpret this any way you want,
Nathan:but what is your favorite movie?
Nathan:Any right now, next week, last week, I know it's something that could be,
Nathan:it's a list that can, a movie that can change at any given moment, but, and
David:it's, this is tough because, because even, even, you know, I was saying
David:I had, was having this conversation Friday when I was recruiting people for this
David:podcast, by the way, you know, before, while I was doing the recruitment, I got
David:to ask this, I got to ask this question.
David:Oddly enough, the woman that was asking the question is the, she's
David:a relative of the of the man that runs, like, the, one of the largest
David:theater chains in the Southeast.
David:Malco, M.
David:Lightman Company which is run by a gentleman named Jimmy Tash.
David:He's a, he's a good friend.
David:I like him a lot.
David:She's like, what are your, what's your favorite film?
David:I'm like, I can't, I can't give you one.
David:I can give you a short list, but it's really hard for me
David:to go this one film, but okay.
David:But if I, if you were to say to me, if you were to say to me, okay, You know, like,
David:okay, you, you can't, you know, if you can't give me one, then it would be, it
David:would either, it'd probably be Casablanca and the Godfather, give me, give me, okay.
David:You know, that's, that's, that's probably is, that's probably the closest that
David:I can come to saying good enough.
David:Nathan, do
Bee:you have a standard answer to that question?
Bee:No, there isn't.
Nathan:It's, it's a list of like 10 movies that rotate every day.
Nathan:Every week.
Nathan:Sure, sure.
Nathan:There's no good answer for it.
Nathan:It's five or 10
David:films that are like, these are really great films.
David:And I would watch these again and again.
David:Cause They're, they're great.
Nathan:This is important though.
Nathan:What is a movie or a movie that you credit for turning you into a cinephile?
David:What film would I credit turning me into a cinephile?
David:I'm struggling to remember the director's name, but The Sweet Smell
David:of Success with this is an old film.
David:This is an old film noir film.
David:And it's, it's like a, it's a, yeah, it's a film noir film, Burt Lancaster.
David:It was produced by this guy named McKittrick, and it was a box
David:office bomb, but it's a great film.
David:Tony, Tony Curtis.
David:Who plays, as we would say now, against type.
David:He, he didn't play like the nice guy, charming, comedic role.
David:He was the smarmy, you know, streetwise hustler guy.
David:And he plays a, plays a press agent.
David:And Burt Lancaster is this demagogue columnist.
David:That, you know, for this New York, he's very, he's like this
David:very powerful media figure.
David:And it's this kind of tragic story.
David:But the thing is, I remember watching the film as a kid.
David:And my father said to me, he was like, he goes, look at that cinematography.
David:Look at how beautifully, look at how beautifully they
David:photographed New York city.
David:And I was like, what do you, what do you mean?
David:And he was like, what are you, what are you talking about?
David:My dad was not, you know, he wasn't a filmmaker, he was a cop, but he's like,
David:look at how beautiful New York looks.
David:And I was like, yeah, it really does.
David:It does look really beautiful.
David:You know, and it's this black and white, you know, it's this black and white film.
David:And so, you know, we watched the film and I actually at that time even had to
David:go and look up and like, who shot this?
David:It turns out it was like one of America's first Chinese American
David:cinematographers, James Wong Howe.
David:And, you know, and so that, that was one of the films that was like, I've got to
David:find out, you how this film was made.
David:You know, not just who was in it, but how it was made.
David:And for my parents generation, I would say this, that, you know, it was also a
David:thing of like, if you talked to them for more than a minute about movie stars or
David:actors, particularly my mother, she'd give you biography on these people.
David:And she could, the whole thing, she could, she could talk you through
David:the whole Liz Taylor marriages shit, you know, all that shit.
David:Whoa, no, she was married to so and so and then married so and so and then
David:had this kid and then they got divorced and then she got blah, blah, blah.
David:And then they had this kid and then she married this producer and they did.
David:I'm like going, you know, I'm like, what the hell?
David:You know, you know, they, they knew this stuff.
David:So, but Sweet Smell of Success which is a great film.
David:That's the one that really kind of like, what is this, what is
David:this thing called filmmaking and production and how does it work?
David:You know, how do you get the beautiful, you know, cinematography.
Movie Clip:Are you listening?
David:Avidly, avidly.
David:He was staring.
Movie Clip:Consequently, when he approached me on his
Movie Clip:way out, I wasn't surprised.
Movie Clip:He was doing a special Sunday piece on Cigarette guns.
Movie Clip:And naturals.
Movie Clip:You were thrilled about being interviewed.
Movie Clip:And were you interviewed?
Movie Clip:In his apartment.
Movie Clip:Where was his wife?
Movie Clip:I don't know.
Movie Clip:It's a big apartment.
Movie Clip:Only I wasn't interviewed.
Movie Clip:In fact, I was totally unprepared for what happened.
Movie Clip:Oh, come on, Chicky.
Movie Clip:We're friends from way back.
Movie Clip:A big columnist comes into this club without his ball and chain and you
Movie Clip:make like a delicatessen counter.
Movie Clip:What did you expect he was going to do in his apartment?
Movie Clip:But
Nathan:Sydney, sweetheart.
Nathan:All right.
Nathan:Thank you.
Nathan:All right.
Nathan:So, at least we got a little, a little insight into what makes You who you are,
Nathan:David, I'll part of the rich tapestry.
Nathan:All right.
Nathan:Well, I think we can transition into our review this week.
Nathan:We watched the Fisher King from 1991 directed by Terry Gilliam, his sixth
Nathan:feature, and I have a plot synopsis here.
Nathan:How I would read it.
Nathan:So after shock jock Jack Lucas inadvertently provokes a caller
Nathan:into murdering a group of innocent people in a Manhattan bar, he
Nathan:grows depressed and turns to booze as he's about to hit rock bottom.
Nathan:Lucas meets a homeless man named Perry, played by Robin Williams,
Nathan:whose wife was killed by the collar.
Nathan:Lucas pushed to the brink, mentally scarred by his loss.
Nathan:Perry spends his days searching for the holy Grail.
Nathan:Lucas feeling culpable for the poor man's plight, pledges to help him on his quest.
Nathan:So I also have part of the trailer.
Nathan:For the fisher king i'll drop that in right here
Movie Clip:in the world of talk radio Jack lucas was king.
Movie Clip:Look I said I want an offer they can forget it to stay on top.
Movie Clip:He did whatever he had to forgive me But one day jack went too far It was mr.
Movie Clip:Lucas's offhand remark that seemed to have fatal impact on mr.
Movie Clip:Malnick No matter what I had it feels like I had nothing.
Movie Clip:Yo, what's going on?
Movie Clip:And just when he was about to give up on his own life, he stumbled into Perry's.
Movie Clip:Unhand the degenerate and remove your prison!
Movie Clip:I like New York in June.
Movie Clip:How about you?
Movie Clip:You know who I am?
Movie Clip:A hood ornament.
Movie Clip:No.
Movie Clip:I'm a knight on a special quest.
Movie Clip:A quest?
Movie Clip:And I need help.
Nathan:So yeah, a little bit of the trailer from that.
Nathan:I have a couple pieces of trivia and facts from this.
Nathan:This is again, came out in 1991, on September 20th, 91.
Nathan:But it didn't go into wide release until the week after.
Nathan:So I like to do this is kind of quickly go through the box office top 10 and
Nathan:I'll do this really fast here, but this, I'm not going to count the first week
Nathan:cause it came in like at number like 26 or something like that cause it did
Nathan:not go wide until the following week.
Nathan:But the following week it was number one at the box office
Nathan:with 7 million, not very big.
Nathan:But the second, number two in the box office, probably nobody will get
Nathan:this, but it was necessary roughness.
Nathan:And it also came out in this first week, 6.
Nathan:5 million Scott Bakula.
Nathan:It's technically a movie, technically a movie.
Nathan:Number three was deceived in its first week of release with 4.
Nathan:3 million.
Nathan:Number four.
Nathan:Any guesses?
Movie Clip:Horror.
Nathan:I think it's like the fifth, sixth, or seventh movie
Nathan:in this horror franchise.
Nathan:Was it,
Bee:Is this, this isn't Jason Takes Manhattan.
Nathan:No, it's the other one.
Nathan:Other franchise.
Bee:Is this Nightmare on Elm Street?
Nathan:Nightmare on Elm Street, part 55.
Nathan:Something like that.
Nathan:Freddy's dead, the final nightmare.
Nathan:I don't know which one that is in the franchise.
Nathan:That's the, yeah, 3.
Nathan:4 million number five.
Nathan:This is interesting.
Nathan:Dead again, 1.
Nathan:9 million also had Robin Williams in it in a small role, which I
Nathan:thought he was really good in
David:Kenneth Branagh.
Nathan:Number six, late for dinner in a second week of release 1.
Nathan:6 million.
Nathan:I have no idea what that movie is.
Nathan:Number seven and it's 13th week of release earning 1.
Nathan:2 million terminator two judgment day.
Nathan:Good number eight and it's ninth week of release earning 1.
Nathan:1 million is Doc Hollywood
David:Michael J Fox.
Nathan:number nine and it's 16th week of release.
Nathan:You just don't get this anymore Earning 1.
Nathan:1 million is Robin Hood Prince of Thieves And number 10 in its
Nathan:second week of release earning 1.
Nathan:1 million was Rambling Rose, which I know nothing about, although it did
Nathan:get some Academy Award nominations.
Nathan:Speaking of the Academy Awards Fisher King did do okay.
Nathan:It won Mercedes rule one for best supporting actress, one over Diane
Nathan:Ladd, Julia Lewis Kate Nelligan and Jessica Tandy in that category.
Nathan:Robin Williams was nominated for Best Actor, but lost to Anthony
Nathan:Hopkins for Silence of the Lambs.
Nathan:It was nominated for Best Screenplay and also nominated for Best Art
Nathan:Direction and Best Original Score.
Nathan:I want to ask you one question.
Nathan:Robin Williams nominated for Best Actor.
Nathan:Was he put into the wrong category?
David:You mean you think should he been best supporting?
Nathan:That's what I'm kind of wondering because I was looking at the best.
Nathan:I, I wrote this.
Nathan:I have a note here somewhere because Robin Williams, he was best actor.
Nathan:Do you think, do you think he would have been better off as best supporting actor?
Nathan:Because, because, because That year, Jack Palance won for City Slickers,
Nathan:also in that category was Tommy Lee Jones for JFK, Harvey Keitel
Nathan:for Bugsy, Ben Kingsley for Lansky, and Michael Lerner for Barton Fink.
Nathan:All those were good performances.
Nathan:I think Robin Williams would have won this.
David:He would have, yeah, I absolutely agree.
David:I absolutely agree.
David:So yeah.
David:I don't
Nathan:think Robin Williams is a leading, is he a leading man in this movie?
Nathan:I always thought of Jeff Bridges as the leading man in this.
Bee:For me, I mean Distinction for me is always like, do we see
Bee:anything from their perspective?
Nathan:I don't, we're, we're with Jeff Bridges.
Nathan:We're with Jeff.
Nathan:We're with Jeff
Bee:kind of the whole time.
Bee:It's pretty rare.
Bee:It's, it does happen.
Bee:It does happen when we're alone with Robin Williams, but it's not as
Bee:often, which is why I think they got away with putting him in best actor.
Bee:But yeah, I mean, his odds, I think would have been better in supporting for sure.
David:I do.
David:I agree.
David:And I mean, the film starts out, the film starts
David:out, it's like, what do we see?
David:It's like, you know, a closeup of Jeff Bridges with a microphone.
David:I mean, it's like, it's, it's Bridges, you know.
Nathan:Maybe they thought, hey, the guy that's in a movie for like 10 minutes
Nathan:is never going to win best actor.
Nathan:By the way,
Bee:how good was the opening of Fisher King that we're just, Jeff Bridges,
Bee:his voice and then I was like, so, and I was like, Oh yeah, that's the juice.
David:Yeah, absolutely.
David:I mean,
Nathan:I know I, I, I drew the short straw I'm going first
Nathan:year, but I'll already start off.
Nathan:I think the Fisher King is a near perfect movie.
Nathan:You know, You know, I've wanted to review this movie for a long time.
Nathan:This, the reason why we're reviewing this is because we did a a little
Nathan:side bet back during the Oscars.
Nathan:Who's going to get the most
Bee:rigged mid game.
Bee:I want to point that out.
Bee:Nathan was stacking categories and he was like, why don't we just
Bee:take this on other categories too?
Nathan:No, I want a fair square.
Nathan:And because of that, we're here to review the fish, a King.
Nathan:All right.
Nathan:Everyone else be quiet now.
Nathan:That's it.
Nathan:We're here.
Nathan:Anyways, this movie came out at a time in my life when I began to have aspirations
Nathan:of a career in the industry around probably the middle of high school.
Nathan:And this is probably one of the five or six films that I can point
Nathan:to that really lit a fire in me.
Nathan:Where I wanted to tell stories on screen, and I've seen this movie many
Nathan:times, but every time I see it, I find something I've never caught before.
Nathan:In fact, there's a tiny line of dialogue that Robin Williams utters that I found
Nathan:so funny, this screening, that I've never picked on, picked up before.
Nathan:So I have so much praise for this film, and I'll start with a couple things here.
Nathan:The casting, number one, Robin Williams.
Nathan:I like him as a performer and I think he's an excellent actor, but I've always
Nathan:felt that his movies, especially you know, they've always had, I've had a hard time.
Nathan:I think they have a hard time capturing his energy into a realistic character.
Nathan:He's often ping ponging between roles in which he's playing a character
Nathan:that can cut loose with manic energy.
Nathan:And many of those.
Nathan:And a lot of those I'm really not into, and on the opposite end of
Nathan:the spectrum, there are the films in which he's playing it very straight.
Nathan:And I think he's very good in those films, but either the character is thinly written
Nathan:or the film is lacking in other ways.
Bee:feel like you're just talking about one hour photo here.
Nathan:No, no.
Nathan:I think a lot of Mike, I insomnia one hour photo I like, but I think there's so
Nathan:many problems in the movies that he is.
Nathan:In, in these serious roles, but sometimes he's playing in a movie
Nathan:where his character is somewhere in the middle, playing someone who exists
Nathan:in the real world, but still has that Robin Williams exuberance, this.
Nathan:Is the most fertile ground, I think, for him to be a great performer in a
Nathan:movie, like Good Will Hunting, Dead Poets Society, Good Morning Vietnam and there
Nathan:are many more, but of all of these, I feel like Fisher King is his greatest
Nathan:performance balancing these two worlds.
Nathan:That's my opinion.
Nathan:What about the birdcage birdcage?
Nathan:Yeah, very good as well.
Nathan:The rest of the cast is phenomenal as well.
Nathan:I love Jeff Bridges in this.
Nathan:He's honestly probably my top two or three favorite actors right now of all
Nathan:probably going back cause you know, I think of Jeff Bridges as someone that
Nathan:Loved my whole life going back to Tron going back to, cause I think Tron came
Nathan:out at 82 and I was eight years old.
Nathan:This was like my early, early years.
Nathan:I didn't catch up with King Kong much later, but when Jeff
Nathan:Bridges eventually does pass, it's going to be one of the hardest.
Nathan:I'm not gonna say it's the best day of my life because he's an actor that has
Nathan:been somebody who I've loved his movies every decade that I've been alive and
Nathan:every decade he has been performing.
Nathan:And this is one of the pillars of the movies that I love him in.
Nathan:You know,
Bee:Nathan, I did a little Jeff Bridges rewatch this week and I did a few
Bee:of his movies, including introducing my partner to the Big Lebowski.
Bee:And it was amazing.
Bee:Ah, such a great time.
Bee:The Bingo Bouncy
David:True Grit.
David:Sorry, didn't want to interrupt.
Bee:I love the True Grit remake.
Bee:Oh my
David:god, I love it so much.
Nathan:I, I also want to I have to give mad props to Mercedes Rule as animus.
Nathan:You don't see women portrayed in In movies like this, it was
Nathan:such a breath of fresh air.
Nathan:She's smart, perceptive, strong willed, but also sympathetic to Jack's flaws.
Nathan:She's motherly.
Nathan:Also, I love her philosophy and perspective on men
Nathan:and women's relationships.
Nathan:And it's so rare for a girlfriend to be fleshed out like this in a movie.
Nathan:Another thing I found fascinating and I'll leave things off.
Nathan:Shortly Gilliams heavily, heavily is directing this film
Nathan:is the most directed movie.
Nathan:I think there is out there.
Nathan:I, I don't think I've seen this many Dutch angles, low angles, high
Nathan:angles, wide angles in a film ever.
Nathan:He's reaching into his toolbox, pulling out every trick in the book
Nathan:to keep the audience off balance.
Nathan:There's almost Jeff
Bee:Bridges momentarily breaks the fourth wall in the beginning, like half a second.
Nathan:There's almost no shots in this entire film that adhere to conventional
Nathan:framing or, and I really love that.
Nathan:But I suppose if you're not into the style, this can
Nathan:wear very thin after a while.
Nathan:And just finally, you know, my only knock in this film, it's not really a knock.
Nathan:I love the story.
Nathan:I love the, A plot regarding Jack's redemption.
Nathan:The movie, I think, is trying to make a commentary on mental illness
Nathan:trauma, and especially homelessness.
Nathan:And I think it's very inventive how it's dealing with these topics, but it's
Nathan:also very superficial and scattershot, especially the homelessness topic, which
Nathan:is coming up several times in this film.
Nathan:We can talk to, yeah, we can talk about that more in our discussion,
Nathan:but overall, An excellent film.
Nathan:This is probably in my top 10 of all time.
Nathan:I think it's Terry Gilliam's best movie.
Nathan:Yeah, this is, this is a 5 for me.
Nathan:5 out of 5.
Nathan:I love
Bee:I love that.
Bee:Yeah, I like this movie a lot.
Bee:I think this movie is really great and I like Terry Gilliam a lot.
Bee:I think this is probably his most grounded work.
Bee:I think it's really accessible but it doesn't lose that sense
Bee:of absurdity and magical realism that makes him really special.
Bee:When I watched this movie because I saw it years and years ago and I sort of
Bee:haven't seen it since I was reminded of like, you know, it's Arthurian
Bee:but it's also like Don Quixote.
Bee:That's such a big part of this movie.
Bee:And when you're looking at the ethos of it and the mythos of it and the way Gilliam
Bee:is talking about New York, this sort of like New York as a character in the film
Bee:Felt to me very like and I don't know that it quite hits the same level for me as
Bee:what it's referencing But it felt a little able for our meets Charlie Kaufman, right?
Bee:Like it felt like that sort of We're just outside of reality in this New York.
Bee:That's maybe a little romanticized may be filled with characters Everybody's
Nathan:a cartoon character in this movie
Bee:For better and worse.
Bee:And I'll, I'll get to that.
Bee:So I think the first third of this movie is perfect for me.
Bee:It's incredible.
Bee:I think it hits the brakes really hard when it gets into the romance.
Bee:Robin Williams romance.
Bee:The everything relating to the dual sides of grief and how it's approached from
Bee:this Mythic epic sort of quest approach.
Bee:I think that's so smart and so well done.
Bee:And that's such a great character study from two stellar performers
Bee:at the top of their game.
Bee:And like you said, it's a stack has, did anybody catch the Oh,
Bee:what's Dan Futterman was one of the punks beating up Robin Williams.
Bee:He'll later go on to play a son in the birdcage.
Bee:That was a fun little cameo.
Nathan:caught that.
Bee:caught that.
Bee:It's just stacked from head to toe.
Bee:This cast, Michael Jeter, he's amazing in this and Amanda Plummer, who I love.
Bee:I just don't like her role.
Bee:You know, we talk about Mercedes rule.
Bee:That's a great character.
Bee:This B plot of the Robin Williams romance for me is where it really just slams
Bee:on the brakes and it's so hard for me because it takes this very serious,
Bee:Coping mechanism.
Bee:That Robin Williams is going through and the psychosis and the side effects
Bee:of his grief, and it turns it into this like manic pixie, romantic thing, this
Bee:quirky thing, and oh, there's just, there's a lid for every pot, there's
Bee:someone out there to match his energy, and it'll be totally fine, but, I'm
Bee:sorry, watching this movie again, I'm not.
Bee:When he was just stalking her, I was like, in another movie, this woman dies.
Bee:Like, in another movie, this is a really scary situation, right?
Bee:And Gilliam, who's like, not known for being super sensitive to this stuff.
Bee:Like, from 50 yards away, you know this movie's written by a man.
Bee:And that's not a problem, but I just didn't think the romance sold me on it.
Bee:I didn't think it had anything.
Bee:I think it takes away Robin Williams ability to have a real Arc at the
Bee:end of this movie outside of a heroic act because they've just given
Bee:him someone that matches the level he's at in the middle of his grief.
Bee:And I kind of hated that for him and I hated that for Amanda Plummer.
Bee:But I don't want to end on a sour note because I think the end of
Bee:this movie is also really strong.
Bee:I think Jeff Bridges coming around and and sort of seeing the point of it and
Bee:gaining this new empathy for his friends and I just I think it's really strong
Bee:and I like how they wrap up the film.
Bee:Fairytale aspect.
Bee:Again, that's that a plot of the movie.
Bee:The Jeff Bridges, Robin Williams plot.
Bee:I think that is like masterclass.
Bee:Love it.
Bee:Could watch it all day.
Bee:So it's a four for me.
Bee:I really like it.
Bee:It's just that 11 bit.
David:Sorry, David.
David:So so I agree.
David:With, with, with a couple, with a couple things.
David:And so I'm trying to, I'm trying to think of where, where do I start here?
David:So definitely this is definitely in, in, in a career with a bunch of great, you
David:know, with a bunch of great performances bridges, you know, absolutely.
David:It's like, he goes, because, you know, it's a thing of like, you see him, you
David:know, you see him at the beginning and it's one of the things, you know, his,
David:his arc is like, you know, it's, it's, you know, it's, it's just like he starts
David:out, he starts out as this, you know, this, you know, You know, you know, self
David:centered, you know, jackass narcissist, you know that is really, I mean, it's
David:modeled on Howard Stern, you know, I mean, it's like, it's, it's, it's Howard,
David:it's smarmy, you know, the smarmy jerk off who, you know you know, who'd like,
David:who just, you know, You know, just opens his mouth and things spill out
Bee:way hotter than Howard Stern, though we got credit.
David:Way hotter than way hotter than than Howard Stern.
David:And then, but then you think is, I think about is that, you know, is that then
David:there's the consequences were literally.
David:Like from the first opening scene where he's on the microphone and he's doing
David:his thing and he's in his limousine and he's, you know, he's bored with
David:his life and he hates the way his face looks or, and he's talking to his
David:agent about, you know, doing a, doing a sitcom and he's going to be a big
David:TV star now to like, boom, tragedy.
David:And, you know, he looks in the camera and he's like, Oh fuck.
David:He knows what it means.
David:I mean, you know, like he knows, he knows, you know, I mean,
David:being, being a creature of media.
David:He inherently understands, you know, the life cycle is going to eat him
David:frickin alive, like hyenas, and they do, and then that's when it tracks to
David:three years later, which, by the way, and I just, the thing is, in re watching
David:it, I feel a little silly that I never noticed it before, because I've seen
David:the film probably a dozen times, but it was only in re watching it that there at
David:the video store, And the meta thing is, is that, is it that on one of the walls
David:in the office, there is a film poster.
David:I had one of these, I didn't have the same one, but there's a, there's a
David:film poster for Terry Gilliam's Brazil.
Nathan:I noticed
David:Oh my God.
David:You know, Oh my fuck.
David:You know, and it's another great
David:There it is, which is another great film.
David:And in college, I had a, I had a Brazil movie poster up in
David:my dorm room, so I loved it.
David:I'm thinking, you know, the, the other thing is, I think, you know, thinking
David:in terms of you know, cinematography and scenes, you know, one of the
David:things, one of the, one of like, you know, you asked me about moments in
David:films that are absolutely cinematic.
David:The Walt scene at grand central station where everybody just stops.
David:And the music and then they all start dancing.
David:I'm like, who does this?
Bee:And Tom Waits is in that scene.
Bee:Tom Waits,
David:Tom Waits.
David:You cast Tom Waits in this, you know, it's, it's brilliant.
David:You know, it is this, this brilliant, beautiful tale.
David:And, and also it works on a lot of these different levels.
David:Cause you know, if you peel back the layers, the whole, if you go back into
David:I don't want to give people a Joseph Campbell, you know, history lesson,
David:but you know, the thing with the Fisher King and Parsifal, you know, because
David:there's a whole thing about the Fisher King being, you know, he's dying of
David:this wound and he has this grief and then the, the, you know, and then this
David:errant night, you know which is what, you know, is You know, the Robin Williams
David:character Perry refers to, you know, Jeff Bridges when he's, you know, when
David:he's rescuing him just in the moment.
David:And, and right.
David:And and he's, he's rescuing him, you know, refers to him as that.
David:And then, you know, segue into the whole thing about, you know, you're
David:saying like New York is a character.
David:It's like, okay.
David:So the, all, all the homeless guys come up to confront the attackers.
David:And what do they do?
David:They start singing, you know, I love New York in June, you know, as a,
David:as this weird chorus of homeless people, but it, it, you know, it,
David:it, and he winds up beating up the attackers and fends them off.
Bee:Have you guys seen Tampopo?
David:Oh yeah.
David:Love it.
David:Felt a
Bee:little bit like that scene in Tampopo but to your point about the
Bee:myth, did you notice where where the archers strike one of the hooligans is
Bee:right in line with the myth.
David:Right in line with
Nathan:the myth.
Nathan:David, before, before we get too far, I'd like to get your, what is
Nathan:your rating for this out of five?
David:Oh, I give it, I give it a five out of five.
David:And, and, and I would say just because, you know, I, and
David:also like to, to, to the point about Amanda, Amanda Plummer.
David:And that storyline, it's one of these, like, you know, I feel like, you know,
David:when I first saw the film, you know, I thought, well, this feels like,
David:this feels like an add on, but then in rewatching it, I was like, okay, you
David:know, and, and they're, they're, they're doing kind of this obvious thing of,
David:you know, Bridges character has got to, you know, repair or make up for the
David:wound that he's caused, you know, Robin Williams character Perry, but, you know,
David:that just feels a little, that felt a little, you know, You know, kind of
David:ham handed, you know, that part of it.
David:But what I found very interesting was, was the Mercedes rule.
David:Amanda Plummer back and forth, that, that
Bee:is great.
David:That, that, that between the women right there, that, that to me rang true.
David:I was like,
Bee:Her at home nail salon, the at home nail
David:salon and doing, you know, I was like
Bee:I just like, I just like
Nathan:how that, that whole scene is set up where, you know, there
Nathan:were Jeff Bridges is trying to get Amanda Plummer to enter their world.
Nathan:And, and, and Lydia finds out that she does nails and immediately and
Nathan:like knows that this is somebody that I can, you know, charge full price
Nathan:for and Jeffridge is like, well, we can give you a deal as, as a member.
Nathan:He's like, Nope, Nope.
Nathan:Like 40 bucks or whatever it is.
Nathan:And that's what I love about the Anne character.
Nathan:She's street smart.
Nathan:She knows people.
Nathan:She knows how to qualify people.
Nathan:And, and, and.
Nathan:And she's not somebody who's going to be taken advantage of.
Nathan:Right, right.
Nathan:And I think it's such a unique character in cinema.
Nathan:She sets the
Bee:standard in her relationship with Jeff.
Bee:And she makes Jeff come around, you know?
Bee:It's really, she's awesome.
David:awesome and she's a, you get this, she's a real person.
David:You know, she's not like, this is not like, because like a film character
David:was going to do like, A funny thing or a tragic thing, but like, no, she's
David:doing like the real, like, no, no, look, this is how it's going to go.
Nathan:Well, and also because her character is somebody who
Nathan:is a person of the people.
Nathan:She probably grew up in New York, you know, in our, in Austin, she owns, A
Nathan:video store, which is really a perfect metaphor for the type of person she is.
Nathan:She's supposed to cater to people's individual personalities, their needs.
Nathan:So, and, and this, and, and due to the amount of adult movies in stocks,
Nathan:people's fetishes also, you know, so she, she, she knows, she knows people's
Nathan:and she's a good at reading people.
Nathan:So I love that.
Nathan:Cause I bet
Bee:you she meets a lot of people who try to cross boundaries.
Bee:And she's just, she's not taking any shit.
David:Who remembers the title of the film that Jeff Bridges
David:gives to I think it's Cathy Jimmy.
Nathan:Because I mean, if anybody, anybody who's been listening to our podcast a long time,
Nathan:you know, it is, it is the bumper for our recommendation shelf, although I cut it
Nathan:off before that, but it's, we're going to play in a little bit if we get to our, our
Nathan:movie pairings, but yes, I, I, I do love, I do love that, that that sound bite.
Bee:Can we talk about the Absolutely gorgeous way that the
Bee:sort of Red Knight was filmed.
Bee:We talk about beautiful cinematography in this movie.
Bee:I mean, so
Bee:It's so real.
Bee:I just
Nathan:love the design too.
Nathan:It's not just the waist.
Nathan:Look, they, they, they spared no expense in design of this.
David:I mean, I feel like a young Peter Jackson is watch, was watching that
David:and was like, one day, one day, I'm going to get my shot at that.
David:You know, I'm going to get a chance at, you know, you'll see, you
David:know, and he did, you know, so.
Bee:I mean, it really is just beautiful.
Bee:Again, I think the Jeff Bridges, Robin Williams stuff
Bee:is the, the juice of the movie.
Bee:Michael Jeter though, the gypsy.
Nathan:Michael Jeter.
Nathan:Hey, hey, wait for this.
Movie Clip:I had a dream!
Movie Clip:A dream for guess who?
Movie Clip:Lydia!
Movie Clip:It wasn't for her!
Movie Clip:Lydia!
Movie Clip:It's only for you!
Movie Clip:Yes, Lydia!
Movie Clip:lost our talent.
Movie Clip:Some people can get their kicks Watching couple and late night flicks That's
Movie Clip:okay for some people who don't own VCRs,
Movie Clip:but Lydia, you've won her in pride.
Movie Clip:Just think of it, all the movies you watch are free now.
Movie Clip:Dramas, questions, comedies, wow!
Movie Clip:VideoSpot has the best selection.
Movie Clip:If you like porno, we're your connection.
Movie Clip:Everything's coming up video, but this time for free!
Movie Clip:For you, Lydia, for free!
Movie Clip:Yeah, I had
Movie Clip:to capture all of that.
Movie Clip:So,
Movie Clip:Michael Jeter has a Memphis connection.
David:He, he actually majored in theater at the University of Memphis and he
David:did a lot of stage theater work here.
David:I met some older stage actor friends that worked with him before he
David:moved, before he moved out, out to LA and started his film career.
David:So it's kind of, it's kind of weird, but it's one of these, like, when I learned
David:that, I was like, what the, you know, he's older, you know, he's older than me.
David:So I didn't, I was, I wasn't really aware of this, that, you
David:know, it's actually happening, but it's very strange, but very cool.
Bee:was amazing.
Bee:I, one of our greatest character actors, it's sad to think we lost
Bee:him and what he could have done.
Bee:But I, I love the bit in this movie and the costume design where
Bee:he still has the tag on part of it.
Bee:Like that's so great.
Nathan:It's great.
Nathan:And he's just going for it.
Nathan:I mean, it's, it's even better that he's still at that, that gigantic mustache.
Nathan:And I don't know, it's this, he's obviously delivering
Nathan:this vaudevillian get up.
Nathan:I don't know who he's channeling.
Nathan:I'm like,
Bee:I mean,
Nathan:it's Gypsy
Bee:Rose, you know, He's his own Patti LuPone up there.
Nathan:Merman, maybe?
Nathan:I don't, yeah, it's
Bee:a little more Merman than LuPone.
Nathan:like, I love the, you know, we're jumping all over the plot here,
Nathan:but one of the, my favorite scenes with Jeter and Jeff Bridges is when they're
Nathan:in the hospital and Jeff Bridges is like holding him and he's like cradling him.
Nathan:And this is a very intimate moment.
Nathan:And I forget what he says, what do you want?
Nathan:And he says, I want to be, it was, I want to be like, what?
Nathan:Catherine Hepburn in like sunlight or sunshine or something like that.
Nathan:It's such a beautiful, funny moment in the film.
Nathan:And it's riddled with these, with these great character moments from Cheater.
Bee:Sorry to, you were trying diligently to take us through the plot
Bee:and then when you decided to.
Bee:You were.
Nathan:off the rails completely.
Nathan:That's, that's perfectly fine.
Nathan:This movie is just so much fun.
Bee:It's, it's great, but it does follow that sort of like hero's journey, you
Bee:know, and he's got that conflict in the middle where he's like, you know
Bee:what, I did what I could and he sort of falls back into his old ways and
Bee:there's that tragic interaction that he has with Cheetor again, which is really.
Bee:Really hard to watch, I thought.
David:Yeah, yes.
Bee:Yeah, the security guard's kind of pulling him off and he
Bee:pretends he doesn't know him.
Bee:Like that is
Bee:Oh, the, you know when you feel secondhand shame
Bee:when you're watching a movie?
Bee:Like that secondhand embarrassment, secondhand, I was like, Oh God, I
Bee:just want to crawl under the covers.
Bee:It was hard.
Bee:I think, I think that speaks to the empathy that Gilliam's gotten you
Bee:to have for Bridges at that point.
Bee:You so much feel for him.
David:He, he, and you feel like with his films that, that Gilliam wants you
David:to, you know, he, he pushes characters like that so that you, you know, that
David:you're, you know, that you, he wants to push people, just nudge them your
David:comfort zone just a little bit, you know, so they, where they get to that point.
David:And, and to speak to Nathan's point earlier we're talking about like
David:homelessness as a, as a theme, which is kind of, you know, which is,
David:which is kind of sad in interviews.
David:Jeff Bridges tells us really, it's like, it's beautiful and it's funny,
David:but it's also a little tragic.
David:He said like at one, at one point when they're shooting the, when they were
David:shooting the film and they were, they were shooting the the red, the, the
David:scenes in the park and then, you know, the red night, he said, so there's a
David:point where, where they're, they're, they're actually, you know, he and
David:Robin, you know, can take a break.
David:So they go find a, they go find a spot and they're there.
David:They moved to a spot in the park where they're.
David:Kind of under near a bridge or an overhang and they go sit down.
David:And then he says like a couple of things happened.
David:He said this, this guy came up who was dressed exactly like Robin
David:Williams character, and he was a local homeless person in New York
David:that everybody knew called radio man.
David:And so this
David:guy had like all throughout Manhattan, people knew they knew
David:he was Bentley's all over the city, certain neighborhoods, radio man.
David:But he looked just like.
David:It's as though, you know, they had drawn inspiration from this person.
David:But then the other thing that happened to them other than seeing Radio Man was they
David:got, they got, they just got they got shit on by like a flock of pigeons in costume.
David:They're in costume, they're in character, but they were on break and
David:they go over there to sit down and then boom, they just get covered in shit.
David:In, in pigeon shit.
David:And he looks at Robin and Robin looks at him and they just start laughing about it
David:because what the hell are you gonna do?
David:And then I'm trying to remember the other film then, then Bridges said
David:that there was a, there was a film that he did That came out on the,
David:on the, on the day that he got the news that Robin Williams had passed.
David:And he was in New York to promote the film and he said that he got
David:out of a car and they were going to go into the theater and they were
David:going to do interviews out front.
David:And then he saw this guy a block away and he said, you know, for a split
David:second, he said, I could have sworn because I, for a split second, it
David:And he thought it was Robin Williams.
David:And he thought for, for in the second, he was like, it's Robin.
David:He's playing a joke on me.
David:But it was, it was the radio man, homeless guy, but they had, they'd
David:actually, they, the guy, because he had visited the set and they'd
David:been very, very friendly with him.
David:He ran up to Jeff Bridges and they hugged and they shared a moment.
David:he said, it was like, it was really beautiful, but it was also really sad.
David:You know, and he, cause it was like, you know, cause he told this guy,
David:he said like, Hey, he, you know, it was kind of, Hey, did you hear about Rami?
David:He's like, yeah, man, that's why I came, you know, and then they kind of
David:hugged and he's like, I'm really sorry.
David:You know, like that.
David:So you know, it was just, it was, it was beautiful, but it was, and the film,
David:this, this, the thing about the thing about that film is that, you know, it,
David:it's, it's mythic and it operates on all these different, you know, Levels
David:and layers and I remember it came out.
David:I was, I think it was, I was a, I was a freshman in college and my college
David:roommate had gone through like a really horrible breakup and he kept watching this
David:film over and over again and you know, I would come home, he'd be watching the
David:film, you know, I would leave, he'd be watching the film and finally there was
David:like, There was a, there was a time when I was between classes or work or something.
David:I'm like, he was watching.
David:So once you watch it, I'm like, why are you always watching this?
David:He was like, well, watch it and you'll see.
David:And because I'd seen it in the theater and thought it was really good.
David:But to be honest, at that time, you know, when I was young, I wasn't really,
David:I mean, I'm watching it, you know, like you would consume something, but I
David:wasn't really paying attention, but then I watched it with him was like, okay,
David:I know why you're watching this film.
David:I get why you're watching this film.
David:I get it, you know, and I think that for a lot of people.
David:You know, that are processing some form of grief, it operates on that level for them.
David:I mean, much more than just the, much more than just the story.
David:Mm hmm.
David:So, you know, anyway, didn't mean to get esoteric on you guys.
David:It's brought us down.
David:Well, speaking of esoteric,
Bee:this movie, I totally agree, David.
Bee:But this movie, it, And Terry Gilliam, anyone who's watched more
Bee:of his movies than just this and Holy Grail, will know that he's a
Bee:surrealist, absurdist kind of guy.
Bee:He's head in the clouds, he's thinking up there, but this
Bee:movie really wants you to know.
Bee:That it's operating on a mythical level like this movie spells it out
Bee:in a few ways and I wanted to get your take on do you think this movie
Bee:fits in all of the myth that it tried like do you actually think it's a good
Bee:representation of the Pinocchio story of Don Quixote of the Fisher King like
Bee:there's so many allegories that this movie is making reference to and I'm
Bee:wondering if maybe you You know, do you think it's an accurate telling of all
Bee:of those different sort of fairy tales?
David:So, so, yes, if it's, if you, if you think of it, if you
David:filter it through if you filter it through the consciousness of dreams.
David:Because I'll tell you, you know, in, in, in thinking about this film, like
David:when Nathan messaged me about it, it was like, You know, I, I was, I was thinking,
David:Parsifal, Parsifal, the Fisher King, Parsifal, the Fisher
David:King started thinking about it.
David:So I, you know, I kind of, you know, went back, I looked up some
David:things and I was like, Holy shit.
David:You know, he really, you know, he's really, he really is,
David:he's, he really did take great pains to channel all this stuff.
David:And then if you look at, if you, yeah.
David:And if you look at, if you look at one of my favorite films and every
David:few years I revisited Time Bandits.
David:You know, I love time
Bee:bandits and even
David:Baron Munchausen, you know, so it's, it's like he's, you know, he's,
David:he's, you know, he's playing with, you know, all of these things, storytelling,
David:storytelling, but he's also filtering it through, you know consciousness,
David:subconsciousness, dreams, magical realism, you know all that stuff.
David:And it's, it's wonderful.
David:I mean, it's wonderful.
David:I mean, it's like, because I would say that, you know, I mean, cause
David:like the sequence of the waltzes in, in the, you know, in grand central,
David:I'm like, you know, I mean, people have, you know, that's like a dream.
David:That's like something out of, out of a dream.
David:You know, it's beautiful.
Nathan:been thinking about the, the, the, the story of the fish, the
Nathan:Fisher King, the Arthurian legend.
Nathan:I started thinking about this as, you know, I think the obvious way of
Nathan:looking at this is you could, it's a metaphor for the story that's obviously
Nathan:happening with Jack Lucas and Perry.
Nathan:You know Jack is the king and Perry is the fool.
Nathan:I think that's the easy way of looking at this, but I never really looked at
Nathan:it until this past viewing that Perry.
Nathan:Perry is the king in his mind, right?
Nathan:And I never clicked with me until the one who
Bee:can't get
Nathan:the grail, can't get the grill.
Nathan:And he is looking at Jack as the fool who is going to get it for him.
Nathan:And I don't know why this just kept going over my head for so long.
Nathan:I mean, obviously I'm alone, but I
Bee:think that this is.
Bee:So my, my thinking is that yes, this story does fit into all of the
Bee:allegories that it's, it's, it's showing you different prisms with
Bee:which to watch the movie through.
Bee:And it's using different fairy tales or myths or whatever you want to say
Bee:to tell you different ways that you can watch this movie and interpret it.
Bee:But what you're saying, which is how I read the movie, you know Perry sees
Bee:himself as the king who can't get the grail and he needs the work of
Bee:the fool, which also lends itself to a somewhat problematic view of the
Bee:mental health crisis in this movie.
Bee:But I think this is the parallel with the Pinocchio.
Bee:Because they go back and forth between who is the puppet, and who
Bee:is Geppetto, and who is the real boy, and who is, who is who they're
Bee:supposed to be this whole time, who needs to undergo this transformation.
Bee:It's really well done.
Bee:I think it's, I think their storyline is so beautiful.
David:And you think about the beginning of, oh sorry, but think about the
David:beginning of the film and it's, it's, you know, Jeff Bridges, his character,
David:you know Jack Lucas is, what is he doing?
David:Like, well, essentially he's telling lies for a living.
Nathan:I'm so glad we're going back to the beginning for a second because I feel
Nathan:like we glossed so much over Jack's setup.
Nathan:For, for this, because I just, I, cause I wanted to make a note here.
Nathan:I love how we are introduced to him.
Nathan:We mentioned how we see him, but he's in a studio that is gray, colorless,
Nathan:clinical in the shadows on the wall, look like, make it look like a jail cell.
Nathan:I never really picked up on that before, but I am watching this in detail
Nathan:this time around for the first time.
Nathan:And he's living in this isolated world and he's hermetically
Nathan:sealed off from the world.
Nathan:He's the voice.
Nathan:of the people, but he is her medically sealed off from the people.
Nathan:And I love that.
Nathan:And, and I've seen this movie as you have David probably a dozen
Nathan:times, but I've never put this much thought into until this viewing and
Nathan:he's wearing these wonderful, like beautiful, like Versace clothing.
Nathan:He's living, he's, he's in the castle, you know?
Nathan:And first of all, I don't know how a DJ who I don't think, even though
Nathan:where he's obviously modeled after Howard Stern, I don't think he's,
Nathan:Actually at Howard Stern level success.
Nathan:I didn't get that feeling.
Nathan:I don't know, but he's living the high life and I don't think
Nathan:DJs really make that much.
Nathan:Cause I didn't think, I didn't get the sense that he was like, I don't think
Nathan:he's syndicated nationally because he's taking calls from local New York people.
David:So I
Nathan:always got this sense that he was kind of like somebody who was syndicated.
Nathan:Still on the rise.
David:. Nathan: So I don't know why he's had such a swanky New York apartment,
David:but Yeah.
David:I know.
David:I, right.
Bee:I mean, there's a lot of have and have nots.
Bee:Yeah, I know.
David:But it made, it made me think of the, so like remember he's in,
David:he's in the limousine with his.
David:Lawyer, agent, David High Pierce.
Bee:Oh, who's, I was so glad to see him.
David:Yeah, and then, and then, but there's a, there's a, there's a
David:homeless guy knocking on the window.
David:He's like, I'm not opening that window.
David:know, he's like, I'm not opening the window.
David:So it's like, you know, he's like, yeah, a couple of quarters isn't
David:going to do this guy any good.
David:You know?
David:So it's even this idea that he was like, Again, her medically sealed
David:away from, you know, humanity
Nathan:and, and we're seeing a little bit more of him.
Nathan:We see his girlfriend and this very, this wonderful passive aggressive
Nathan:conversation that they're having.
Nathan:And and I think there's a very important moment also where he is practicing lines
Nathan:for a TV show that he is going to be on.
Nathan:And he keeps repeating, forgive me, forgive me.
Nathan:And here's a man who's begging for forgiveness.
Nathan:You know to his crime,
David:You know,
Nathan:so it's, but it's inauthentic.
Nathan:And, but he seems to be like, he's asking his atonement.
Nathan:Redemption is going to come later in the movie.
Nathan:I think this is just really fascinating way of setting up this character.
Nathan:So I just want to draw attention.
Nathan:The first 10 minutes, this movie are One of the best setups of a character ever.
David:Do you remember, do you remember what he was doing when
David:he was practicing the lines?
Nathan:He was in the tub, putting the mask on.
David:There you go.
David:Look, he looked just
Nathan:like the Joker.
Bee:that felt like Shakespearean, right?
David:It did.
David:It really did.
David:It was one of those, like, You know, again, when I was, when I was younger,
David:the first, I was like, okay, big deal.
David:He's in a shower putting on a mud mask, but it's like, now you watch it.
David:I'm like, holy shit.
David:It's really smart.
Nathan:And I just, one other thing that I just really, really loved about
Nathan:the beginning of this movie after he's has that this three years later, and
Nathan:he has that argument with Ann and he storms out, there's a shot where he
Nathan:goes down the street, it looks terrible.
Nathan:Just like Batman 89.
Nathan:Same cinematographer, by the way.
Nathan:Roger Pratt shot.
Nathan:Tim Burton's Batman looks just like Batman.
Nathan:Doesn't it?
Nathan:I don't know if he noticed the shot in the rain where Dutch
Nathan:angle, the car almost hits him.
Nathan:That's right.
Nathan:That's right.
Nathan:He gets the Pinocchio doll, but there's a really, really great moment where he's
Nathan:sitting underneath the George Sherman statue with Pinocchio, and I love the
Nathan:dialogue here, and he's quoting Nietzsche, and he says the, he says it's been a
Nathan:dialogue, there's two kinds of people in the world, people who are destined for
Nathan:greatness, like Walt Disney and Hitler,
Nathan:and then there's the rest of us, called the bungled and the botched.
Nathan:There's some,
Bee:some great levity.
Bee:I also love, and this is fast forwarding, but I love it.
Bee:The angle, thank God, nobody in the city looks up like that's so funny.
David:It is, it is, it is pretty, it is pretty funny.
David:Oh, and you just jogged a minute.
David:So I
Nathan:have to say, you know, If I ever come in the show and this podcast
Nathan:stinking drunk and start quoting Nietzsche, please please someone send
Nathan:someone to my house for a wellness check.
Nathan:Yeah, for sure.
David:For sure.
David:So this is just a quick or something you're asking me
David:about last film that I watched.
David:So before I, before I watched John wick three, we, we actually,
David:we, we my girlfriend and I were watching to catch a thief.
David:And which, which is Cary Grant, Alfred Hitchcock, which I've seen a lot,
Bee:700 times, a
David:lot, but, but the thing that I did, I did notice, and this was like
David:your Walt Disney references that is that, so the motor launch where he is being
David:picked up by the French girl and they're, they're riding to the you know, or
David:she's taking him to like the beach club.
David:There's a pause and you can actually see the name written on the side
David:of the boat and it says, Maquis mouse, like the French Maquis.
David:So it was like, it was kind of, I felt like it was like, that's, you know,
David:that's, that's Hitchcock's little side jab to, you know, I mean, maybe not to
David:Disney as a studio, but you know, but it was like a little, you know, cat and
David:mouse reference thing, you know, cause they, they kept playing the theme, you
David:know, and I'd never noticed that before.
David:I told my girlfriend, I was like, we win, we win the lottery.
David:So, you know, we win, we win one of those, like we win mega millions.
David:I'm buying a yacht and I'm going to call it Mach E Mouse.
David:You know.
David:So, all the, all the, all the, the, the viewers and listeners of Back to Freemate
David:are going to know that, yeah, when they see Mach E Mouse pull up at Cannes or
David:Portofino, they're That's, that's gonna be, that's gonna be me, and us, and us.
David:I will invite my podcast buddies.
Bee:You guys will get
Bee:Rock and roll.
David:We'll, we'll roll up in con like ballers, man.
David:Hell yeah.
David:Hell yeah.
David:Hell yeah.
David:Like, what is that?
David:Oh, it must be the Disney yacht.
David:Fool, because it says Mucky Mouse.
David:Bad joke, bad
Nathan:Anything else or should we take a break and get to our wrap up soon?
Nathan:There's just a couple
Bee:moments I want to talk about and I'll be super quick.
Bee:But there's some introductions that I think are great.
Bee:I think how Jeff Bridges finds out the relationship Perry's
Bee:character is incredible.
Bee:The introduction of Perry but also just, you know, The introduction of
Bee:where Perry's living, I think, is really powerful, and I think it's
Bee:so well done because Partly because the way Jeff Bridges just looks in
Bee:this movie, he blends wherever he is.
Bee:He can look like greasy street rat.
Bee:He can look like Howard Stern shock jock.
Bee:He's fitting in anywhere.
Bee:He's a sub.
Bee:He's able to sublimate really well.
Bee:And then just your heart sinks when you learn the relationship.
Bee:And then the flashbacks with Robin Williams later.
Bee:So graphic and so shocking.
Bee:Oh yeah.
Bee:So I thought that was wild.
Bee:And then we didn't really talk about Amanda Plummer and there was
Bee:some very sweet scenes with her.
Bee:I mean, I don't want to sound totally down on it, but seen in
Bee:the Chinese restaurants, really.
David:Oh, the dumpling scene.
Nathan:I was reading that.
Nathan:Was done on a rain day, a rain night where they couldn't film outside.
Nathan:And they had like one, they only had a few hours to do that whole thing.
Nathan:And there's no cutaways.
Nathan:If you notice, except for one tighter shot of bridges and Mercedes rule
Nathan:where they got a one little insert, but there's no coverage of that scene.
Nathan:And that was just done because they just didn't have the time or the resources
Nathan:to do anything more creative with it.
Nathan:But what they did, I thought was great.
Nathan:The way they edited that I love that scene.
Nathan:And it's comedic gold, I think.
Nathan:Oh my God.
Bee:going ham on those noodles.
Bee:I was like, get it, girl.
Bee:I see you.
Bee:The broccoli hockey.
Bee:That's, it was so sweet.
Bee:And I loved, I loved how it brought the Bridges and Mercedes
Bee:rule character together.
Bee:Afterwards as well.
Bee:Because there's nothing more emblematic of really solidifying your
Bee:relationship than leaving the party and talking shit about the other people.
Bee:That is, that's how you know that you're really with someone for life.
Nathan:So Bea, you didn't really find You thought the, the, the scene
Nathan:outside of Lydia's doorstep was creepy or a little much or no, I
Bee:thought, well, yes, but I thought really everything that led up to it where
Bee:they're like watching her through a window with dumplings and he knows what time,
Bee:what time she's going to be everywhere.
Bee:Like the, That was really the stalking as love
Bee:and especially we're dealing with someone with mental illness We're dealing
Bee:with someone who's lost their wife.
Bee:I was like, there is it?
Bee:There is an Abel Ferrara movie here where her character gets violently injured.
Bee:I'm not kidding I was like, I
Nathan:get it and I I agree but for some reason the way that Robin
Nathan:Williams delivers that and Amanda Plummer's reaction, I mean, in real
Nathan:life, she may have slapped him and ran away or called the cops, but I
Nathan:just love that she says nothing and she's just tearing up listening to it.
Nathan:I found it very heartwarming, but I love his confession of love here.
Movie Clip:know that you come out from work at noon every day and you
Movie Clip:fight your way out that door and then you get pushed back in and three
Movie Clip:seconds later you come back out again.
Movie Clip:And I, I walk with you to lunch, and I know if it's a good day if you stop and
Movie Clip:get that romance novel at that bookstall.
Movie Clip:I know what you order, and I know on Wednesdays you go to that dim sum
Movie Clip:parlor, and I know that you get a jawbreaker before you go back into work.
Movie Clip:And I know you hate your job, and you don't have many friends, and
Movie Clip:I know sometimes you feel a little uncoordinated, and you don't feel
Movie Clip:as wonderful as everybody else, and feeling as alone and separate as
Movie Clip:you feel you are, and I love you.
Movie Clip:I love you.
Movie Clip:And I think you're the greatest thing since Spice Racks.
Movie Clip:And I've been knocked out several times.
Movie Clip:If I could just have that first kiss.
Movie Clip:And I won't, I won't be distant.
Movie Clip:I'll come back in the morning and I'll call you if you'll let me.
Bee:Yeah, I yeah, and I don't want to sound like a movie has
Bee:to be super realistic about these concepts or people have to be totally
Bee:pure for it to be a good movie.
Bee:They have to be well behaved moral compasses all the time.
Bee:I'm not interested in that.
Bee:I don't think that necessarily makes a good movie.
Bee:I just couldn't help but think watching this movie.
Bee:I was like, Oh, it just made me a little bit uncomfortable.
Bee:Like where is this going to go?
Bee:And then I think having her Transcribed match his energy and play
Bee:off some of the mental illness as
Bee:Just that was what made it feel a little more icky for me.
Bee:Cause I think it just robbed him of the opportunity for more of an arc
Bee:for healing for himself with a plot.
Bee:But I think, I mean, she does an amazing job.
Bee:She's amazing.
Bee:I want to watch her in everything that she's in.
Bee:She crushes the role.
Bee:I mean, it's a lot of it was fun.
Nathan:on the other doorstep of Anne's apartment, Jack and, and Anne, they, they
Nathan:have a really touching moment as well, where she's, Jack is getting closer to
Nathan:his redemption, at least in his mind and saying how much, how proud she is of him.
Nathan:And I really love that.
Nathan:And it was really funny.
Nathan:This is really nothing to do with anything, but the, this is
Nathan:actually done in, I think in in post where he, he does the line
Nathan:steamed dumplings and Mooshu pork.
Nathan:What's really funny is for years and years during my, during my
Nathan:Really my marriage with Laurie, I love to scream out steam dumplings.
Nathan:And I get the, just the weirdest looks it's like, why do I do it?
Nathan:Cause I never explained why
Nathan:I get a look of horror.
Nathan:Oh, so funny because I just have to say, I have to say
Nathan:. Bee: There are, there are a couple of moments with the Amanda Plummer
Nathan:character who Lydia that I think are so redemptive of her two.
Nathan:One is when she's in that video store and she's like, she's just there on bus.
Nathan:She's all business.
Nathan:You know, she's all business.
Nathan:She's weird.
Nathan:But she's all business.
Nathan:. And I was like, I respect that.
Nathan:And then, and then at, I think at the end where she, she sticks around for
Nathan:him through all that, she was like, I thought that was really sweet.
Nathan:When she's fighting with her, she's like, I told you his watermelon sheets
Nathan:need to be, I was like, all right,
Bee:brass tacks, you know?
David:Brass tacks.
Nathan:All right.
Nathan:Well take a quick break.
Nathan:All right.
Nathan:Thanks for dialing into our transmission.
Nathan:If you agree or disagree with With their opinions.
Nathan:We want to hear from you.
Nathan:Email us on at back to the frame rate at gmail.
Nathan:You can also find us on our socials at Facebook, Instagram, Tik TOK threads,
Nathan:YouTube, probably some more places too.
Nathan:I can't think of, but we would love it.
Nathan:If you could just take a moment and leave a solid rating and review
Nathan:on Apple podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you catch our show, you
Nathan:can pause the episode right now.
Nathan:We will still be here and you can leave that rating review.
Nathan:Also, you can share our episodes.
Nathan:So if you love what you're hearing, just let others in your life know how much
Nathan:you love movies and love our podcast.
Nathan:We thank you all in advance.
Movie Clip:You know, you are a beautiful woman.
Movie Clip:You've got your own business.
Movie Clip:I am surprised some guy doesn't just snatch you up all for his own.
Movie Clip:Oh, you're surprised.
Movie Clip:Guess I just never met the right guy.
Movie Clip:What are you gonna do?
Movie Clip:No.
Movie Clip:I'm shocked.
Movie Clip:I mean, a child bearing body like yours, whoa.
Movie Clip:I mean, a guy would have to be out of his mind.
Movie Clip:Most guys aren't.
Movie Clip:No.
Movie Clip:You, this incredible woman, going to waste before my very eyes?
Movie Clip:No, this is outrageous!
Movie Clip:I will not hear this again.
Movie Clip:No!
Movie Clip:No, come on!
Movie Clip:Jack, get over here.
Movie Clip:I am your man, then.
Movie Clip:Let's do it.
Movie Clip:Right here.
Movie Clip:Let's go to that place of slender in the grass.
Movie Clip:Behold my magic wand and free your golden orb right now.
Movie Clip:You know what I'm saying?
Movie Clip:Yes.
Movie Clip:What a wonderful way of saying how much you like.
Movie Clip:Come on Perry, close your pants.
Movie Clip:Took you long enough, huh?
Nathan:Let's let's see what time is here.
Nathan:Let's do, do we want to sneak in movie pairings or we want to get to our vault?
Nathan:How are we feeling?
Bee:I'm down for whatever.
David:I'm down for whatever.
Nathan:Let's, let's do our movie pairings recommendation
Nathan:shelf and I have to do this.
Nathan:Yeah, I
Movie Clip:gotta do the bumper.
Movie Clip:Excuse me, can you help me?
Movie Clip:I'm in an absolute loss.
Movie Clip:I've been looking for over an hour and I'm losing my mind.
Movie Clip:What I'm in the mood for is sort of a a Catherine Hepburn
Movie Clip:y, Cary Grant y kind of thing.
Movie Clip:Nothing heavy.
Movie Clip:I couldn't take heavy.
Movie Clip:No, something zany.
Movie Clip:I'm looking for something zany.
Movie Clip:Or something modern would be fine, too.
Movie Clip:Like a Goldie Hawn y, Chevy Chase y kind of thing.
Movie Clip:You know, funny.
Movie Clip:I want to laugh.
Movie Clip:I have to laugh tonight.
Movie Clip:Really.
Movie Clip:Do you have anything with that comedian, he's on that show, it's on the radio?
Movie Clip:You know the guy, he says, Hey, forgive me.
Movie Clip:I get such a kick out of the way he says that.
Movie Clip:He's so goddamn adorable.
Movie Clip:That would be perfect, didn't he make a movie?
Movie Clip:Ordinary peepholes.
Nathan:Give context to our bumper finally this week, you
Bee:snuck in the people's that's a, we don't get the fall.
Bee:here we didn't do Porky's for our summer rewatch.
Bee:Oh man.
Bee:I know.
Bee:Think of what the world lost.
Nathan:were going to do our, our movie pairings this week and
Nathan:I went I have to pull up my, my.
Nathan:I went with the theme.
Nathan:You're going to love this because I know you're tired of this, but I went with
Nathan:a, I stuck with the theme of trauma.
Bee:Oh yeah.
Bee:I told, I told Nathan, I was like, I'm so tired of all the antagonism
Bee:movies right now being trauma.
Nathan:I think, but you picked a good movie.
Nathan:I think this is a very interesting one because in many ways I feel it's kind of
Nathan:a natural companion to the Fisher King also stars Jeff Bridges, whom I've stated
Nathan:before, it's probably one of my top.
Nathan:Three or four favorite actors.
Nathan:The movie is titled fearless.
Nathan:It's from 1993, directed by Peter Weir.
Nathan:A plot of fearless is going to sound kind of eerie in context to our review
Nathan:this week it follows the story of a man played by Bridges who survives a traumatic
Nathan:event, in this case, a plane crash.
Nathan:And he then begins to experience an entire shift in his perceptions of
Nathan:life, believing he's invincible and starts to take some risks in life.
Nathan:We'll say, like the Fisher King, it explores trauma in an interesting way.
Nathan:This is another I have not seen in ages, but I do recall that it's got an amazing
Nathan:performance from Jeff Bridges and Cassidy
Nathan:Perez John Turturro.
Nathan:great in it.
Nathan:So yeah I, I loved this movie.
Nathan:Now, like 30 years ago, but yeah, I think this is a great film
Nathan:to watch with the Fisher King.
Bee:I love this recommendation because I think Peter Weir is sort of like a secret
Bee:great companion to watching any Gilliam stuff because you can go all over his
Bee:filmography and he goes everywhere from absurdist and surrealist, you know, the.
Bee:The cars that eat people.
Bee:That was one that I got into for our Australia series.
Bee:Dead Poets Society.
Bee:That's a little eerie, supernatural, creepy, but also big romantic,
Bee:you know, master commander.
Bee:You have a Truman show Dead Poets Society.
Bee:It's great.
Bee:That's a great call.
Nathan:And I think it's more Peter Weir.
Nathan:I think it's just on video on demand right now.
Nathan:It's not streaming anywhere else, but
Nathan:right, Bea, what do you got?
Bee:I went with New York as a character and magical realism.
Bee:I went with Charlie Kaufman's Synecdoche, New York.
Movie Clip:I'm lonely.
Movie Clip:Anything else?
Movie Clip:I'm hurt.
Movie Clip:Yes, and?
Movie Clip:I think Adele's right when she says I'm not doing anything real.
Movie Clip:What would be real?
Movie Clip:I'm afraid I'm gonna die.
Movie Clip:I don't know what's wrong with me and I want to do something
Movie Clip:important while I'm still here.
Movie Clip:That would be the time to do it, yes.
Movie Clip:I have a book that might help you get
Movie Clip:better.
Movie Clip:Better?
Movie Clip:It's called Getting Better.
Movie Clip:Who wrote it?
Movie Clip:I did.
Movie Clip:All of these.
Movie Clip:Wow.
Movie Clip:I never knew that.
Movie Clip:Yes, wow, wow, indeed.
Movie Clip:That's 45.
Movie Clip:Yeah,
Bee:good choice.
Bee:Great performance from Philip Seymour Hoffman.
Bee:I think Julianne Moore is in this.
Bee:It's been a while since I've seen it, but this is a great representation of
Bee:just the inside of your head sort of spilling out and what that can look
Bee:like and what that sort of does to the people in your life and how you fit
Bee:them into your art and your vision.
Bee:And also maybe slowly lose your mind.
Bee:So it's not a fun watch.
Bee:It is a great watch.
Bee:I think people should watch more of this.
Bee:If you, if you like Kaufman, if you see here, that newer movie came
Bee:out a couple of years ago, too.
Bee:I can't remember what it was called on Netflix.
Bee:But anyway, he's got another one with a great filmography and this is on
Bee:criterion or you can rent it on VOD.
Bee:I haven't seen it yet.
Bee:I think you'd like it.
Bee:I got it.
David:You should see this.
David:I mean, cause like, if you, you know, if you like Philip Seymour
David:Hoffman, and I really hope you do, you need to see this film.
David:And this is like another epic
Bee:scale for, it's big.
Bee:Like New York is big.
Bee:It's big.
David:Great film.
David:Great film.
David:Are we to me?
Nathan:Or the other person on this podcast.
David:the other person on the podcast.
David:So, okay.
David:This is terrible, but.
David:But like, like your question about, about favorite films.
David:So I actually I have an art house triple bill and then there's a little
David:footnote that I wanted to add that.
David:But so I'll go back to the film that, you know, that I was talking about
David:earlier, sweet smell of success, thinking thematic to the whole thing
David:about New York being a character.
David:Because New York, I mean, like the whole thing, both like.
David:The physicality of New York, I mean, the actual street scenes of New York,
David:but then also like the rough and tumble of, you know, the, the, you know,
David:the really hard business of media in New York, Sweet Smell of Success.
David:Which, I, I, I was, I looked this up while we were talking I was actually, I was
David:right about the director, it's a gentleman by the name of Alexander McKittrick
David:McKendrick, I'm sorry, I'm probably mispronouncing that who wrote he, he also
David:co wrote the screenplay with Ernest Lehman and Clifford Odets, a little by the by,
David:you know, for us film nerds, Clifford Odets if you like the movie Barton Fink,
David:that is, yeah,
David:yeah, there's a, there's a, there's a direct tie in with Clifford
David:Odets, you know so Sweet Smell of Success you know, you know, overblown
David:media mogul who, you know, has a, a, a very corrosive effect on his personal
David:relationship with, with his sister.
David:And actually, if you, if you look up the history of this film, Susan
David:Harrison the young woman that, that played, that played the sister
David:of Burt Lancaster's character J.
David:Hunsecker has a somewhat really, you know, in her personal life had, had
David:a similar mirroring tragic story.
David:About in her own life and somewhat and actually I believe after the film was
David:made even she became a big success She virtually disappeared from the film
David:industry after this was made so the other film that I would recommend thinking
David:thematic to shock jocks is talk radio from 1988 Directed by Oliver Stone, which
David:was actually written by Eric Boghossian and Oliver Stone You and it's, it's,
David:it's based on there's a, there's a book called talk to death, the life and
David:murder of Allen Berg by Steven singular.
David:So this is about a guy once again, who, you know, he's got this, he's got this
David:radio show that is, people are calling in and it's somewhat controversial and you
David:know, he's, he's, you know, he's left of center, but he's making fun of everybody.
David:But he's particularly really pissing off people that are like.
David:on the right wing.
David:And I don't want to give too much away, but it doesn't end well for him.
David:But it's, but nevertheless, it is, it is a great film.
David:It was, it didn't do well at the box office when it came out, but it's, this
David:is one of those films that, you know, you see this film and it's, you know, it's a,
David:it's a, it's a, it's an important film.
David:And both of, in both of these films, Sweet Smell of Success, And talk radio
David:much, much like Fisher King, there's a statement, you know, there's a statement
David:in there about the power of media and the influence of, you know, of people
David:that are celebrities, you know, on the lives of people that are in their
David:audience, but on the lives of people that are in their personal lives.
David:So that's it for me.
David:Although I did want to say, like, we are doing this because of the whole
David:Fisher King reboot, right, Nathan?
David:Oh, yeah.
David:I thought, I thought that's the whole purpose of this.
David:'cause you know, I thought there was like a . No, no, but no, but I, I
David:figured, you know, you got the inside scoop that there was, there's a reboot.
David:Reboot it, it, it's involves a, you know, it involves a testosterone impaired Josh
Nathan:Gad and, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
David:Testone testosterone impaired very successful podcaster.
David:Who pisses off a lot of people.
David:Yeah, it's based off of a guy that Nathan and I are intimately aware of.
David:We worked on a show with him.
David:I can't say the name for contractual purposes.
David:I would just say that it rhymes with beer actor.
David:So, if you understand that, But the subplot is that, is that he offends
David:some billionaire and their, their, you know, their woke child and that
David:it, it gets, I don't want to get into it, which, you know, but yeah, anyway.
Bee:Testosterone impaired sounds like a kind way to say balding.
David:It, one could, one could be, you know, I would, yes, one could say that.
David:One, one could say that.
David:Just sounds like a
Bee:new synonym.
Bee:Could, sure.
Nathan:These are all very good picks everyone.
Nathan:Oh, and I did make a note that I saw that sweet smell of success.
Nathan:It's streaming everywhere.
Nathan:Hoopla, Criterion channel, Canopy, Pluto, you can catch it everywhere.
Nathan:And Talk Radio, you can rent on VOD.
Nathan:Good picks.
Nathan:I'm happy that you have two picks because without Sam this week,
Nathan:we can now fill our Letterboxd recommendations with all four movies.
Nathan:Alright, look for, hey, if you, we don't mention enough on
Nathan:when I do my housekeeping, but we have a Letterboxd channel.
Nathan:Go check out Letterboxd, yeah.
Nathan:Everything that we watch.
Nathan:And our, and our reviews on them or their links to it.
Nathan:Let's let's get to the last point of why we're here is if we are going to
Nathan:save a pudge, the Fisher can so much suspense, so much suspense if we're
Nathan:going to keep this movie or not.
Nathan:Yeah, yeah, we're gonna keep this.
Nathan:I am.
Nathan:I personally, this, this, like I said, this is a five star movie for me.
Nathan:I think there's so many layers to this, so much depth to this film.
Nathan:I can watch this another five times and find more things to mine in this movie.
Nathan:I think there's, yeah, I can't say enough that I love about this film.
Nathan:So yes, I've said my piece.
Nathan:Keep it, keep it, save it, B.
Bee:I think there are stories that overtly use storytelling as a device.
Bee:Maybe a little bit better, but for the performances alone.
Bee:I think you got to keep this one in here I think it's it's a yes for me.
David:I I I I would concur with this Supreme Court of cinema I have to you
David:know, I will I will not be like simply.
David:Well, thank you.
David:So I, I agree.
David:I agree.
David:And, and what B said is, you know, absolutely, you know, tracks, you
David:know, to my own, my own, you know, and, and again, you know, it's all
David:this thing, I think it speaks to the fact that, you know, that, you know,
David:we were talking about this earlier.
David:I mean, yeah, the relationship with the relationship with, with Jeff
David:Bridges and Robin Williams character.
David:But you know, Amanda Plummer, Mercedes rule, I mean, Mercedes
David:rule won an Academy Award for this.
David:and, and actually part of me really feels like, you know, Amanda
David:Plummer probably should have been, you know, I don't, and I feel silly.
David:I don't know this.
David:She should, if she wasn't nominated, she should have been for supporting
David:because it's a small role, but you know, but it was, she did a
Bee:lot with it.
David:She did a lot with it.
David:I mean, she really, you know, like you, I mean, like you mentioned this
David:film and then I mentioned to an older friend, he was like, Oh, the girl in
David:the, in the Chinese with the dumplings.
David:I'm like, yeah, the girl with the Chinese.
Nathan:Let's lock this away in the annals of film history for all mankind.
Bee:That was
Nathan:We have made it so.
Nathan:There you have it.
Nathan:We're going to wrap it up.
Nathan:David, any last words, anything you want to plug things going on with you,
Nathan:any, anything coming out that you're involved in you, this is your chance.
David:So, so nothing immediate, but I will say that, that a, a, a nonprofit that
David:I helped start inventors, movers, makers, IMM, which is an art exhibit.
David:Telling the story of the untold story of African American inventors and
David:technologists at the turn of the century.
David:We're developing an AV component and that is to say an anthological series
David:that's, that we want to, what we want to do is, is, you know, produce, you
David:know produce for streaming, you know you know, like little mini docs, you
David:know, probably, you know, 30, 40 minutes in length that tell these stories.
David:of these African American inventors.
David:At turn of the century, I have recently come into contact with a couple of
David:really well respected African American filmmakers that have, you know, that
David:have signed on to sign on when we have, you know, contracts pending.
David:I don't want to be mysterious about it, but you know, until things are,
David:you know, really, you know, really solid, I don't want to mention names,
David:but they're, they're, they're really, there's some well known folks,
David:certainly better known than myself.
David:I'm working on that.
David:And then there's the creative projects that Nathan knows about.
David:Which are still, you know, like in, I don't know, do people say in the hopper?
David:I don't know.
David:That's an old, you know, whatever, you know, in the, yeah,
Bee:like we didn't know about it.
Bee:That's exciting.
David:on the, the, the, the paranormal show idea and then
David:the show about Memphis in 1968.
David:So there's that.
Bee:That's a lot.
Bee:You're busy.
Nathan:Well, David, thank you so much for joining us again on the show.
Nathan:Always a pleasure.
Nathan:Would you come back again sometime?
David:You know that I would.
David:Past and future guests.
David:Right, right.
David:You know, I absolutely, I absolutely would.
David:It's like, it's, you know B, this is like him.
David:It's like, you want to come over to the house, you know we're
David:going to grill some hamburgers.
David:I'm like, I'm going to say no.
David:I'm going to say no.
David:No, I'm going to say yes.
David:And then I'm going to say like, okay, you know, I'll pick up the cream soda.
David:Cause I know you like cream soda, you know.
David:Or you still like cream soda, right?
David:You haven't gone that woke on me, have you?
David:You know, I'm kidding.
David:I don't know.
David:All right.
David:Well, thank you.
David:I love cream soda.
Nathan:I should, you know, I have a cream soda and root beer collection.
Nathan:Do you remember this, David?
Nathan:I, I, Everywhere I go in the country, if I go to one of those, like mom
Nathan:and pop country stores, general stores, I will find what, where
Nathan:is your root beer or cream soda?
Nathan:And I was like, is it like some local bottler?
Nathan:And I will buy a bottle by two of them,
Nathan:one that
Nathan:I'll drink.
Nathan:And Usually I drink both of them, but like I'll save the
Nathan:bottle and add to my collection.
Nathan:I have about 270 bottles, only cream, soda and root beer, nothing else.
David:I do recall that from our time in la I do, they used
Nathan:to be on display.
Nathan:They're no longer in display anymore because I'm not allowed
Nathan:to have them on this spot.
Bee:You need to go to bed now.
Bee:We gotta go.
Bee:This podcast is done for the night.
Nathan:It's been real.
Nathan:It's been great.
Nathan:It's been really great.
Nathan:I will show you my, my root beer bottle collections.
Bee:That's okay.
David:He's, he's going to play us out with the Von Trapp family
David:singers with the whole All
Nathan:right, well, thanks everyone for tuning in this week.
Nathan:Next week, we begin our next retrospective series.
Nathan:Very excited about this.
Nathan:We are, our retrospective series is coming.
Nathan:Back to the framerate and the, and the quest for fortune and glory, we are
Nathan:going to be watching the first four films in the Indiana Jones franchise,
Nathan:not five, because we reviewed the dial destiny last year before B you were
Nathan:part of the team, but that's okay.
Nathan:Can't wait to see B you've never seen any of these movies.
Nathan:So we're going to be getting reaction.
Bee:So here's what I know about Indiana Jones, because I'm going in Very blind.
Bee:I know.
Bee:Dust and
Nathan:hat, right?
Bee:I know there's dust.
Bee:I know he wears a hat.
Bee:I believe there's a whip at some point, potentially treasure.
Bee:It's either a pirate movie or that's all I know.
Bee:But joining us will be someone who loves that.
Bee:this movie?
Bee:I'm so
Nathan:sad that I can't be in the same room while you
Nathan:watch this for the first time.
Nathan:That's the thing.
Nathan:I really could.
David:I wish, I wish that I could too, just for the same thing.
David:So I had two friends that were huge Game of Thrones nerds, okay, and this is a
David:little side story, but they, too huge.
David:And so I watched, I watched Game of Thrones with them and we're watching
David:the episode with The Red Wedding.
David:And if you know the show, you know this.
David:And then what I noticed was odd was like, I'm in my buddy's living room
David:and the two of them aren't watching the screen anymore at a certain
David:point, they start looking at me.
Movie Clip:Yep.
David:And before things happen, before things happen, I'm like,
David:why are they looking at me?
David:And then I'll just say this in the red wedding, the shit goes down.
David:And I lost my mind.
David:I mean, I literally jumped off the sofa and was like, what the fuck was
Movie Clip:that?
David:You know, and then they're both like laughing and
David:rolling around and giggling.
David:I'm like, you guys are assholes.
David:You guys, you knew this was coming.
David:You knew this was coming.
David:You didn't tell me.
David:And they're like, well.
David:You know, we're not going to spoil it for you.
Nathan:That's how I would be if I was watching these movies with you, B.
Nathan:I'd be just staring at you.
Bee:really excited.
Bee:Can you put a little
Nathan:camera in your living room so that I can just watch you?
Nathan:So here's what I think.
Nathan:I think I'm going to
Bee:like take a little Google notes screen grab and just go like
Bee:10 things I'm pretty sure I know to be true about Indiana Jones.
Bee:Like there's treasure.
Bee:There's every treasure or something at some point.
Bee:I think there's like gold.
Bee:That's something I'm pretty, and is there a small boy that feels right?
Nathan:I don't have to censor that.
Bee:No, I think there's like a companion.
Bee:No, there,
David:yeah, I mean,
Bee:companions, companions,
David:Small boys and whips.
David:Small boys and whips.
Bee:It's like a Goonies situation.
Bee:I might be thinking of the Goonies for some of this.
Bee:Are there ghosts?
David:I think Well
Bee:I don't know.
Bee:See, this is I don't know.
Bee:These are just things I'm pretty sure So for your dinner
David:in a movie thing, for the first one I'll say this.
David:Like, pick a good Pick a good White French wine, and it, do you like dates?
Nathan:pairings with our wines.
Nathan:Yeah, you know,
David:a little, yeah, a good, a good, a good white, a good
David:white wine that you enjoy.
David:And, and do you like, you know, like dates or dried apricots?
David:You know, you want to have, have, have a few of those.
David:Just, just, you know, just, just have them on hand.
David:Just have them on hand for that, for that one.
David:All right.
Bee:I'll need sustenance.
Bee:You need sustenance.
David:And then, and then for the, for the second one, maybe you want
David:Chinese food and champagne, you know, just, just saying, just saying.
David:Or Indian food.
David:Maybe Indian.
David:I would say Indian.
Nathan:Some curry.
David:There you go.
David:There you go.
David:Better choice.
David:Better choice.
David:I mean really
Bee:anything goes
David:Nathan huh.
David:Yeah, I don't
Bee:know and this is not me I'm not making this up.
Bee:Like I really just have managed to be spoiler free Almost 33 years.
David:That's that's good That's good.
Bee:We'll see.
Bee:I'll send over my expectations.
Nathan:Okay, well let's wrap this up.
Nathan:This, that is the show this week.
Nathan:Back to the Spring Break is part of the Weston Media Podcast Network.
Nathan:We wish to thank Brian Ellsworth for our show opening.
Nathan:On behalf of all of us, we bid you farewell from the fall shelter.
Nathan:Your presence in our underground sanctuary is truly appreciated.
Nathan:We are truly sorry.
Nathan:Can that join us, but we want to express our gratitude for your company.
Nathan:If you're finding solace in our discussions, we kindly ask that
Nathan:you please subscribe and leave a rating review on Apple podcasts,
Nathan:Spotify, or whichever portal connects you to a broadcast you bastards,
Nathan:then you can find more episodes Of this podcast and also on our
Nathan:website, back to the framerate.
Nathan:com and Facebook and Instagram, YouTube, all of our socials our
Nathan:handle is back to the framerate.
Nathan:Your support is the beacon of light that brightens our confined space
Nathan:until we emerge from the fallout.
Nathan:Stay with us, keep hope alive and keep those reviews coming.
Nathan:This is the end of our transmission back to the framerate signing off.
Nathan:I want you to know it's over.