One Crazy Summer (1986): The 80s Summer Cult Classic You Never Knew You Needed
It's 1986, Hoops McCann has just graduated Generic New York High School (yes, that's the name of his school). He's missed out on his chance for a basketball scholarship and he's facing an entire summer of sketching whammies in his notepad and life damaging boredom. But what he doesn't know yet is that he's about to have 'ONE CRAZY SUMMER'!!!! We wrap up our 80s summer comedy retrospective with this overlooked early John Cusack picture.
Time Stamps
03:43 Plot Synopsis and Trailer
07:58 Movie Facts
19:25 Bee's review
21:53 Nathan's review
53:21 Movie Pairings
1:00:00 Vault Decision: Save or PURGE!!!
01:02:17 Weekly Highlight
- Bee caught up on Prometheus & Alien: Convenant in anticipation of new Alien movie
- Nathan saw Alien: Romulus and watched Speed 2: Cruise Control and The Last Samurai
01:15:27 Wrap-Up
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In the dying embers of human existence, as the asteroid, a
Opening:behemoth the size of Texas, hurtles relentlessly toward Earth, the
Opening:world braces for an apocalyptic end.
Opening:Deep beneath the bunk, refuge plunges into the bowels of the Earth.
Opening:Here the chosen gather, their purpose clear, to preserve the
Opening:very soul of our civilization.
Opening:The 35 and 70 millimeter prints that encapsulate the magic, the emotion,
Opening:and the dreams of generations past.
Opening:These prints.
Opening:These masterpieces, each frame a testament to the human spirit, are
Opening:carefully cataloged and cradled in the cavernous confines of the bunker.
Opening:Perhaps there was room for more.
Opening:For friends and family yearning for salvation, but sacrifices must be made.
Opening:The movie nerds stand united, the keepers of a flame, promising a future where the
Opening:art of storytelling endures, transcending the boundaries of time and space.
Opening:God help us all.
Nathan:Welcome to back to the framerate, part of the Westin media podcast network.
Nathan:Join us as we watch and discuss films on VOD and streaming platforms, deliberating
Nathan:on whether each one is worthy of salvation or destined for destruction
Nathan:in the face of the impending asteroid apocalypse, you can find more episodes
Nathan:of this podcast on back to the framerate.
Nathan:com where you can subscribe and share our show and find us on our
Nathan:socials at back to the framerate.
Nathan:I am Nathan sure in accompanying me.
Nathan:Is my cinema companion, my movie mate.
Nathan:My screen sidekick, my celluloid connoisseur, my flick friend.
Nathan:Oh, that, that one could get me canceled.
Nathan:Brianna Butterworth.
Bee:I'm good.
Bee:How are you?
Nathan:I'm okay.
Nathan:As you can hear my, I think my voice is going, I don't know why,
Nathan:but you know, everyone's just gonna have to bear with it tonight.
Bee:I think you sound great.
Nathan:Thank you.
Nathan:Thank you.
Nathan:I, I, I can't explain why it is.
Nathan:I've, I've been.
Nathan:Living in solitude the past week, I got back from vacation a week
Nathan:ago and the depression has sat in.
Nathan:So I've been just sitting around watching movies, not talking to anybody.
Nathan:It's, it's a wonderful life.
Bee:There are worse ways to spend the summer.
Nathan:I did this last August.
Nathan:I think I just got into my, my hermit.
Nathan:And I just, I, I think I watched like 35 movies last August.
Nathan:I'm not on the same pace, but this is what I think I do in August.
Nathan:Like the summer's over.
Nathan:I'm just going to like close the shades and just wait for winter.
Bee:See, that's me in October.
Bee:I just get gunk home for the Halloween movies.
Nathan:Well, this week we we watched one crazy summer and you know, I think
Nathan:we'll get into this in a moment, but neither one of us has seen this before.
Nathan:I believe, right?
Bee:I hadn't even heard of this and you showed me a poster and I
Bee:thought, surely this is a fake movie.
Bee:This is a movie that like SNL put on.
Nathan:I've seen this poster many times over the years.
Nathan:I thought I'd never seen this and halfway through this movie,
Nathan:realized that I saw this at some point in my life and I forgot everything.
Nathan:I blocked it out.
Nathan:There were moments of this that were familiar.
Nathan:I, you know, it's probably one of those scenarios where it was
Nathan:on HBO or cable growing up and I.
Nathan:Probably caught little pieces of it here and there.
Nathan:I probably never saw this movie from start to finish,
Nathan:yeah, so, but this is the first time seeing the whole thing from
Nathan:beginning to end and we're going to get into it, but I have a plot synopsis to
Nathan:share with everyone here and fascinated
Bee:to see how this zany movie gets summed up.
Nathan:I know.
Nathan:Well here, this is just off of.
Nathan:I'm DB or wiki.
Nathan:I can't remember, but nothing special here after graduating from high school,
Nathan:art school, hopeful hoops McCann.
Nathan:What a great name played by John Cusack struggles to complete his
Nathan:application to the Rhode Islands.
Nathan:School of design resigning himself to a summer of boredom.
Nathan:McCann agrees to go along with his best friend, George Calamari to on a
Nathan:family trip to Nantucket, Massachusetts, but after mechanic calamari me rocker
Nathan:in distress, Cassandra played by Demi Moore, it suddenly looks like
Nathan:it's going to be one crazy summer.
Nathan:And I will play the trailer that is floating around online.
Nathan:Now what's really funny is I could not find what would seem like a,
Nathan:a, a normal trailer for this movie.
Nathan:Have you, have you seen this yet?
Bee:Are they just sort of like fan edits?
Nathan:Well, the trailer that seems to be the official trailer for this
Nathan:movie is one that is hosted by one Bobcat Goldweight, which is, It was a
Nathan:pleasant surprise, but this, here it is, it just needs to be listened to.
Trailer:movie started!
Trailer:The movie started!
Trailer:Not really, I just love them to come running in from the lobby
Trailer:thinking that they missed something.
Trailer:I'm Ed Stork, movie star, also known as Bobcat Goldthwait, and me and my
Trailer:friends John Cusack and I hate boats.
Trailer:I'm not getting on any boat.
Trailer:I beg to differ.
Trailer:Just have one crazy summer.
Trailer:Your dad said you were a collected shell.
Trailer:57 millimeter!
Trailer:We did all the normal things people do.
Trailer:Hey, little brother, will you hold onto this for me?
Trailer:Mad friends!
Trailer:Oh, no.
Trailer:Saw the sights.
Trailer:Please, you're an armistice.
Trailer:Anything but chilly.
Trailer:Killed our own family.
Trailer:Dazzled women.
Trailer:Are you ready for me?
Trailer:My car.
Nathan:Before we get into this where, where do you stand on Bob Gold, wait, because
Nathan:he, he's a big part of this movie.
Nathan:And if I'm a digest,
Bee:I'm a fan.
Bee:I like Bobcat.
Bee:And so you had shown me the poster in a PF Chang's of this movie.
Bee:And you were like, we've got to do this movie on the, not panic
Bee:not panic expresses, PF Chang's.
Bee:And you showed me this poster on your phone and I took one look at it.
Bee:Why not?
Bee:We're doing Ernest goes to camp.
Bee:I'll do whatever else.
Bee:So it's kind of
Nathan:how you make all your decisions in life, right?
Bee:Yeah, exactly.
Bee:So I thought, you know, whatever.
Bee:And I really didn't look into this movie, so I didn't realize that he was in it.
Bee:And Bobcat like surprised me in this movie.
Bee:And it was really, I thought kind of a fun surprise.
Nathan:So I, I'm familiar with this work going back to the police Academy movies.
Nathan:And that's where a lot of people know him from.
Nathan:I didn't know he was in this movie either.
Nathan:And also pleasantly surprised.
Nathan:I thought if you're not on his wavelength, this movie is a living hell for you.
Nathan:But if you're, if you're on board, it is delightful, you know?
Nathan:And I think that if it works for you.
Nathan:It's great.
Nathan:And it worked for me and we'll get into that more, but, but yeah, anyways,
Bee:I was very, you know, spoilers.
Bee:I was very on this movie's wavelength.
Nathan:So we don't have Sam tonight to deliver movie facts.
Nathan:I have a few here.
Nathan:I will.
Nathan:I will deliver.
Nathan:So this is from director Savage Steve Holland, who a year before I
Nathan:think broke out with another comedy with John Cusack, Better Off Dead.
Nathan:So I have a confession to make.
Nathan:I haven't seen Better Off Dead either.
Nathan:So I,
Nathan:I'm kind of like coming, I feel like I should have watched
Nathan:this, that movie as well.
Nathan:Cause I, Everything I read that this is kind of a two hander better off
Nathan:dead and one crazy summer I was reading other reviews and you cannot read a
Nathan:review of one crazy summer without it referencing Better off dead as well.
Nathan:So I kind of and there's a lot of the same cast That is in both of these movies
Nathan:as well He also did a movie called how I got in the college in 89 in legally
Nathan:blondes in 2009 He didn't do much else but what savage steve holland Is
Nathan:well known for, he has a career in TV.
Nathan:He is an animator as well.
Nathan:He did all the animation for the game show, Press Your Luck, the whammies.
Nathan:I don't know if this is before your time, if you remember that.
Nathan:I love
Bee:that game.
Nathan:Press Your Luck is one of my favorite game shows in
Nathan:the heyday of game shows in the eighties and all the, you know, no
Nathan:whammies, no whammies, no whammies.
Nathan:I love that.
Nathan:So we used
Bee:to have Game Show Network.
Bee:That was like the ultimate.
Bee:Sick day kind of a thing, but he did some Lizzie McGuire too.
Bee:I mean, he's floating around.
Nathan:was his career right before this was the presser lock whammies.
Nathan:I buy it.
Nathan:So there's a lot of animation in this and he did, he did all the
Nathan:hand drawn animation for this movie.
Nathan:He's also the screenwriter for this as well.
Bee:I thought this movie kind of read like a Christopher Moore novel.
Bee:Like, it was just so kind of zany, like just so surprising
Bee:in the turns it would take.
Nathan:I don't know who that is, but sure.
Bee:You'd like them.
Nathan:I just want to, the main cast, we've got John Cusack is a
Nathan:Hoops McCann Demi Moore, who is coming off of a few other films.
Nathan:What was the one where Rob Lowe I think was right before this?
Nathan:I'm blanking on it completely.
Bee:That's on St.
Bee:Elmo's Fire.
Bee:What was it?
Nathan:No, there was was it about last night?
Nathan:I'm trying to remember.
Nathan:Anyways, Curtis Armstrong, ACAC Raymond.
Nathan:Now, he also is coming off another franchise That people know him from booger
Nathan:from the revenge of the nerds movies.
Nathan:So you got two, two character actors who are coming together for this movie here.
Nathan:Now, funny thing is I ran into Curtis Armstrong when I was living in LA
Nathan:about 22 years ago, he was heading into one of the fitness centers there.
Nathan:And I was coming out and we passed, we passed cross paths.
Nathan:So I like, I looked at him, like, I didn't scream out booger.
Nathan:That would have been kind of rude.
Nathan:And he looked at me when we were, we were crossing paths and I, you cannot
Nathan:mistake him, but you know, he was in a risky business for revenge of the nerds
Nathan:movies and also in better off dead.
Nathan:Of course, Bobcat Goldway, the police Academy movies, he had
Nathan:quite a career playing this role.
Nathan:The interesting, the interesting thing about Bob Goldway is this, he is a, at
Nathan:the time he was a standup comic and this character that he's putting on of this
Bee:police Academy,
Nathan:the character that it's, it's of somebody who's like dealing
Nathan:with like a, this Tourette's mentally damaged, deranged person.
Nathan:You know, is a persona that he created.
Nathan:It's not his real person.
Nathan:It's not, it's
Bee:not what he
Nathan:sounds like.
Nathan:And he's actually a very, very talented filmmaker and director.
Nathan:And he has a couple of movies out that I think are very good.
Nathan:World's greatest dad.
Nathan:Came out, I think in 2009, one of the best, he got a great performance out
Nathan:of Robin Williams shortly before he died and God bless America is a very
Nathan:disturbed movie, but I liked it a lot from a couple of years after that.
Nathan:So he's, you know, he's definitely one of the better filmmakers in the industry.
Nathan:So it's, it's interesting that he kind of was able to
Nathan:transform his career into that.
Nathan:And he does a lot of directing and TV as well.
Nathan:But Yeah, it's so weird because Bob Goldway, he is, he's putting
Nathan:on this persona and then he has to play a role called Egg Stork as this
Nathan:character that he's playing as well.
Nathan:So there's kind of multiple layers on this.
Nathan:Although you could argue that Egg Stork is really just the same persona over again.
Bee:It's pretty close.
Nathan:So you got Joel Murray as George Calamari.
Nathan:You've got Tom Villard as Clay Stork.
Nathan:You've got Jeremy Piven in his very first film role, who looks
Nathan:exactly the same as he does now.
Nathan:Like he made a deal with the devil.
Nathan:Obviously, because he's 21 here, he's, I think, 59 now.
Nathan:He does not look any different.
Nathan:He's got more hair now than he does back then.
Nathan:A little suspicious, but a couple of other people.
Nathan:I just want to point out John Matusak.
Nathan:I don't know if you know who that is.
Nathan:He was, he was a an incredible football player back in the day.
Nathan:He plays stain.
Nathan:Who is the punk guy with like the green hair.
Bee:I love that.
Bee:The bit when there's dead fish on his Liberty spikes.
Bee:That is so funny that I was like comedy gold.
Nathan:And one other person I want to point out here, Bruce
Nathan:Wagner, who plays uncle Frank, this, this guy was a well known.
Nathan:American novelist.
Nathan:He was, he's a screenwriter to the movie maps of the stars, which
Nathan:was directed by David Cronenberg, which I movie that I really love.
Nathan:He's not a novelist of force majeure, wild palms, dead, dead stars.
Nathan:He's got this really cynical view of Hollywood and celebrity culture.
Nathan:Really, really great writer.
Nathan:So I.
Nathan:You know, anybody that wants to check out his work, but he plays uncle
Nathan:Frank in this movie, which is just odd casting, but you know, it's interesting.
Nathan:And finally, Matt Mulhern plays Teddy Beckerstead.
Nathan:It's just one other piece of casting.
Nathan:I just noticed.
Nathan:So anyways, that's, that's, that's what I have for that.
Nathan:The budget for this movie was 9 million box office was 13 million.
Nathan:So this really was not.
Nathan:You know a hit of any significance.
Nathan:It was came out on August 8th of 1986 and it debuted at
Nathan:number four in the box office.
Nathan:Now I like to do this little game, you know where I list the top 10 at the time.
Nathan:Cause it gives us kind of some context of what was going on at the box office.
Nathan:Do you want to have any guests of what was number one at the box office on.
Nathan:August 8th of 1986.
Nathan:this is probably more Sam's thing, but no,
Bee:I'm just wondering like, what, what even came out in 86?
Bee:I don't know.
Bee:What was 10?
Nathan:I'll go from 10 to one.
Nathan:Number 10 was heartburn, which was in his third week of release made 2.
Nathan:5 million.
Nathan:It's not a movie.
Nathan:Number nine was a fine mess, which also debuted.
Nathan:With 2.
Nathan:6 million number eight was Howard the duck in its second week of release with 2.
Nathan:7 million number seven was nothing in common in its
Nathan:second week of release with 2.
Nathan:7 million.
Nathan:That was actually a decent movie with Tom Hanks and Jackie Gleason.
Bee:I've never heard of it.
Bee:When did crocodile Dundee come out?
Bee:Is that
Nathan:That was before, that was 80.
Nathan:I think that was, yeah, that was 86, but it wasn't, didn't it?
Nathan:I think that was earlier in the year
Bee:earlier in the year.
Nathan:Number six, good comedy, ruthless people in a seventh week of release was 3.
Nathan:1 million.
Nathan:That's Danny DeVito.
Nathan:Number five in its 13th week of release made 3.
Nathan:4 million was top gun.
Bee:All right.
Bee:Give me a hint for the top four.
Nathan:All right.
Nathan:Top four.
Nathan:Well, this was tough.
Bee:I'd know it.
Nathan:You do know these four movies, but you might not guess these.
Nathan:The one crazy summer was number four.
Nathan:For number three was the sixth movie in this franchise.
Nathan:Friday the 13th part six, Jason lives in its second week and release 3.
Nathan:5 million.
Nathan:All right.
Nathan:The second movie is number two was the second movie in its franchise.
Nathan:And it's eighth week in release.
Nathan:The first movie came out in the, in 1984, the first movie.
Nathan:And there is a series on Netflix, which is a spinoff of this movie, this franchise.
Bee:Do I know this?
Bee:I don't.
Nathan:I was thinking of.
Nathan:The Karate Kid part two.
Nathan:And it's eighth week of release made 3.
Nathan:7 million.
Nathan:And number one.
Nathan:And it's fourth week of release.
Nathan:There is a movie that just came out in the theater, which is the, I think that
Nathan:eighth movie in this movie's franchise.
Bee:What genre science
Nathan:fiction, horror,
Bee:science fiction, art little shop of horrors,
Nathan:space science fiction, horror
Bee:short circuit.
Nathan:Oh my God.
Nathan:Aliens, aliens, fourth week of release.
Nathan:So that is the top 10.
Nathan:Of August 8th, 1986.
Nathan:My voice needs a rest.
Bee:That was brutal.
Nathan:Oh, anyway.
Nathan:So that's kind of the little bit of what was going on.
Nathan:One other thing I wanted to mention before I just said I
Nathan:was going to take a break here.
Nathan:I was so, I was really delighted to notice that I, again, I
Nathan:knew nothing about this movie.
Nathan:This whole movie was filmed entirely in Massachusetts.
Nathan:You can tell, you know Cape Cod, Nantucket, Hyannis, Woods Hole.
Nathan:Like I was so delighted.
Nathan:I know
Bee:our listeners, I'm a South shore, Massachusetts resident.
Bee:So it was just good fun to see all this play out.
Bee:I was on Nantucket just a few weeks ago.
Bee:So it looks like, and you
Nathan:like saw all the, The one crazy summer locations, selfies.
Bee:I did actually work Godzilla costume the whole time.
Bee:It was really hard to miss me.
Bee:Did you notice the cinematographer of this film also did the Muppet movie?
Bee:Isadore Mankoff.
Nathan:The movie he did.
Nathan:No, again, I'm not trying to make Sam feel bad, but he also
Nathan:shot Ewoks, the battle of Endor.
Nathan:Sam, if you're listening, you would appreciate that.
Nathan:Not, not the best star Wars film out there, but yeah, the Muppets,
Nathan:yeah, the Muppet movie he did and better off dead as well.
Nathan:Not much else.
Nathan:I was also looking at the composer, Corey Lerios, lots of TV credits.
Nathan:He did.
Nathan:The, the composer did the theme jingles, theme songs for
Nathan:networks like CBS, TNT and stars.
Nathan:So yeah, that, that's his main brand and butter.
Nathan:That's awesome.
Nathan:Lots of facts I got, so all right, I guess we should get
Nathan:into what we think of this film.
Nathan:Am I going first still?
Bee:Like I said, I was really, I kind of had low expectations.
Bee:This just hasn't been my genre.
Bee:But I thought, you know, I'll, I'll follow the assignment and turn my
Bee:brain off and, and watch the movie.
Bee:And it was so fun.
Bee:And I was like, I was gonna say it's a little more smart than I expected, but
Bee:it was clever in some really fun ways.
Bee:It took interesting turns.
Bee:I think everybody in the ensemble like showed up for this movie.
Bee:I, whatever Savage was doing, I think he, he really got good
Bee:performances out of people.
Bee:He got them to understand the assignment and really go for it.
Bee:As silly as a lot of this movie was, I didn't feel like any of the
Bee:performers were self conscious about it.
Bee:They were just leaning in and that made it, I think, even better.
Bee:The regatta was insanely fun to watch.
Bee:I was, I was having like the time of my life.
Bee:Tom and I were Laughing out loud to a lot of this movie.
Bee:That was a big part of it.
Bee:I love the scene where Godzilla tramples over the, the model
Bee:town with his mouth on fire.
Bee:I mean, there's just a lot of really like memorable standout scenes.
Bee:The naming conventions are.
Bee:A treat.
Bee:I just, I really don't have anything super negative to say about this movie.
Bee:I think, you know, it's just silly.
Bee:It's just like really wholesome, silly fun.
Bee:The romance, they have exactly negative chemistry, like
Bee:negative chemistry, but like, so it's less about like a, a movie for.
Bee:You know, the guy gets a girl and more about the guy trying to impress the
Bee:girl and in that way I think it it sort of saves itself So I could get
Bee:on board with it I was like now the romance is almost kind of secondary
Bee:even though it's kind of like the catalyst for the plot Yeah, all right.
Bee:I just thought it was fun.
Bee:I guess you could make the argument that Some of the ensembles pretty
Bee:superfluous and they get a little samey, but that also just feels
Bee:very indicative of the 80s to me.
Bee:That was a lot of 80s teen movies.
Bee:So I don't I don't take too much on bridge with it.
Bee:It was fun.
Nathan:Mm hmm.
Nathan:All right.
Nathan:If you give it a rating, what do you what do you think?
Bee:Oh, like three and a half.
Bee:Three and a half.
Nathan:Yeah, pretty solid.
Bee:Yeah, I thought it was solid movie.
Bee:Are you going to tear it to shreds?
Nathan:Not completely.
Nathan:I, you know, this this is a silly movie.
Nathan:And I say that with some irreverence because, you know, you, you
Nathan:can't take it overly seriously.
Nathan:I really like John Cusack as an actor, but you know, like I said, I
Nathan:have a confession to make, you know, this, this isn't my favorite air of
Nathan:his, I, I had not seen better off dead, but I saw a short thing and.
Nathan:Some of his other work in this period, I really did not become a fan of his until
Nathan:probably 1989 say anything where I perked up and started vibing with his brand.
Nathan:It's it's later on when I feel his performances reflect
Nathan:that every man appeal.
Nathan:And the subtleties in his characters, you know, that really
Nathan:appealed to me or perhaps he just started getting better material.
Nathan:Anyways, you know, one crazy summer's strength, I still think lies in its
Nathan:setup and payoff style of comedy.
Nathan:There were several set pieces in this film that I really thought were.
Nathan:One of them involves, you know an elaborate setup, but you already mentioned
Nathan:that the setup with the, with act, no, no, who's it's the, it's egg stork, you
Nathan:know, the, the, the Oh my God the Bobcat character stuck in a Godzilla suit.
Nathan:another is where there's a character Calamari who gets
Nathan:stuck under a beach chair.
Nathan:Now, none of this humor is.
Nathan:remotely sophisticated.
Nathan:No, I couldn't help but appreciate how intelligently the seeds for
Nathan:these jokes were planted early on in the scenes and paid off later on.
Nathan:You know, one of my favorite TV shows of all time is Arrested Development, which
Nathan:is probably the alpha and the omega when it comes to planting the seeds in a joke.
Nathan:Early in the show or in the scene and then paid off later on this film.
Nathan:Isn't nearly as smart as the worst episode of that show, but it's trying
Nathan:to work on that level at times.
Nathan:I feel like the plot of this movie, it's absolutely nonsense.
Nathan:Like I can't even, I don't know, but it's so absurd.
Nathan:So ridiculous.
Nathan:There's no point in me sitting here poking holes in it,
Nathan:because clearly the filmmakers.
Nathan:Didn't give a rat's ass about any of it making sense, but because the
Nathan:plot, I'll say it was crew expendable that did leave us with some fun
Nathan:characters still the Stork brothers.
Nathan:you either will find them hilarious or probably find their bit very
Nathan:tiresome after a short period of time.
Nathan:The, the, let's see, we got Clay played by Tom Villard and Bobcat Goldway.
Nathan:Now I said before I, I was.
Nathan:It's really, really impressed with Bob go away.
Nathan:You're either on his wavelength or you're not.
Nathan:It works for me.
Nathan:I think he's got actually some of the funniest dialogue in this movie
Nathan:because he's definitely the, you could look at it and say, he's just
Nathan:this out of control, wacky character.
Nathan:But some of the funniest moments are what I think is probably him improving.
Nathan:A lot of his dialogue, because he's, there's a time where like,
Nathan:he's carrying things around.
Nathan:Is there anything else you want us to carry?
Nathan:Do you have a car or something like that?
Nathan:Which I think is probably him just like riffing, you know, cause he's a
Nathan:stand up comic, which had me bawling because it's really probably just him.
Nathan:Improv ing a lot of, a lot of his lines, which I thought was really, really good.
Nathan:What else?
Nathan:I just, I really just enjoyed the screen time with the storks a lot.
Nathan:Yeah, but none of the others, the script I'd say was really
Nathan:a strength of this movie.
Nathan:And finally, I just want to say one other thing.
Nathan:I loved the villain in this.
Nathan:I think it's Daddy Beckerstead.
Nathan:Hollywood doesn't give us many mustache twirling villains anymore.
Nathan:This guy, this guy rocks.
Nathan:He does.
Nathan:And you know he's bad because he loves to toss live lobsters into
Nathan:a boiling pot of water and listen to them scream with a stethoscope.
Bee:So funny.
Bee:I, I thought he was great.
Bee:And I, I think we got to talk about George Calamari too.
Bee:I mean, like, What a funny, who just like he arrives on Nantucket and just
Bee:like, Oh yeah, I'm in my element now.
Bee:Like, he's just so funny.
Bee:I think you're right.
Bee:The, the payoff for all these bits, but I also think we don't get a lot of
Bee:like, Bit based comedy movies anymore.
Bee:It was really nice to see this loose structure where there was no adherence
Bee:to, like, we have to stay with this one style or we have to, you know, only
Bee:make the buildup bigger for fewer jokes.
Bee:Like you could have a beach bit, you could have a boat, but you could have a
Bee:Godzilla, but you could have a lobster.
Bee:Boy, like it just was fun and absurdist and it just felt like chapters.
Bee:And I really Appreciated just how sort of loose this film was.
Nathan:Yeah, so I had a good time with this.
Nathan:It's fun It's stupid movie, but I found myself laughing you know,
Nathan:enough in this, I, you know, it's, it's a mild, mild of like
Nathan:recommendations of movies from this era.
Nathan:I'm, I debated between like a two and a half and a three.
Nathan:I'm going to give it a three out of five, just because.
Nathan:Because I, I remember I had a good enough time of enjoyable enough time
Nathan:in this movie where it just ekes into that range, but yeah, yeah, it's fine.
Nathan:It's fine.
Nathan:You know, there's better eighties comedies, but this was better
Nathan:than I thought it was going to be.
Nathan:I went into this thinking that I picked, we picked a bad movie.
Nathan:I picked a bad movie on purpose and I, and I was surprised that this
Nathan:actually Some good elements to it.
Nathan:So yeah,
Bee:I would totally rewatch this like I just thought and it would
Bee:it just felt very wholesome You know, this movie is just whole milk.
Nathan:I want to, I actually, I want to get back to these,
Nathan:the, the setup and payoffs.
Nathan:Cause I, I, like I said, I think that's the strength of these movies.
Nathan:That Godzilla fit is for me is the, the crescendo of, of all of this, because
Nathan:Where so many movies would I think take a more lowbrow route to this.
Nathan:I love that
Nathan:I love that.
Nathan:So first of all, egg eggs is a stork, right?
Nathan:He gets stuck in the Godzilla costume,
Nathan:know, and then like several things happen, you know, he tries eating.
Nathan:Cookies and that fails.
Nathan:And that kind of like sets up a little thing else where he can't
Nathan:really get things in his mouth.
Nathan:You know, he's hiding in the bushes and then somebody passes
Nathan:by and cigar goes in his mouth.
Nathan:And then he comes out screaming and he stomps, you know, the, the.
Nathan:Beakerstead, you know, model.
Nathan:So this is just an absolutely amazing sequence.
Nathan:And then of course, it's also, there's a, there's Asian man at the
Nathan:party who finds it funny as well.
Nathan:The level of joke and payoff is, is really operating on, on a high level.
Nathan:And I, and I mentioned Arrested Development.
Nathan:This joke was actually done by Arrested Development in, I think
Nathan:like season three of the show.
Nathan:I don't know if you're a fan of that show.
Nathan:I am.
Nathan:They did the same thing, a very similar thing where somebody got, I think, Tobias
Nathan:or somebody got trapped in a Godzilla suit and George Michael comes out and he's like
Nathan:in a spaceman like Jet Jaguar suit as well and flying through this, the model scene.
Nathan:One of the funniest moments on Arrested Development as well.
Nathan:I just wanted to point that out that this is really operating on a high
Nathan:level of comedy of setup and payoff.
Nathan:You know, this takes place over the course of like five minutes, this whole, this
Nathan:whole thing, just for this payoff of Godzilla stomping through this model, so
Bee:worth it.
Bee:It was like one of the best set pieces in the movie.
Bee:I also think like, just to zoom out a little bit.
Bee:It's kind of a fun a fun movie where it's like a little bit of, you have kind
Bee:of this fish out of water movie too.
Bee:Like the John Cusack character meets Demi Moore, meets Cassandra in a
Bee:bathroom by like saving her from these, Thugs who are after her for money.
Bee:And he, you know, it's totally unintentional.
Bee:And then they have to drive their car.
Bee:They have to jump it off the dock.
Bee:They make the ferry to Nantucket.
Nathan:Let's actually go back to that.
Nathan:Cause how they meet.
Nathan:Cause I do want to go through some of the, the plot points of this.
Nathan:They meet at this, in this bathroom or whatever it was, were you confused at all?
Nathan:The relationship between the Cassandra character and these other people, like
Nathan:she has a younger sister, I guess, squid, is that her name or something like that?
Nathan:I had no idea they squid and her dog jump into the car.
Bee:Well, that was George's George calamari's sister, right?
Nathan:It was.
Bee:I thought so.
Bee:I don't know.
Bee:He was like, I got to pick up my sister.
Bee:Don't say anything about her dog.
Bee:Oh, how funny is it that the kid's faces got stuck like that?
Nathan:you know, I was not, I thought that was stupid, honestly.
Bee:I thought it was so funny.
Nathan:But okay, so wait, I'm time out.
Nathan:Did she pick, was the idea to pick up her younger sister and
Nathan:the dog at the gas station?
Bee:No, I think they just went to the gas station and John Cusack went to
Bee:use the bathroom and she was in there.
Nathan:Her sister just happened to be At the gas station.
Nathan:They all just jumped in the car together.
Bee:No, I think they picked up the sister and then went to the gas station.
Bee:We met them at the gas station,
Nathan:but the dog and.
Nathan:Squid also hopped in the car when Cassandra jumped in the car all at once.
Nathan:Like, and I was so confused.
Nathan:Like, I do not remember Calamari saying, don't say anything about the
Nathan:dog, by the way, I don't really know what the big deal about the dog was.
Nathan:I've had dogs before.
Nathan:Having a cone on a dog is, is not that big a deal.
Nathan:So I, I really don't understand what the deal, why, why that's
Nathan:funny or not funny, or I don't know.
Bee:think we're just meant to believe the dog is ugly.
Nathan:That dog is not that ugly.
Nathan:I mean, I've seen some
Bee:really ugly dogs.
Bee:That dog
Nathan:is perfectly fine.
Bee:The dog's just a shelter dog.
Bee:I think, I think, I think, I think the girl
Nathan:is, is a little creepier than that dog.
Nathan:So and that's where.
Nathan:So anyways, I was so confused how squid and the dog were related to this
Nathan:because they seem to just pick them up at the same time Cassandra did.
Nathan:So I thought maybe they were like all traveling together.
Bee:No idea.
Nathan:I don't know.
Nathan:It's not really explained very well, but you know, I want to back up even before
Nathan:that, cause we, we, we jumped ahead here.
Nathan:I didn't know, first of all, I didn't know there was going to be this animation
Nathan:in the beginning, but what I loved was the very beginning hoops is graduating.
Nathan:His mom washes his cap and gown and it barely fits him.
Nathan:This, this is kind of a silly.
Nathan:I've seen them before, but I actually found this really funny that he's
Nathan:going to graduation with a tiny like 10 year old cap and gown on.
Nathan:And they graduate from generic high school.
Nathan:It touched me.
Nathan:I don't know.
Nathan:I thought I thought that
Bee:was so funny.
Bee:Tom and I actually like I put it I was like, oh my God, generic high school.
Bee:That's good.
Bee:That's genuinely funny.
Bee:And I like the animation too.
Bee:I like that we started as sort of an animated movie and then it pans
Bee:out to be just a drawing and I just thought that was a cool convention.
Nathan:And the, the, the fluffy bunnies then we, we, we take them out with a.
Nathan:Some like a really submachine gun.
Nathan:Yeah, it was, it was, it was well done.
Nathan:Some cool music in here too.
Nathan:We got a twisted sister, be cool in your school and ZZ Top or after that.
Nathan:So yeah, I, I'm a
Bee:little of like rock and roll high school.
Nathan:Oh yeah, totally.
Nathan:And then, yeah, so.
Nathan:Now we're back up to where we were.
Nathan:They, they, they make this ridiculous jump onto the ferry, which complete
Nathan:suspension of disbelief on that, on that there, because you can see they
Nathan:weren't even lined up with a ferry.
Bee:But no, I know what you're saying.
Bee:Like it was just, It tells you right away how dumb this movie is going to be.
Bee:It's just like this buckle up.
Bee:It's about to get stupid.
Nathan:And then I love when we actually get to Nantucket, it becomes
Nathan:like, let's introduce the smorgasbord of 80 stereotypes,
Nathan:had me really rolling.
Nathan:That's where we meet.
Nathan:egg and clay stork.
Nathan:We get to meet the blonde yuppie Teddy and his, his hot girlfriend who tempts
Nathan:him with a box of animal crackers, which really laughed at and then Jeremy
Nathan:Piven, who just is in this movie.
Bee:In this movie, I was really giggling at all the like, Nantucket fashion.
Bee:All this, like, you know, Ralph Lauren kind of Nautica
Bee:gear that they were wearing.
Bee:I was like, Oh man, that is so fun.
Bee:That's just so fun.
Nathan:We, we meet ACAC who is at the Nantucket.
Nathan:Air force space, which is not a thing,
Bee:not a thing.
Bee:But did you catch the joke in his name?
Bee:Act is AC is the acronym for
Nathan:pretty good can naming
Bee:conventions were on point in this movie.
Bee:There was one
Nathan:joke in there that did kind of piss me off a little bit.
Nathan:I saw, you know, there were some funny jokes in this movie, but
Nathan:sometimes the I wish gave its audience a little more credit because.
Nathan:There was a, it's ACAC's father, I think that says that he's like collecting shells
Nathan:on the beach or is that what it was?
Nathan:I'm like, it would have been funny if we go there and we just see him like
Nathan:running around between the explosions.
Nathan:It's not that hard for, I think, an audience to realize, Oh, shells, you
Nathan:know, but then he says, Oh yeah, yeah.
Nathan:Like they really spell it out.
Nathan:And it kind of like.
Nathan:did the joke for me.
Nathan:Like really, I didn't need to get hit over the head with that.
Nathan:I got it.
Nathan:So there's a few times that the movie does that, which like, we're not
Nathan:that stupid, you know, but it's okay.
Nathan:We soon meet the main villain.
Nathan:I forget his first name, but I just call him Daddy Beckersted.
Bee:And like
Nathan:I said, I love this guy.
Nathan:He's wearing the most offensive green pants I've seen in a movie.
Nathan:And so he's all about the money.
Nathan:I love that he, he crushes that model house, replaces it with
Nathan:the lobster log restaurant.
Nathan:So you liked this?
Nathan:You liked this character?
Bee:I did.
Bee:I thought he was hilarious.
Bee:I, like you said, total mustache twirling.
Bee:And just kind of fun in retrospect to look at this in the context of Nantucket
Bee:which if you don't live on, on Southern, in Southern New England is an island where
Bee:it's, it's no longer even the millionaires playgrounds, the billionaires playground.
Bee:And it's just, it's been so taken over By these folks who, who don't live there
Bee:year round, who have a ton of money.
Bee:And it's kind of always been a money place, but it's really gotten Someone
Bee:like hoops might not be going there to, to spend a week or whatever now.
Bee:So it's just interesting.
Nathan:What I also just love about daddy Beckerstead is that,
Nathan:you know, I don't think he really cares about the actual restaurant.
Nathan:I think he just wants an excuse to murder lobsters.
Bee:I didn't even think of that.
Bee:That's so funny.
Nathan:All I can think of him cause he's just, all he does is like, he's, he's,
Nathan:he's He has a crossbow shooting lobsters.
Nathan:He's all he's, that's all he does is this movie.
Nathan:All I can do is think of him like dressed up, like, like this, this might be really
Nathan:offensive to certain groups, but I can do this, I guess, cause I'm in the club.
Nathan:I think of him dressed up as like Ray Fiennes and like Schindler's List, just
Nathan:running in an internment camp for the purpose of just torturing lobsters.
Nathan:I just, like, he's just like, has it all out on lobsters.
Bee:And it's so funny how he is the idea of him just like using his son as
Bee:a pawn to, to get the money so that he can secure the bag from his dying father.
Nathan:Stop it.
Nathan:The plot is ridiculous.
Bee:It's so funny, but I loved that they, that he had his son
Bee:training in like, What is the rinky dinkiest little inground pool?
Bee:It was like,
Nathan:yes, I can do my laps.
Nathan:Dad, I do my laps laps.
Nathan:Like I guess it's like, it's like, how far can you go?
Bee:It's so stupid.
Nathan:Oh, anyways.
Nathan:So see here.
Nathan:So hoops, George and all the friends are at the beach.
Nathan:George is buried in the sand, which on its own is kind of funny.
Nathan:And this also.
Nathan:Brings us back to the whole setup and payoff.
Nathan:I, I appreciated that this, this, this is another joke that was set
Nathan:up and paid off many minutes later.
Nathan:It's what I really appreciate about this movie.
Nathan:The setup for this joke took place early in the scene and it's the
Nathan:type of setup that's, it's, it's done so many times in this movie.
Nathan:So what happens is, Several minutes later, there's this like large
Nathan:person that comes and sits down.
Nathan:In the film, what it, what it, what it doesn't do, I'll get that.
Nathan:What it doesn't do is it doesn't go for the low hanging fruit and we witnessed
Nathan:something completely disgusting, you know, instead the person that's sitting
Nathan:over him, like you'd rather say.
Nathan:whips out like the largest can of like government issued chili I've ever seen.
Nathan:But we, but the thing is we cut away.
Nathan:Leaving what happens next up to our imaginations.
Nathan:And then.
Nathan:We get that capper at the end, we have the two lifeguards, you know, who are
Nathan:fighting over who won't give George CPR.
Bee:I will say one thing that this movie that I appreciated is I don't really
Bee:think it, it punches down a lot.
Bee:Like it, it's a movie that has sexy women in it.
Bee:It's got a lot of fun.
Bee:It's got this, this sort of humor that happens with him being buried
Bee:in the sand, but it's not really.
Bee:It's making fun of situations more than it's making fun of people often, I think.
Bee:And it's, if it does punch on anyone, it's sort of punching
Bee:up on, on folks like yeah.
Bee:So I, I always appreciate that kind of humor a little more.
Bee:It does.
Bee:It, it certainly ages better.
Nathan:I don't know.
Nathan:What else?
Nathan:I mean, we
Bee:got to talk boat race.
Bee:We got to talk about how, again, the unlikely hero John Cusack is like.
Bee:I've got a way to get our money.
Bee:I figured it out.
Nathan:The plan is, well, there's more to the plan than the boat races.
Nathan:A couple of things.
Nathan:One of the plans is that makes absolutely no sense at all is to get back at like
Nathan:Teddy by putting lobsters in his pool.
Nathan:No, I have, there's a couple of things here.
Nathan:All right.
Nathan:He's screaming again at his dad.
Nathan:I got to do my laps dad, which always cracks me up, but
Nathan:this is stupid beyond stupid.
Nathan:on multiple levels.
Nathan:One, it's the most ridiculous plan because anybody would see dozens of
Nathan:lobsters in the bottom of the pool.
Nathan:If they are so desperate for money, sell the fucking lobsters.
Nathan:They probably got thousands of dollars in lobsters.
Nathan:They just threw away.
Nathan:I'm guessing.
Bee:I don't know.
Bee:I don't know.
Bee:I mean, we're lobsters a dime a dozen and then
Nathan:when Teddy comes out of the pool, there's like a two and
Nathan:a half foot lobster hanging on.
Nathan:That's true.
Nathan:It's like,
Bee:It's actually, they're actually dolphins in lobster costumes.
Bee:That was how they could afford it.
Nathan:Oh my gosh.
Nathan:And I know saltwater pools.
Nathan:are a thing, but I don't think that was one.
Nathan:So those lobsters would be dead
Bee:But those are my
Nathan:three main gripes with that scene, but it's so stupid.
Nathan:Like for what end did they have to do that anyways?
Nathan:But anyways, that's, there's a couple of dumb things like that.
Bee:And then you get to the world's weirdest regatta where
Bee:it's sail then motor and any kind of build your own boat can get it.
Nathan:I don't know.
Nathan:I, I think it's, I think it's kind of unfortunate that the Cassandra
Nathan:character wasn't on that boat.
Bee:I thought so too.
Bee:I thought it was weird.
Nathan:She's just like sidelined in a whole thing.
Nathan:Just like, yay.
Bee:Meanwhile, you have hoops who doesn't even like boats.
Bee:This is his whole thing, his character arc.
Bee:He's got a,
Nathan:I feel like she should have been on that, like having a more active role in
Nathan:that race, helping him or, I don't know.
Nathan:I was a little, I was a little, eh, it's the eighties.
Nathan:They, they did things like that, I guess.
Nathan:I don't know.
Bee:Totally agree.
Bee:But it was a really fun and funny race.
Nathan:We had a good montage too.
Nathan:We had a good
Bee:We had a really fun montage.
Bee:Yeah, I, I liked the, I, and I liked the reveal that it's the car.
Nathan:Also we have, there was, I have to bring this up cause I, there was
Nathan:this moment before the, the montage and before the regatta where it's just
Nathan:very dramatic moment, which sticks out like a sore thumb in this movie, clay.
Nathan:Stork drives Teddy's car into the garage and he's been punched.
Nathan:He's got a bloody nose.
Nathan:And I don't know if you noticed this moment, but Egg says in this very,
Nathan:very serious, dramatic way, he hit you.
Nathan:And the music becomes very dramatic.
Nathan:And I suddenly feel like I'm watching like this PSA for domestic violence.
Nathan:Do you remember Bobcat like delivering this line and the music changing and
Nathan:it becoming all of a sudden for about five seconds of this movie, very, very
Nathan:serious about Clay getting punched and, and Bobcat getting very, very concerned
Nathan:about his, his brother getting beaten.
Bee:I didn't clock it at all.
Nathan:It is hysterical because Bobcat is delivering this line in earnest.
Nathan:It's like, he hit you.
Nathan:And, and the music is like very dramatic and the, like you, it's,
Nathan:it's, it's Priceless moment.
Nathan:Cause it's, it's so different, such a different tone than
Nathan:anything else in the movie.
Nathan:It's right, right before, right before the montage.
Nathan:And of course, when they take the, the Ferrari engine,
Bee:And how fun was the the christening of the boat with a nip?
Bee:Yes, right in
Nathan:the side of it.
Bee:And with the generic name and convention, they just named it the boat.
Nathan:So hoops redeems himself by somehow finally getting a basket by throwing
Nathan:a thing through the hoop that saves them somehow because the, the yuppies
Nathan:play dirty and and they win the race by and Georgian and a cookie.
Nathan:Hook up at the end, which, who saw that coming?
Bee:So funny.
Bee:And typically you say something like, we got to stop playing these games.
Bee:And cookie's like, I'm into that.
Bee:I do like, and this is another example where it kind of turns a lot
Bee:of eighties conventions on its head.
Bee:Cookie leans in for the kiss cookies like, Oh yeah, this is my guy now.
Bee:And she leans in.
Bee:I feel like a lot of movies would have had it be a lot gropier and a lot more gross.
Bee:And that's not what happens here.
Bee:So I was kind of, I was like, okay, go get it.
Bee:Cookie, go get your man.
Bee:Go get that calamari.
Nathan:You know, it's, it's funny.
Nathan:And I didn't really make a note on this, but you brought up a really good point
Nathan:that, you know, the bad guys are the bad guys in this, but there really is
Nathan:I liked your point where like, nobody's really being punched down on this.
Nathan:Of course, we're making fun of like the rich, the yuppies, the ones that are
Nathan:trying to, To, to, Oh, I'll get to this point in a moment, but like, uh, the
Nathan:Becker Steads basically, but like even cookie, you know, she's not a bad person.
Nathan:I mean, she's, she's, I mean, the guy that she's dating is
Nathan:an absolute oaf, but you know,
Nathan:you know, there's really, there's nobody that's really a bad person.
Bee:I want
Nathan:to get to one thing that I think could have been a
Nathan:little bit of improvement on this movie that really bothered me.
Nathan:So Cassandra is trying to save her, her house.
Nathan:I put that in quotes.
Bee:Like her, her uncle or her dad.
Nathan:So that she needs 3, 000.
Nathan:I feel like 3, 000 in 1986, it's not a lot of money.
Nathan:And there's a lot of shenanigans that they go through to try to raise this money.
Nathan:First of all You know, Demi Moore is a good looking person.
Nathan:This is Nan Tuckett.
Bee:Are you thinking sugar daddy?
Nathan:She has so many options.
Nathan:Like, like honestly, like she's, she's willing to give
Nathan:up this whole, her whole dream.
Nathan:I mean
Bee:But they just graduated high school, you know, and this is a wholesome movie.
Bee:It is.
Nathan:doesn't go there at all.
Bee:No, it doesn't even entertain it.
Bee:I mean, this is really like the conceit of this movie is like,
Bee:well, we'll never make this movie.
Bee:If we just hang on, we'll never make this money.
Bee:If we just hang on to our summer jobs at the dairy B ice cream shop
Bee:like that, I'll never get that.
Nathan:was a really rude thing to say, but I, it was It did cross my mind.
Nathan:Like in our reader version of this movie, they would, it was
Nathan:to go to some very different,
Bee:it would have been the punching down that this movie doesn't do like
Bee:it, it would have been something that passes a lot of judgment on her.
Bee:No, I, I like, and you know, when you're 18, 3, 000 is a lot of money.
Nathan:what I was going to say about.
Nathan:Her goal is she's trying to raise his money to save the house because
Nathan:there are people living in there.
Nathan:Now we never meet anybody there.
Nathan:So I feel like I am lacking stakes, which bothered me a little bit.
Nathan:I, you know, She, she doesn't want these people throwing out.
Nathan:I think this movie's only an hour and a half long.
Nathan:I think a two minute scene where Cassandra takes hoops to where she
Nathan:lives to me, like this is old man Buckley and he's been living here cause
Nathan:my dad put game, put them up here and I don't want him to be thrown out.
Nathan:We never meet any of the people that she's trying to save from being Displaced.
Nathan:And I, cause all I know are these no name people that we never
Nathan:meet are going to be thrown out.
Nathan:And I don't even know how many people it's a house.
Nathan:It's not an, it's an apartment complex.
Nathan:All I know is it's a house.
Bee:It's a duplex.
Bee:It's like four or five people.
Bee:And we also miss out on opportunities for more great naming conventions like
Bee:Chum Bucket or Plank, you know, other Yeah, no, this is this is a really
Bee:good point because you know, it would raise the stakes more We spend so much
Bee:time with the villains in this movie.
Bee:Like we spend so much time with them
Nathan:well, I also think there's a character that we don't need
Nathan:and And we spend a little too much time and that's ACAC, you
Bee:know, like
Nathan:absolutely unneeded.
Nathan:We, we have Calamari, we've got hoops, we've got the, the store brothers
Nathan:there, there's, I feel like ACAC was really only needed so we could
Nathan:have like a fifth person on that boat at the end, you know, which
Bee:could have been to me.
Nathan:Absolutely could have been.
Bee:So yeah, no, I think he's a little redundant.
Bee:I'm with you.
Bee:I'm with you.
Nathan:Those are really all my thoughts.
Bee:We didn't talk about when the girls go boating and they, they're
Bee:like, can you, that scene where is it Kalamari who's buried in the sand?
Bee:And the whole reason he gets left behind is because, oh, can you
Bee:help us get our boat in the water?
Bee:Can you help us carry our boat?
Bee:The world's smallest little sailboat.
Bee:Girl just sitting on it.
Bee:I was like, this is so funny.
Nathan:yeah, it was, I had a good time.
Nathan:I had a good time.
Nathan:I'm glad, I'm glad I finally got to see this.
Bee:Me too.
Bee:Me too.
Bee:Should we
Nathan:yeah, I'll take a little break.
Nathan:So, all right.
Nathan:Thank you everyone for joining our transmission.
Nathan:We truly appreciate you.
Nathan:Contrary to popular belief.
Nathan:We do like people and don't let the theme of our show, let you lead.
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Nathan:If you have seen one crazy summer and would like to share your
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Nathan:films we discuss on our socials at back to the frame rate.
Nathan:One other thing, if you are enjoying the show, we would be extremely grateful
Nathan:if you took a minute and left a kind review on Apple podcasts or Spotify.
Nathan:We thank you all in advance.
Nathan:So we.
Nathan:Hey, should we do our movie pairing now, or do you want to do our decision?
Bumper:Let's do the pairing.
Bumper:Aren't either one of these any good?
Trailer:I don't watch movies.
Bumper:Well, have you heard anything about either one of them?
Trailer:I find it's best to stay out of other people's affairs.
Bumper:You mean you haven't heard anybody say anything about either one of these?
Bumper:Well, what about these two?
Trailer:Oh, they suck.
Bee:So I was thinking for this movie, you know, we've been doing some 80s
Bee:summer comedies, so I don't, I didn't want to, I want to be sort of on
Bee:that theme, but I really wanted to go for boat movie and kooky romance.
Bee:So I am going with overboard.
Bee:With Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn, which is just another
Bee:mostly wholesome, fun movie.
Bee:I haven't seen it in a long time, but I have fond memories of it.
Bee:And, you know, if you're like me and you watch this movie and you
Bee:thought the romance was a little lackluster, Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell
Bee:totally pick it up and overboard.
Bee:I think it's great.
Bee:It's Garry Marshall.
Bee:I like Garry Marshall.
Bee:You know, I think I like the princess diaries.
Bee:I like pretty woman I think those are just fun movies And again, you got to
Bee:spend all your time on a boat with a super super cheesy movie and you have
Bee:some of those class Conversations and class based comedy going on.
Bee:So I think you'd like it Showtime BOD.
clip:I admit I think I have forgotten numerous things, but I truly, from the
clip:depths of my soul, do not remember you.
clip:Now, don't you think there'd be some spark of recognition?
clip:We don't know.
clip:Maybe he'll spark to this!
clip:God, I don't believe this.
clip:He could be some stranger off the street.
clip:Well, he seems to like you, and he's a nice guy.
clip:He's good looking.
clip:What's my full name?
clip:Oh, come on.
clip:What is it?
clip:Annie Proffitt.
clip:What's my maiden name?
clip:Annie Goolahee.
clip:Annie Goolahee, or in God's name did I grow up, Dogpatch.
Bee:When's the last time you watched Overboard?
Nathan:But, this past week my girls watched The Princess Diaries 1 and 2.
Nathan:Good movie.
Nathan:From Garry Marshall, yeah.
Bee:Yeah, I,
Nathan:I, I'll be always
Bee:a real place for so long.
Nathan:Yeah, that's a good pick.
Nathan:I, again, I, I, I would like to see it again sometime.
Nathan:I haven't seen it in so long.
Nathan:All right.
Nathan:My pick, let's see here.
Nathan:B are, are you familiar with the film wet hot American summer?
Bee:I am.
Bee:That's a good one.
Nathan:All right.
Nathan:So I came to this movie kind of late.
Nathan:I, I, it's from 2001.
Nathan:I discovered it about 10 years ago, probably through another podcast
Nathan:talking about it, because it's one of those movies that upon its release,
Nathan:nobody understood the genius of it.
Nathan:And since it's since then, it's become a beloved cult comedy.
Nathan:Our theme this month has been 80 summer comedies.
Nathan:And if you've been paying close attention, you've probably noticed that
Nathan:our films all surround the themes of summer vacations, getaways or camp.
Nathan:Well, Wet Hot American Summer does to the 80s summer camp film
Nathan:what I'd say Cabin in the Woods does to 80s horror slasher genre.
Nathan:it's, It's not just a comedy, I'd venture to say it's more than a parody.
Nathan:It's, it's, it's, of course that's what it is, but it takes the piss out of the
Nathan:entire concept of the summer camp genre.
Nathan:It's one of the most absurdist comedies I've ever seen.
Nathan:And when I saw it, I just, I really just ate this up.
Nathan:If you grew up with the types of films we're reviewing.
Nathan:This month.
Nathan:And this is something everyone should check out.
Nathan:I should mention a few things.
Nathan:Yeah, it's David Wayne directed this, who has been one of the best comedy
Nathan:writers for decades now on shows like mad TV, the slate, everywhere
Nathan:he goes, everything he touches.
Nathan:I think he brings something special to a project.
Nathan:He also did one of my favorite comedies of the last decade.
Nathan:They came together with Amy Poehler and Paul Rudd.
Nathan:So I, I'd also recommend checking that out, but the cast, the cast is not
Nathan:just a bunch of nobodies it's chock full of comedic actors and many of them
Nathan:before they were famous a listers up and down the roster, you got Janine
Nathan:Garofalo, Molly Shannon, Paul Rudd.
Nathan:Let me see.
Nathan:I hear Christopher, Christopher Maloney, who is so funny in this.
Nathan:Michael Showalter, Ken Marino, Michael Ian Black, who I've met a couple of times.
Nathan:Amy Poehler Bradley Cooper, Elizabeth Banks, and David Hyde Pierce.
Nathan:And I'll just say, if you love this movie, they sort of built out
Nathan:of a mini universe out of this.
Nathan:There's a mini series, which came out in 2015 in a follow up.
Bee:never saw that.
Bee:Is it any good?
Nathan:I like it.
Nathan:I do like it a lot.
Nathan:And there's a follow up film also with the original cast.
Nathan:Both I think are really good.
Nathan:So you can catch this on streaming right now on stars, or you can rent it on VOD.
Nathan:And I think the other two follow ups are, might be on Netflix.
Nathan:They were, they were Netflix originals at one time.
Nathan:Really funny stuff.
clip:Hi guys.
clip:Hey Beth, like the new look, very chic.
clip:Thank you, Henry.
clip:Please call me Henry.
clip:Okay, Henry it is.
clip:So, I see you decided to come teach the campers, Henry.
clip:I'm sorry I snapped at you before.
clip:I'm just a little shy around children.
clip:But, but it's been great.
clip:I've got them making miniature black holes with paperclips and soot.
clip:Oh, what you do is so fascinating.
clip:You really like astrophysics?
clip:I love it.
clip:It's my, it's my biggest hobby.
clip:I love it.
clip:Oh, oh, okay, okay.
clip:Who's your favorite astrophysicist?
Opening:I know.
Opening:I totally know this one.
Opening:Okay, anyway.
Bee:time is it?
Bee:That's a great choice.
Nathan:But you can't watch these and go back to 80s movies.
Nathan:They, it's, it's It's, it's, like I said, it's what cabin in the
Nathan:woods does it, it, it destroys the genre because it's so good.
Nathan:It's so funny, but
Bee:you know, this genre, it can be destroyed.
Nathan:It can be, it can be, because it was, you know, it's, it's over.
Nathan:You can't go back and really make an earnest eighties comedy anymore.
Nathan:So it's perfectly fine.
Nathan:All right.
Nathan:I think it's time to get to our verdict on this.
Nathan:Are we going to save a purge?
Nathan:One crazy summer.
Bee:Do you want my honest answer?
Nathan:I want you to always to be honest.
Bee:All right.
Bee:I thought this movie was a great time.
Bee:I had a lot of fun.
Bee:I would watch this again.
Bee:I don't think it needs to be in the vault.
Bee:I'm saying no.
Nathan:I, if I could just like copy what you said and say the same thing again, I
Nathan:would, because I agree a hundred percent.
Nathan:This was a fun movie, but no, no, no, I mean, I, I, the sad thing is
Nathan:I could see myself I'm watching this again, maybe just, is that justified
Nathan:reason to put it in the vault?
Nathan:But I don't think this is a good movie though.
Nathan:And I want to say that like, there are other movies in this genre.
Nathan:That are better.
Nathan:And I, and I do, I do want to be somewhat cutthroat about this.
Nathan:And this is a dumb movie.
Nathan:This is a stupid movie, but I did giggle a couple of times, but that's not a good
Nathan:enough reason to put this on a pedestal and celebrate it as one of the greatest.
Bee:generations don't need to watch this movie.
Nathan:There's a reason why this movie has been forgotten.
Nathan:So I say no.
Nathan:So I am, I'm purging it and as much as all the love we've gushed
Nathan:over this, we're like, yeah.
Nathan:All right.
Nathan:That was, that was easy, I guess.
Nathan:So there, there's, there you go.
Nathan:No, no.
Nathan:I always have the memories.
Nathan:Anything anything else so that that's one crazy summer we can wrap it up
Nathan:or do you want to share anything that you've seen the last week or any?
Bee:So I like you been on vacation, so it's been, I haven't
Bee:been watching a ton of movies.
Bee:I've been kind of watching some trash TV, which has been fun, but I have
Bee:been rewatching some of the alien series to get ready for Romulus.
Bee:So I am excited.
Bee:Tom and I are going to go see that tomorrow night.
Bee:I can't wait.
Bee:I am.
Bee:It was, I've been anticipating this one.
Bee:So this and gladiator two, and that's, you know, sort of the legacy
Bee:equals that I'm really looking forward to, but we did Prometheus
Bee:and covenant and I hadn't seen them.
Bee:They were way better than I thought they would be.
Bee:I feel like they got, especially Prometheus, got like really panned
Bee:when it came out, but I, or I just sort of remember that being
Bee:the talk around the water cooler.
Bee:I thought it stood up on its own as a, as a great sci fi movie.
Bee:I think some of the weakest parts are where it connects back to the
Bee:original series, but I dug it.
Bee:I was into it.
Bee:So I'm, I'm excited for Romulus and just Ridley Scott.
Nathan:Love Prometheus.
Bee:It's so good.
Nathan:I, I, I really do.
Nathan:And I, it's one of my favorite movies of that year.
Nathan:And I am kind of sad that it did not get, it's not appreciated more.
Nathan:I have no problems with how it's tied in.
Nathan:I, I think they did try to.
Nathan:shoehorn in some of that backstory, but still like I got all the
Nathan:feels watching that movie.
Nathan:I mean, I know you're kind of, I think, are you kind of new to the franchise?
Nathan:You said from a little.
Nathan:So, so I mean, I've, before I watched Prometheus, which I
Nathan:think was 2012, I mean, I'd seen alien aliens, all these movies.
Nathan:Multiple, multiple times growing up since my early childhood.
Nathan:So when Prometheus came out, it's the first, cause we had a VP before
Nathan:that, but it's the first movie since like resurrection that came out,
Nathan:which not great, but like, but I was.
Nathan:Like, like, like, give me the popcorn.
Nathan:I, I w I, I was just so into it.
Nathan:I've seen Prometheus probably five times
clip:I saw in the theater
Nathan:and I've seen it probably another four times at home
Nathan:because I just, Dig everything about that movie alien covenant.
Nathan:I liked, I've only seen it one time and I probably need to see it again.
Nathan:I think it's way too complicated.
Nathan:The plot, if I remember possibly, I don't know if I loved what they
Nathan:did with the Fassbender character, David, but I need to see it again.
Bee:I liked what they did with Fassbender.
Bee:I really liked Prometheus.
Bee:I thought Prometheus I thought Prometheus was, you know,
Bee:some parts shoehorned in, but.
Bee:But otherwise I think it's a great sci fi movie.
Bee:It's beautiful to look at.
Bee:I love the, I love the whole like Android.
Bee:That's a, that's a character type I love, but Covenant, I think, I think
Bee:it's like a little too actiony, too fast.
Bee:Like I love the slow burn that is alien, you know,
Nathan:is it possible?
Nathan:I haven't gone back to Covenant because I can't remember how it ends.
Nathan:But I feel maybe I haven't returned back because I feel kind of betrayed
Nathan:like it was supposed to be a trilogy that will never happen.
Bee:Oh, maybe.
Nathan:I don't know.
Bee:Anyways, do you want me to share my
Nathan:thoughts on Ramius or do you want me to save that?
Bee:Oh no, tell me.
Nathan:I'll tell you spoiler free.
Nathan:I, so I watched alien Romulus just a couple of days ago.
Nathan:And I personally think it leans into the, the horror elements of the franchise.
Nathan:We're back in alien in that, that haunted house version of
Nathan:it, which I enjoyed being in.
Nathan:It's obvious it took notes from the last couple Ridley Scott films Prometheus and
Nathan:Alien Covenant, which I feel much more plot driven and science fiction based.
Nathan:Prometheus did pretty well at the box office, but the,
Nathan:the latter didn't do as well.
Nathan:But this film is, I think, is a direct response to that.
Nathan:It stars Kaylee Spaney, who was in Civil War early this year.
Nathan:She's really good in this.
Nathan:Also, David Johnson is in this, who is really good.
Nathan:So the two things I will say if you, if anybody listening to this
Nathan:was unsure about this, because the trailers I can sympathize.
Nathan:The trailers are trash.
Nathan:For this film,
Bee:they show a lot, or they seem like they show a lot.
Nathan:I think the trail is just, it's, it's all about like the face huggers.
Nathan:And I think this movie has is much more than that.
Nathan:This, this is why I'm more and more am avoiding trailers because
Nathan:I, I can't, I don't like way movies are marketed right now.
Nathan:It, the movie is better than what the trailers are implying.
Nathan:So also I will try not to spoil this.
Nathan:I don't think this is really giving anything what you made for this,
Nathan:but they do bring back a character from one of the older movies,
Nathan:I'm very conflicted on the original actor is no longer with
Nathan:us and I don't think it's done very well and I don't think it's needed.
Nathan:I'd like to hear from listeners what they think of this cameo.
Nathan:A good friend of mine from the film community used a
Nathan:phrase that has stuck with me.
Nathan:Cinematic grave robbing,
Nathan:the use of this character was given permission by their estate.
Nathan:But again, you know, at what cost to the integrity of these
Nathan:movies, I don't think it's needed.
Nathan:So this, this is, of course, is a bigger conversation and.
Nathan:Overall, Alien Romulus, I think is a solid entry in this and I, I do
Nathan:hope they continue down this new path in the, in this franchise.
Nathan:So I did like it.
Bee:I'm pumped for it.
Nathan:So is there anything else that
Bee:you saw you want to mention?
Bee:I haven't really watched a ton.
Bee:I am also going to see Cuckoo this week.
Bee:So I'm looking forward to that too.
Bee:But I, I really, really stayed blind on that.
Bee:So I'm just, I'm just going to go and see what it's about.
Bee:Have a good time with the movies.
Nathan:I will mention one thing or maybe two other things.
Nathan:So I, so as you know, I, I went on my first cruise recently seven
Nathan:day cruise in the Caribbean.
Nathan:And when, when I got home, you know, what thought entered my head?
Nathan:Well, as you know, a few weeks ago, we reviewed Twister from Yondebant,
Nathan:I just got back from a cruise.
Nathan:Speed to cruise control takes place on a Caribbean cruise line.
Nathan:Let's watch Speed 2.
Nathan:What could go wrong?
Nathan:Have you seen this?
Bee:Oh, yeah, but like once years ago.
Nathan:Well, let me, let me tell you everyone, a lot can go wrong.
Nathan:I have never had the pleasure or displeasure of seeing this movie.
Nathan:And yes, I'm using hair coats around me.
Nathan:Like I often do, I, I like to head into films that have a negative reputation
Nathan:with the plan that I'm going to discover the genius of these, of these movies.
Nathan:Speed 2 feels like a script that they had lying around.
Nathan:That had nothing to do with the speed movie.
Nathan:And you know, one producer probably was talking to another producer
Nathan:and the conversation went like this, you know, like, Hey Hank, we
Nathan:need to make a follow up to speed.
Nathan:I made like 350 million two years ago.
Nathan:Can you write something over the next week?
Nathan:And like, well, Bob, I don't think that's enough time, but I do have a
Nathan:script that Jeff Speakman rejected, you know, you know, I could probably work it
Nathan:over lunch and we can start shooting by tonight, you know, it's, it's obvious.
Nathan:That nobody wanted to make this movie, except William Dafoe, who
Nathan:was having a blast in this movie.
Nathan:He's in his, he's in his own film and, and he's having a good time.
Nathan:That's all I can really say.
Nathan:So what's really ironic is this movie ends with that famous boat crash in St.
Nathan:which is where I just was the funny and I kind of wish that I saw speed
Nathan:too before I was in ST martin because they actually shot it there and yeah, that
Nathan:boat crash actually takes place there.
Nathan:And I would have loved to have checked out where that took place.
Nathan:Apparently they say that part of the boat is still there.
Nathan:I didn't know that.
Nathan:Anyway, so that was my experience watching speed too.
Nathan:I don't want to give speed to cruise control any more time in this podcast.
Bee:Well, not even to talk about one Defoe's hair.
Nathan:Oh, it's beautiful.
Nathan:was going for that look for a couple of months, but couldn't get it out.
Nathan:I get this high fro thing going on.
Bee:We need, we need to get you a bleach bottle.
Nathan:Ridiculous movie.
Nathan:Anyways, I sounds like you have nothing else.
Nathan:So I'll just mention one last thing
Bee:and then
Nathan:we can, then we can end it tonight.
Nathan:I rewatched for the first time in probably 20 years, The Last Samurai.
Bee:Whoa, how was it?
Nathan:This is incredible.
Nathan:This Edward Zwick, this is the Edward Zwick film starring Tom Cruise from 2003.
Nathan:I think the only other time I saw this was on DVD, what was probably on a 27
Nathan:inch TV back then with like awful sound.
Nathan:And at the time I probably just, you know, came and left my consciousness.
Nathan:So a couple of months ago, I found the Blu ray and I think
Nathan:a dollar bin and picked it up.
Nathan:This film is incredible.
Nathan:A top five performance from Tom Cruise, who plays he plays a U S Calvary officer
Nathan:shortly after the civil war in the film, he's hired by a Japanese government to
Nathan:train their newly formed Imperial army.
Nathan:And they're there to suppress the Samurai rebellion, which is led by
Nathan:Katsumoto played by Ken Wanatabe.
Nathan:Who visiting this film was robbed, robbed of best supporting actor.
Nathan:And they gave it to Tim Robbins for mystic river, which was a good film to the music
Bee:score are
Nathan:done by Hans Zimmer.
Nathan:And seriously, probably it's
Nathan:I don't think I really got to appreciate the score.
Nathan:The first time I saw this again, probably saw on my Terrible speakers on my old TV.
Nathan:This film's music is memorable, beautiful.
Nathan:It's definitely one of the Zimmer's best and wasn't even nominated for
Nathan:a Academy award, which is weird.
Nathan:Anyways, not going to spoil any more of this movie.
Nathan:If anyone hasn't seen this recently, cause I feel like this movie has,
Nathan:isn't talked about that much.
Nathan:And it's definitely, it's definitely one of the best historical
Nathan:epics I can think of of recent.
Nathan:It's, you know, I
Bee:was just going to say, I put this into my, I sort of filed this movie away
Bee:as like one of those early 2000s epics.
Bee:And that came out like, I think Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, you
Bee:know, just these like big sweeping movies that were colorful and
Bee:beautiful and costumed and, you know.
Bee:Long and great.
Bee:And yeah, I mean, it's just, it's just a great movie, but people,
Bee:they are sort of like in the annals of history a little bit.
Nathan:This, I really, really happy.
Nathan:I got to see this Tom Cruise, the dude can act.
Nathan:He is so good in this and it's just nice seeing him doing something
Nathan:besides Ethan Hunt or in action movie.
Nathan:This is, there's not a, not a, there's There's action in this, but it's,
Nathan:he is working really hard in this.
Nathan:It's a amazing performance.
Nathan:It's subtle.
Nathan:It's moving.
Nathan:This is a great movie and it's largely forgotten.
Nathan:I feel like I, I don't hear many people talking about this movie.
Nathan:And I'm telling you Ken Watanabe is his equal in this, as, as far as what he's
Nathan:bringing to the table for a performance and the guy, I mean, he's been in
Nathan:things But he needs to be everywhere
Nathan:and he's now, and he's like, he's sidelined in like, you know, the, the, the
Nathan:monster verse movies and things like that.
Nathan:And this is.
Nathan:An incredible performance anyways.
Bee:I'm with you.
Nathan:All right.
Nathan:That's I've seen so much more and I I'll probably save it for our summer wrap up.
Nathan:Yeah, there's a lot, but that's, that's, that's some of my
Nathan:heights from this past week.
Bee:I love it.
Nathan:All right.
Nathan:So next week we will be back with, okay.
Nathan:So the film we're doing next week, we are, we're, we've ended our, 80 summer
Nathan:comedies and in two weeks, we're coming back with our new retrospective series.
Nathan:So we have a little gap in our retrospective blocks.
Nathan:if anyone remembers back in March, which seems like an eternity ago, we,
Nathan:during the Oscars, we had a little game.
Nathan:Where to see who would win in the winner of that would get to pick a movie for
Nathan:us to watch in the, on, on the podcast, we're finally getting around to that.
Nathan:The movie that, and I won that I'll say, cause I like to mention that all the time.
Nathan:And the movie that I picked was the Fisher King.
Nathan:From Terry Gillingham.
Nathan:And it seems like it's always been on our schedule to get to,
Nathan:but we keep having to put it off.
Nathan:We're finally going to get to it.
Nathan:So all everyone's been emailing and calling me like, when are
Nathan:you reviewing Fisher King?
Nathan:Like emails every single day, you know, back to frame rate, when are you doing it?
Nathan:Well, next week, not yet next week, we were going to be reviewing that
Nathan:and we may have a special guest.
Nathan:That's cool.
Nathan:I'm looking forward to this.
Nathan:This is one of my favorite movies of all time.
Bee:It's gonna be good.
Bee:it's gonna be good.
Bee:I haven't seen this in a long time And I think when I saw it I
Bee:watched it on like a portable dvd player camping or something like
Nathan:Just how it was intended to be
Bee:that's right.
Nathan:All right
Bee:How Gilliam wanted.
Nathan:Well, we'll see you next week and I, Oh, I have to do my wrap up here.
Nathan:I'm out of practice.
Nathan:It's been like almost a month.
Bee:Got vacation brain.
Nathan:Yeah, I know I do.
Nathan:That is a show this week back to the frame rate as part of the
Nathan:Western media podcast network.
Nathan:We also wish to thank Brian Ellsworth.
Nathan:For our show opening on behalf of all of us, we bid you
Nathan:farewell from our fall shelter.
Nathan:Your presence in our underground sanctuary is truly appreciated.
Nathan:We are truly sorry you cannot join us, but we want to express
Nathan:our gratitude for your company.
Nathan:If you're finding solace in our discussions, we kindly ask that you please
Nathan:subscribe and leave a rating and review on Apple podcasts, Spotify, or whichever
Nathan:portal connects you to our broadcast there, you can find more episodes of
Nathan:this podcast and also on our website.
Nathan:Back to the framerate.
Nathan:com and also on our socials, such as Facebook, Instagram
Nathan:threads where else are we?
Nathan:Other places.
Bee:Tick tock.
Nathan:We're on tick tock.
Nathan:Hey, you know what?
Nathan:Our tick tock reviews.
Nathan:Our TikTok I put our individual reviews on TikTok now.
Nathan:They get a lot of views between like seven to 800 per video.
Nathan:That's where you can find us.
Nathan:We're in the TikToks.
Nathan:Go there.
Nathan:Your support is the beacon of light that brightens our confined space.
Nathan:Until we emerge from the fallout, stay with us, keep up alive
Nathan:and keep those reviews coming.
Nathan:This is the end of our transmission, back to the framerate, signing off.
Opening:want you to know it's over.