Galaxy Quest (1999) / 100th Episode Spectacular / Farewell from the Bunker
The Back to the Frame Rate 100th Episode Spectacular is a bittersweet celebration as we bid farewell to our beloved podcast. We gathered with a live audience to enjoy the cult classic 'Galaxy Quest' as part of our 'Party Like It's 1999' retrospective, and we were thrilled to have special guest Dan Martin join us for the occasion. The evening was made even more special with Brian Ellsworth, the voice of Back to the Frame Rate, serving as our master of ceremonies.
Time Stamps:
- 00:19 - Welcome to the End
- 01:35 - Celebrating 100 Episodes
- 02:36 - Thanking the Supporters
- 05:23 - Introducing the Movie
- 06:59 - Main Review: Galaxy Quest
- 49:59 - Movie Pairings
- 58:03 - Save or PURGE! - Deciding the Fate of Galaxy Quest
- 01:05:29 - Final Thoughts and Farewell
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In the dying embers of human existence.
Narrator:As the asteroid, a behemoth the size of Texas hurtles relentlessly toward Earth, the world braces for an apocalyptic end.
Narrator:Deep beneath the bunker, a refuge plunges into the bowels of the earth.
Narrator:Here the chosen gather, their purpose clear to preserve the very soul of our civilization.
Narrator:The 35 and 70 millimeter prints that encapsulate the magic, the emotion and the dreams of generations past.
Narrator:These masterpieces, each frame a testament to the human spirit.
Narrator:And carefully cataloged and cradled in the cavernous confines of the bunker.
Narrator:Perhaps there was room for more, for friends and family yearning for salvation.
Narrator:But sacrifices must be made.
Narrator:The movie nerds stand united, the keepers of a flame, promising a future where the art and storytelling endures, transcending the boundaries of time and space.
Narrator:God help us all.
Narrator:Known as the 100, the Centennial episode of Back to the Frame Rate.
Narrator:And how can we possibly have a 100 episode of back to the Frame Rate if we do not have the impressive line of hosts?
Narrator:I shall introduce you.
Narrator:Here we have this end.
Narrator:None other than Bea Butterworth.
Narrator:This and sitting to her left.
Narrator:How can this panel be complete without the one and only Sam Cole, everybody?
Narrator:And yes, the heart and soul of Back to the Frame Rate is other than Nathan sir, everybody.
Narrator:But yet we're not finished yet, folks, because tonight we do have a very special guest, Harry said, none other than the one, the only one of those greatest comedians that is just waiting, waiting for the break, the big break, the special moment of which he will be made immortal.
Narrator:None other than Dan Martin.
Dan Martin:Yeah, I'm waiting for the break so I can go to the bathroom.
Nathan Shore:Well, thank you everyone for coming out tonight.
Nathan Shore:And first I just want to thank the Art and Innovation center for being the host for our 100th episode.
Nathan Shore:I have to watch our feedback tonight.
Nathan Shore:By the way, I just want to say this is an amazing space that is all about creativity, inspiring people for the town of Weston.
Nathan Shore:Just so if you have a great idea, if you want to explore, you know, learn valuable skills, this is the place to come for that.
Nathan Shore:I also want to take a moment and acknowledge Weston Media Center.
Nathan Shore:Yes, I am the director, but also we've got great team here.
Nathan Shore:Joey, Peter are here from the Weston Media Center.
Nathan Shore:They're a fantastic group of people to work with, but they are the ones that, you know, myself as well.
Nathan Shore:But you know, Weston Media center is the media hub for the town of Weston and it's been a pleasure working here for the last 11 years.
Nathan Shore:So we are, you know, we invite People from the town in the area to collaborate with us to create things like podcasts or TV shows.
Nathan Shore:So reach out to me and, you know, we'd love to talk to you about creating content with Westy Media.
Nathan Shore:So, anyways, thank you for coming out on a cold Friday night.
Nathan Shore:I know there's a lot going on in the world, but I think we're having a good time tonight.
Nathan Shore:What I just want to say as well, first of all, thank you, Brian, for being our Don LaFontaine over the past year.
Nathan Shore:As I like to put it to our nothing.
Nathan Shore:And I want to thank Dan Martin for joining us.
Nathan Shore:And you were a guest a while ago on the early days of our podcast.
Dan Martin:Yeah, we talked about Guardians of the Galaxy 3.
Nathan Shore:That was a lot of fun.
Dan Martin:The PETA commercial.
Dan Martin:That was Guardians of the Galaxy 3.
Sam Cole:Yep.
Sam Cole:Yeah.
Nathan Shore:And and of course, my co host, who have been on this journey with me for the past two years.
Nathan Shore:I know you stepped in about 15 months ago and are one of our original hosts, Ellie Escobar, who's I thought was going to be here today, but hopefully she will show up.
Nathan Shore:But we'll see.
Nathan Shore:But the four of us have been with this podcast for two years, which leads me.
Nathan Shore:Some of you already know as well, but this is going to be our final episode as of now.
Nathan Shore:Never say never.
Nathan Shore:But right now we are stepping away from the mic to pursue other creative endeavors, which I think is a good thing because we've done that.
Nathan Shore:100 episodes.
Nathan Shore:That.
Nathan Shore:That's pretty cool.
Nathan Shore:Two years.
Nathan Shore:100 episodes.
Nathan Shore:Most episode.
Nathan Shore:Most podcasts only go like 7, 10 episodes.
Nathan Shore:And pod fade sets in.
Nathan Shore:So I feel like this is a victory that we've come this far.
Nathan Shore:And we've watched some damn good movies too, so a lot of them.
Nathan Shore:So I think that's basically what I wanted to talk about.
Nathan Shore:So I just want to also thank all the listeners and people that have supported our show over the past two years as well.
Nathan Shore:So that's.
Nathan Shore:That's really it.
Nathan Shore:I don't really have anything else.
Nathan Shore:I think, you know, we can begin the movie.
Nathan Shore:Any.
Nathan Shore:Anything you guys have to say, but.
Nathan Shore:No, we're good.
Nathan Shore:That's all.
Nathan Shore:I just want to thank everybody for coming out tonight.
Nathan Shore:It's already 6:43 and according to our schedule that I like to be a stickler with, it is time to begin the film.
Nathan Shore:Anything.
Nathan Shore:Before we begin, you guys want to.
Bea Butterworth:Say thanks for being here.
Dan Martin:To infinity and beyond.
Sam Cole:I think that's.
Ellie Escobar:We're on schedule.
Ellie Escobar:That's impressive.
Ellie Escobar:Yeah, it's actually not 6:45 yet, and we're actually going to start it at 6:00.
Sam Cole:It's amazing.
Nathan Shore:We have two minutes left, according to.
Sam Cole:This, you know, two minutes.
Nathan Shore:Do you have a joke, Dan?
Dan Martin:Huh?
Nathan Shore:You have a joke?
Dan Martin:I.
Dan Martin:No.
Sam Cole:Okay.
Dan Martin:That's all you're getting.
Dan Martin:You paid me in peanut M and ms, so.
Sam Cole:All right.
Dan Martin:I'm probably gonna need insulin in, like, 10 minutes.
Sam Cole:Okay.
Dan Martin:Yeah, if I.
Dan Martin:If I pee, I'll probably pass out, so I'm gonna hold.
Nathan Shore:We want that.
Dan Martin:All right.
Nathan Shore:We need it for later.
Nathan Shore:All right, let take a break, walk away, start this film.
Nathan Shore:It's an hour and 37 minutes.
Nathan Shore:And stick around and we are going to come back.
Nathan Shore:The most important thing is we love for you to be part of this podcast.
Nathan Shore:This is our last episode, so having audience participation as part of this.
Nathan Shore:We don't want to be here talking about the movie, just the four of us.
Nathan Shore:We want you guys to, like, ask us questions.
Nathan Shore:Bring your comments and questions, whatever you want to do.
Nathan Shore:Stand up, have fun with us.
Nathan Shore:Let's go out, have a great time tonight.
Nathan Shore:That's the most important thing.
Sam Cole:All right.
Nathan Shore:All right, Cool.
Sam Cole:All right.
Nathan Shore:Welcome to Back to the Frame Rate, part of the Western Media Podcast Network.
Nathan Shore:In this cinematic crusade, we journey through films on VOD and streaming platforms, deciding their fate, salvation in our vault of legends or eternal banishment to the flames of the coming asteroid apocalypse.
Nathan Shore:You can find all episodes of our show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app.
Nathan Shore:Or find us on social media.
Nathan Shore:Back to the Frame Rate.
Nathan Shore:I'm Nathan Shore, and accompanying me are the extraordinary movie mavens, Brianna Butterworth, Sam Cole, and our special guest tonight, Dan Martin.
Dan Martin:Hi.
Nathan Shore:Hello, everyone.
Nathan Shore:Thank you for being here tonight.
Dan Martin:Thank you for inviting me to your bowels.
Nathan Shore:Thank you.
Nathan Shore:Well, we're happy to have you.
Nathan Shore:So this is our live show.
Nathan Shore: ust watched galaxy quest from: Nathan Shore:This is really exciting.
Nathan Shore:And as I mentioned earlier this evening, our final show, it just dawned on.
Dan Martin:Me that all of the words for digging deep into something are bowels and anals.
Nathan Shore:It's how it is.
Dan Martin:Yeah, it's gross.
Nathan Shore:Well, we just watched this movie.
Nathan Shore:Thanks, everyone.
Nathan Shore:Sticking around and what we want to do here tonight.
Nathan Shore:We often talk about the movies that we watched this past week.
Nathan Shore:We watch it tonight.
Nathan Shore:We don't want to just talk just amongst ourselves.
Nathan Shore:We want our audience to get involved in this.
Nathan Shore:But first, I'm not going to get into, like, plot synopsis and what I normally do, like, box office, like, oh, who directed this?
Nathan Shore:All that.
Nathan Shore:Let's just share our initial thoughts on this movie and let's get the audience involved in this.
Nathan Shore:Want to kind of go down the line here and maybe what your relationship is to Galaxy Quest and your, you know, minute thoughts on, on this film.
Nathan Shore:Dan, why don't you begin?
Dan Martin:All right.
Dan Martin:My relationship to Galaxy Quest.
Dan Martin:I saw it in the theater when it came out and I'm a huge Star Trek nerd.
Dan Martin:I was the Star Trek nerd growing up, not the Star wars nerd.
Dan Martin:There was a distinction in the late 80s, early 90s and I was a Star Trek guy.
Dan Martin:So when I saw this movie, I was very excited.
Dan Martin:I actually hoped they would do it with, you know, Star Trek.
Dan Martin:So it was cool to like see like a show.
Dan Martin:The show was real and all that fun stuff.
Dan Martin:I thought it was a good comedy, good parody of Star Trek.
Dan Martin:And yeah, I have a little patch, little crew member patch that I.
Dan Martin:I've actually had this patch for like 15 years and I ironed it on at 3:30 today.
Dan Martin:Yeah, yeah, I did, I did.
Dan Martin:Just so I could join you guys in the nerd room.
Dan Martin:So, yeah, just a, just a big fan of it.
Dan Martin:I haven't seen the movie in probably 12, 13 years.
Dan Martin:I do have a copy of it on DVD.
Nathan Shore:So if we watch Notting Hill tonight, would you have worn something specific for that?
Dan Martin:I really wish I had like a Notting Hill joke like ready to go.
Dan Martin:But it's still, it's still deep in my anals.
Nathan Shore:Okay.
Dan Martin:Yeah.
Dan Martin:So, yeah, probably.
Dan Martin:I mean, is Grant, is Hugh Grant in that?
Nathan Shore:Yeah.
Dan Martin:Then I would have wore my Hugh Grant underwear.
Nathan Shore:Okay.
Dan Martin:Underoos on the outside of my pants.
Nathan Shore:Okay.
Nathan Shore:Okay.
Dan Martin:So everyone could see them or no pants.
Sam Cole:Perfect.
Dan Martin:Okay.
Sam Cole:All right.
Sam Cole:B.
Bea Butterworth:Hey.
Bea Butterworth:Yeah, I saw Galaxy Quest when I was a kid growing up and just like a couple times sporadically.
Bea Butterworth:But I watched again for the pod and I think it's a great time.
Bea Butterworth:I liked it a lot.
Dan Martin:Kid.
Dan Martin:Wow.
Dan Martin:I was an adult.
Dan Martin:Gross.
Bea Butterworth:Yeah, I like parody movies.
Bea Butterworth:I like genre movies.
Bea Butterworth:I like parody movies.
Bea Butterworth:This is right up my street.
Bea Butterworth:I was not a Star Trek nerd yet.
Bea Butterworth:There's still time for me, but I haven't, haven't dug deep into it yet.
Bea Butterworth:But I think this movie transcends just Star Trek.
Bea Butterworth:I know that's what it's based on, but I think it works for the whole genre.
Sam Cole:Cool.
Nathan Shore:Sam Cole.
Ellie Escobar: this movie in the theater in: Ellie Escobar:I'm a big sci Fi fan.
Ellie Escobar:I love Star Wars.
Ellie Escobar:Star Trek.
Ellie Escobar:I did.
Ellie Escobar:Yeah, I did catch it.
Ellie Escobar:Later.
Nathan Shore:Because you're watching Phantom Menace over and over.
Ellie Escobar:Yeah, probably.
Ellie Escobar:Yeah.
Ellie Escobar:Yeah.
Ellie Escobar:Even though that was a disappointing film.
Ellie Escobar:But that's, I'll get to that.
Dan Martin:I'm sorry, were Star wars fans disappointed by that film?
Ellie Escobar:No, no, not at all.
Ellie Escobar:What gave you that idea?
Dan Martin:I had no idea.
Dan Martin:I, I mean it was a rebirth, right, of a franchise.
Ellie Escobar:It was pretty amazing.
Ellie Escobar:But no, I do love Galaxy Quest.
Ellie Escobar:Watching it again just now, I'll say.
Ellie Escobar:I'm just amazed at, at how many levels it works on.
Ellie Escobar:It's a comedy, it's an action adventure, it's a sci fi film and it actually for me works on all the levels.
Ellie Escobar:The comedy's funny, the characters are funny, the references are funny and then the adventure in and of itself is actually not.
Ellie Escobar:It's not a bad sci fi movie on its own.
Ellie Escobar:Right.
Dan Martin:So for me, yeah, it works on all levels.
Sam Cole:Yeah, yeah.
Dan Martin:The aliens and that were more convincing than some of the aliens in the actual like stuff.
Dan Martin:It's parodying.
Ellie Escobar:Yeah, no, exactly like it's, it's.
Ellie Escobar: is impressive, especially for: Ellie Escobar:The rock monster CGI doesn't look bad today.
Ellie Escobar:You know, 25 years, not great.
Ellie Escobar: But it's, you know, it's: Ellie Escobar:1999, it looked awesome.
Dan Martin:I mean, you know, coming off of a vector man from the genesis a few years before, you know, that's true.
Dan Martin:The same technology.
Ellie Escobar:I wanted to give a shout out to the actor who plays Mathazar, Enrico Colantoni, he just watching him this tonight, he sells it so well.
Ellie Escobar:The Thermians, they're so out there that they could have been very off putting or unintentionally silly.
Ellie Escobar:And I'm amazed that the scene where, you know, he finds out that Tim Allen and his friends are actors and are lying to him is actually moving and he, he does these ridiculous like facial expressions and sounds.
Ellie Escobar:But I buy him and the other alien characters the whole time that the movie rides a very fine balance of it veers towards the ridiculous and then it reigns it in.
Ellie Escobar:It's kind of just like a high wire act.
Ellie Escobar:And watching it again tonight because I seen pieces of it recently but I actually haven't watched, watched the whole film in a long time.
Ellie Escobar:I'm amazed how well every single element is just well balanced.
Ellie Escobar:It's, it's, it's impressive to pull off a movie with this tone because it's self aware and yet it actually delivers like thrills and fun that you know, it makes the seven year old and all of us Like Come Back Alive, which I like.
Ellie Escobar:You know, I just enjoy that aspect of it.
Nathan Shore:Yeah, I, I did not grow up like a big Star Trek fan.
Nathan Shore:I loved the movies.
Nathan Shore:I wasn't really a big into like Next Generation or any of the shows around.
Nathan Shore:So I remember I did not see this in the theater.
Nathan Shore:Was actually working at Hollywood Video in the late 90s when I remember this was on the shelves and I watched it and it really didn't land like in a huge way with me.
Nathan Shore:But because I had some general knowledge of, of Star Trek, I, you know, I thought it was okay.
Nathan Shore:But I have, I do not have a background in Comic Con conventions or the whole Trekkie war.
Nathan Shore:So I didn't really, I got the jokes, but it didn't really resonate with me in a huge way.
Nathan Shore:I didn't watch this for now, 24 years between viewings and I watched it.
Nathan Shore:This is my fourth time this week watching this.
Nathan Shore:So I think I know this movie pretty well now and I'm good for a while.
Nathan Shore:I'm good for a while.
Nathan Shore:But what I think really makes this movie.
Nathan Shore:I never even thought this movie is really a straight parody either, as you mentioned B But I think what's really cool about this movie is that it's a comedy.
Nathan Shore:But besides Tim Allen who has a stand up comedy background, that's where his, he got his roots are in that everybody in here is just a fantastic, just straightforward dramatic actor.
Nathan Shore:And I think that is kind of the key to sometimes a great comedy is just getting good talent in there in the first place and then wonderful things can happen afterwards.
Nathan Shore:If you put a whole bunch of comedians in a movie like this, I think some it might not be as good.
Nathan Shore:So I like that they just got great talent and from there.
Dan Martin:This was when they were, they were trying to make Tim Allen into a cinematic behemoth.
Ellie Escobar:It just ended.
Ellie Escobar:Yeah, it's like, I'm gonna do movies now.
Dan Martin:I'm gonna be Captain Kirk, I'm gonna be Santa.
Dan Martin:Going to happen for me.
Dan Martin:I also want to thank this movie for giving me the chance to use.
Dan Martin:I have one of those ironing boards that are built into the wall that like fold out and I, I bought an iron a couple months ago and got to use it today.
Sam Cole:It's awesome.
Dan Martin:Yeah.
Ellie Escobar:But seriously, what Nathan was saying when you with that, I could not agree with that more with if it was all comedians in this film, it would have made it a lot cheesier.
Ellie Escobar:The fact that you have Alan Rickman and Sigourney Weaver, the fact that they're in this automatically kind of classes the movie up.
Ellie Escobar:And so it, it elevates it.
Ellie Escobar:They wanted to do it.
Ellie Escobar:It must be good.
Dan Martin:It lends pathos to it.
Ellie Escobar:Exactly.
Dan Martin:And it doesn't hurt that Sigourney Weaver's shirt comes off incrementally as the action builds.
Bea Butterworth:Her shirt and Alan Rickman's headpiece.
Dan Martin:Yeah.
Bea Butterworth:Are both just slowly wearing.
Nathan Shore:Yeah.
Ellie Escobar:Her performance is so funny in this.
Ellie Escobar:Cause I'm so used to seeing her be tough and kind of, you know, kick ass as Ellen Ripley and.
Dan Martin:Well, of course.
Ellie Escobar:But she's done Ghostbusters.
Ellie Escobar:I mean, she's no stranger to comedy.
Ellie Escobar:It's just funny seeing her in a sci fi film that is so light hearted.
Dan Martin:Yeah.
Ellie Escobar:Her performance is great.
Dan Martin:Rickman's.
Dan Martin:Rickman's pain at being sort of an overrated or underrated actor is almost like.
Dan Martin:It's almost like he just channeled his paycheck from this movie.
Dan Martin:He's just like, I don't want to be in this either.
Dan Martin:Yeah.
Nathan Shore:Well, his real life is, is a direct comparison to what he was going through in this because he was typecasted as a, as a villain in movies like Jeffrey Nottingham and Die Hard.
Nathan Shore:And he was in a bunch of like, really dry, dramatic movies in the, in the 90s.
Nathan Shore:And he @ first didn't want to do this, I recall, because he doesn't like science fiction.
Dan Martin:Right.
Nathan Shore:I read that you thought this was ridiculous.
Nathan Shore:But the fact that this was, you know, he was going to have an opportunity to be against type.
Nathan Shore:I, I think is what really attracted this, him to this material.
Dan Martin:Sam Rockwell, by the way.
Nathan Shore:I think it's his first film.
Nathan Shore:First feature film, perhaps.
Nathan Shore:No, he did one other one.
Dan Martin:I love him so much.
Nathan Shore:He's my MVP of this movie.
Sam Cole:Yeah.
Bea Butterworth:It's crushing it.
Dan Martin:I know.
Ellie Escobar:The dynamic, super strong.
Ellie Escobar:Like so many the dynamics sort of match reality too, because.
Ellie Escobar:Because, because Alan Rickman found Tim Allen really annoying to work with at first.
Ellie Escobar:And that's not a stretch at all.
Ellie Escobar:You can just see that incredible intense thespian.
Ellie Escobar:You know, Tim Allen is like making jokes with the crew and like being a goofball.
Ellie Escobar:And like, you could, you can just see that, that chemistry is like.
Ellie Escobar:The casting is perfect there.
Dan Martin:The casting is all over the map too, because you see people like Justin Long and Rainn Wilson.
Ellie Escobar:Yeah.
Dan Martin:And just popping up.
Dan Martin:Brain Wilson.
Dan Martin:I don't even think had a line.
Ellie Escobar:No, it's, it's.
Ellie Escobar:Rainn Wilson is such a known face now.
Ellie Escobar:And you look at him and you like, see him in a couple of shots, but he's not even like one of the main Thermians.
Ellie Escobar:It's just like, there he is.
Nathan Shore:I want to get some of the audience involved in here, but let's go around it.
Nathan Shore:Do you guys have like your favorite, your funniest moment from this movie?
Nathan Shore:I'd like to ask you guys and maybe ask some.
Dan Martin:I just love when Sigourney Weaver.
Dan Martin:I love when any actor in a movie, any character builds and builds and loses their shit.
Dan Martin:So I just love when she screams, you know, this episode was poorly written.
Dan Martin:That's like my favorite.
Dan Martin:That's my favorite moment, I think, in the movie, because I love that I've.
Ellie Escobar:Got a favorite shot because I just.
Ellie Escobar:I tend to think of shots, but when they're first getting on the ship and they're riding down in an elevator, they're at the spaceport and it's all close proximity and the walls are close to them.
Ellie Escobar:Then they go down a floor and the view opens up and it's sort of like an over the shoulder shot of Tim Allen and you can see the whole entire ship.
Ellie Escobar:And he just sort of turns to his crew and the camera and he's like, hell, yeah, guys, how about this?
Ellie Escobar:To me, that one shot just exemplifies the whole feeling of what the entire movie is.
Nathan Shore:I think I was go back to like my funniest moment.
Nathan Shore:Sam Rockwell steals.
Nathan Shore:There's two characters, I mean, Sam Rockwell and Tony Shalhoub.
Nathan Shore:Tony Shalhoub, by the way, underrated, fantastic actor.
Nathan Shore:I mean, everything he's done, going back to wings in the 90s, Monk, Ms.
Nathan Shore:Maisel, everything he's done is gold, by the way.
Nathan Shore:Tony.
Nathan Shore:Tony Shalhoub, I don't know.
Nathan Shore:A lot of people know this.
Nathan Shore:He's won a Golden Globe, a Grammy, and he's won my heart.
Nathan Shore:He's almost.
Nathan Shore:He's.
Nathan Shore:He's halfway to an egot.
Nathan Shore:And all he needs is to be cast possibly in a Scorsese or Spielberg movie.
Nathan Shore:And he's like, almost there.
Nathan Shore:Because they get their actors nominated.
Nathan Shore:But it's incredible, like the awards that he's won.
Nathan Shore:But Sam Rockwell, his freakout on the way down to the planet where he gets.
Nathan Shore:It's so.
Nathan Shore:In all of these Star Trek films, we've never had a self aware red shirt.
Nathan Shore:Yeah, it's so hysterical because he's like, you know, does anybody.
Nathan Shore:Has anybody checked this?
Nathan Shore:If the air is even breathable?
Nathan Shore:And he's kind of like the audience surrogate because it's, it's such a common Trope in movies where, like, oh, we just, like, go out there without a helmet and everything's on the red shirt.
Nathan Shore:And he's saying what, like, audience has been thinking for, like, 50 years of science fiction films.
Nathan Shore:And it's just.
Nathan Shore:It's a really great moment.
Nathan Shore:Is there air?
Nathan Shore:You don't know?
Nathan Shore:So he's calling out these.
Nathan Shore:These tropes.
Nathan Shore:So I love Sam Rockwell in this film.
Nathan Shore:Does anybody here have a favorite scene or a funny line of dialogue?
Nathan Shore:Because I love to get this one.
Narrator:I'll handle the mic.
Nathan Shore:Yeah, we have a mic.
Ellie Escobar:I love the.
Ellie Escobar:I don't have a last name.
Ellie Escobar:That's great.
Dan Martin:Yeah, yeah.
Dan Martin:What about B.
Dan Martin:Did you have a favorite scene?
Bea Butterworth:I.
Bea Butterworth:I like when the.
Bea Butterworth:The main thermion goes back and he's like, oh, you were lying, saying that you were actors.
Bea Butterworth:That was a funny show.
Dan Martin:Yeah.
Dan Martin:Good job.
Bea Butterworth:Good job.
Ellie Escobar:The way he walks into the room there, he's like, perfect.
Dan Martin:I did, like.
Dan Martin:And as an actor and comic, too, I loved the way they embodied that.
Dan Martin:But that.
Dan Martin:That choice of how they were going to speak, you know, just sort of.
Sam Cole:The ridiculousness of the words.
Dan Martin:And I just thought that that was really funny because it didn't.
Dan Martin:It had that tightrope walk of, like, being so stupid.
Ellie Escobar:Exactly.
Dan Martin:You know, gonna sound like morons if.
Ellie Escobar:It'S amazing that they do that and they can get away with it so well.
Dan Martin:It was so good.
Sam Cole:Yeah.
Dan Martin:And the fact that their face muscles, they all.
Dan Martin:And they all work together as an ensemble.
Dan Martin:The aliens, the Thermians, they all made the same smiles.
Dan Martin:Like, they all had similar faces.
Ellie Escobar:Their physical acting is amazing to their movements.
Ellie Escobar:Like when.
Ellie Escobar:When.
Ellie Escobar:When Tony Shalhoub was running down the hall with one of them.
Ellie Escobar:And they're, like, running but trying to mimic.
Ellie Escobar:I didn't notice that before.
Dan Martin:All of their business.
Nathan Shore:I think I was reading during the casting process.
Nathan Shore:I forget the casting director or if it was the.
Nathan Shore:The director, Dean, what Paris saw, he loved the.
Nathan Shore:The actor that played so much when he cast him.
Nathan Shore:He told anybody else that was auditioning for the Thermians.
Nathan Shore:He showed them tapes of his audition, like, this is how we want the Thermians to be.
Nathan Shore:Because he.
Nathan Shore:He liked how he played it so well.
Dan Martin:I'm gonna be doing that voice all week now.
Nathan Shore:How did the Thermians not become like, I don't see.
Nathan Shore:I don't go to Comic Con conventions or.
Nathan Shore:But I've never seen them, like, comic conventions, Comic Con.
Dan Martin:It's like saying, ATM machine.
Nathan Shore:I don't do these things.
Dan Martin:Comic Con.
Nathan Shore:I don't do.
Nathan Shore:I don't do it.
Sam Cole:You know.
Sam Cole:Could you be any less cool?
Sam Cole:No, I don't go to.
Nathan Shore:Yeah, but have.
Nathan Shore:They're not like, a costume that I have ever seen anywhere.
Nathan Shore:Like, I don't see.
Nathan Shore:Like, does anyone dress up as a thermian?
Dan Martin:As a thermian?
Nathan Shore:Yeah.
Sam Cole:So I've never seen it as a big winner.
Nathan Shore:Like, as like a, like, it seems like something.
Dan Martin:It's a pretty cool costume.
Dan Martin:It is a pretty.
Ellie Escobar:They might.
Ellie Escobar:They might.
Sam Cole:I don't know.
Ellie Escobar:But I don't, I don't know if it has the cultural reach.
Dan Martin:Yeah.
Dan Martin:So I, I, I do go to Comic Con conventions, and I've never, I haven't seen it.
Dan Martin:I mean, I've seen.
Dan Martin:Because usually it's, you know, popular stuff and I haven't really.
Dan Martin:I mean, I haven't really seen this.
Dan Martin:You know what I mean?
Dan Martin:Seeing, like, random, like, anime stuff and, like, people dressed up as things that you wouldn't normally see, but I haven't seen.
Ellie Escobar:I hear that.
Ellie Escobar:I mean, except for this patch, I think.
Ellie Escobar: I mean, it did well in: Ellie Escobar:I don't know if it's kind of in the zeitgeist.
Ellie Escobar:You know what I mean?
Dan Martin:Right.
Nathan Shore:But I feel like.
Ellie Escobar:Yeah, yeah.
Nathan Shore:You know, because it wasn't that long ago that at one of these cons.
Nathan Shore:Is that better, Dan?
Dan Martin:No, go ahead.
Nathan Shore:This movie was voted as the seventh best Star Trek film.
Nathan Shore:Yeah, actually, I have popular.
Dan Martin:I have a buddy, my buddy Paul.
Dan Martin:I was texting him today and he's like, you have a gig tonight?
Dan Martin:And I was like, yeah, I'm busy.
Dan Martin:And I told him what I was doing and he was like, oh, Galaxy Quest.
Dan Martin:That's my favorite Star Trek movie.
Dan Martin:Oh, my God.
Ellie Escobar:So every movie is, you know, the theory.
Dan Martin:Right.
Dan Martin:All the odd number.
Dan Martin:Star Treks are terrible.
Dan Martin:And all the even number.
Ellie Escobar:Star Trek 3 is good, though.
Ellie Escobar:But I hear you.
Ellie Escobar:I like 3.
Dan Martin:Which one?
Nathan Shore:Search for Spock.
Dan Martin:Search for Spock.
Dan Martin:Okay, I'll give it that.
Sam Cole:It's.
Ellie Escobar:Yeah, it's not.
Ellie Escobar:But, but, but you're right.
Ellie Escobar:Generally the odd numbered one, like, that's generally accepted.
Ellie Escobar:Three for me is.
Dan Martin:Six is probably my favorite.
Ellie Escobar:Six is incredible.
Dan Martin:Six is probably the best.
Dan Martin:Yeah.
Dan Martin:Anyway, I digress.
Ellie Escobar:But just like that, like talking about the tonality when the, when their saris comes out at the very end and they're at the convention and they shoot him, like, he could have just blown up.
Ellie Escobar:But the movie adds that Whimsy where like he blows up.
Ellie Escobar:Then it goes like doing a little spark.
Ellie Escobar:He implodes.
Ellie Escobar:Where it's hilarious because it's like, oh, this is all part of the show.
Ellie Escobar:Show.
Ellie Escobar:Like it just.
Ellie Escobar:They have these little touches like that, that, that I notice.
Ellie Escobar:I also noticed like the plant and payoff in the script.
Ellie Escobar:Watching at this time, everything, everything that's set up is paid off pretty well.
Ellie Escobar:Like the story, like the minds, the this to that.
Ellie Escobar:Like they don't introduce something in this movie and then abandon it.
Ellie Escobar:Like it's pretty airtight story wise.
Dan Martin:Chekhov's Thermian.
Ellie Escobar:Yeah, yeah.
Bea Butterworth:Do we have an audience question?
Sam Cole:Question?
Audience Member:This is on.
Ellie Escobar:I don't have a question.
Audience Member:I just have a few comments and observations.
Audience Member:So I may be one of the only actors in the room.
Audience Member:There might be others.
Audience Member:But I look at this always from an acting perspective and also looking at it from a career perspective.
Audience Member:So to be able to see Rainn Wilson, who's like 15 in this, which he's probably not, but at the beginning of his long career.
Audience Member:And then we see some again, like Alan Rickman and so Sigourney Weaver.
Audience Member:And we know what they kind of went on to do.
Audience Member:It's fascinating to kind of look at this as a job for them, but also a unique job, especially if they don't like the genre 10.
Audience Member:I mean, we know Sigourney Weaver does.
Audience Member:I also, just from a production standpoint, love thinking about how do they wrangle the 200 extras that are at the Comic Con.
Audience Member:Because it's no.
Audience Member:There's no cgi.
Audience Member:That was a lot of people.
Sam Cole:Right.
Audience Member:And when you are behind the scenes and everybody has to get the hair and makeup done and everybody has to wait until they're asked to get on set and there's always the stragglers.
Sam Cole:Like it.
Audience Member:Just from a production standpoint, it's pretty amazing what happened in this show.
Audience Member:Like, there's a lot going on.
Ellie Escobar:Yeah, Yeah, I love that.
Ellie Escobar:I love the production standpoint and actually having a bunch of extras actually there.
Ellie Escobar:You know what I mean?
Ellie Escobar:Like, there's so much CGI these days that just like anything that's real is refreshing.
Dan Martin:And there's so many cool little touches like the, the not quite Klingons.
Ellie Escobar:Yeah.
Dan Martin:And the not quite Romulans.
Dan Martin:Like they had.
Dan Martin:They had Star Trek like Teemu.
Dan Martin:Like aliens in the audience.
Dan Martin:They had.
Dan Martin:Yeah, they did.
Dan Martin:They had.
Dan Martin:They did have that.
Dan Martin:So if you look, if you're a Trek fan like I am, and you look in the Sea of the Extras.
Dan Martin:You see those little.
Dan Martin:Those little parody touches.
Bea Butterworth:See, I feel like.
Bea Butterworth:I feel like I miss out on a lot of those Easter eggs as someone who's not a Die Hard fan, but Star Trek, so pervasive in the culture zeitgeist.
Bea Butterworth:So it's in the zeitgeist that you just can grab onto this movie still, even if you're not a super fan.
Dan Martin:Yeah.
Bea Butterworth:To the point where even I was watching the movie again tonight thinking, this is written like one long episode.
Dan Martin:It also points of.
Dan Martin:Yeah, it also points the finger at television.
Dan Martin:It points the finger at society, too, because it points the finger at, like, at those types of shows and us watching those shows and people, you know, putting those shows on pedestals, but also shows how we treat famous people.
Dan Martin:It shows how famous people really are.
Dan Martin:So it kind of just.
Dan Martin:It's kind of like also a commentary on that.
Dan Martin:Not just a parody of Star Trek.
Ellie Escobar:It does.
Ellie Escobar:And it does that without being preachy about it, which is impressive.
Ellie Escobar:Like, I can't believe it pulls it off so well.
Bea Butterworth:And it doesn't punch down.
Ellie Escobar:No, exactly.
Ellie Escobar:Even the, like, actors from Star Trek the Next Generation, like Patrick Stewart and Jonathan Frakes.
Ellie Escobar:Jonathan Frakes saw it and he convinced Patrick Stewart, other members of the cast to see it.
Ellie Escobar:They didn't want to see it.
Ellie Escobar:They said, oh, this movie is going to be mean spirit, and it's making fun of Star Trek.
Ellie Escobar:And they saw it and they loved it because it's a parody.
Ellie Escobar:But it's not like down on Star Trek.
Ellie Escobar:It's not like, look at this stupid thing.
Ellie Escobar:You know what I mean?
Ellie Escobar:There's love behind it.
Ellie Escobar:And it's just.
Ellie Escobar:And I'm sure it's amusing to them, having been on that show, all the kind of inside jokes.
Ellie Escobar:Like, it's.
Ellie Escobar:I'm just amazed how well it pulls that off.
Nathan Shore:All right, should we start the thermian dance off?
Dan Martin:I am going to win.
Sam Cole:I will do the robot.
Dan Martin:I'm talking like that all week.
Nathan Shore:Something that I thought was a weak thing because I like to be the Debbie Downer.
Nathan Shore:I thought there was so much great character work, great, great actors in this, the saris and whatever the.
Nathan Shore:What race was it?
Nathan Shore:I'm calling them, like, just like monster turtles because they just look like turtles to me.
Dan Martin:They were like.
Dan Martin:They were great design roaches.
Nathan Shore:I thought that was great character design for them.
Nathan Shore:But I thought Seras was the most boring intergalactic villain I've ever seen on camera.
Nathan Shore:I mean, it was just.
Nathan Shore:They just had.
Nathan Shore:There was no humor to them.
Nathan Shore:I Thought they were just.
Nathan Shore:Just deadpan delivery, and it was just not the least bit interesting.
Nathan Shore:And they put so much effort into character moments and funny moments with our heroes that I was a little disappointed that they could have made the villains a little bit more interesting.
Bea Butterworth:I'm so glad they didn't.
Dan Martin:I'll pull a positive from what you're saying, because they were the straight men.
Dan Martin:He was evil, like, pure evil the whole time.
Dan Martin:He was like, kill them.
Dan Martin:Kill them.
Dan Martin:Destroy them.
Dan Martin:Do the.
Dan Martin:Blow it up.
Dan Martin:Come on.
Dan Martin:He was serious, because he had to be, because if they were ridiculous, I.
Sam Cole:Didn'T even think Thermians were ridiculous.
Dan Martin:And.
Dan Martin:And all the jokes from the.
Dan Martin:From the Galaxy Quest crew.
Dan Martin:It would have all been a farce.
Nathan Shore:I didn't need him to be ridiculous.
Nathan Shore:I just wanted them to have depth or character.
Nathan Shore:They were just a drag.
Dan Martin:They were one note.
Dan Martin:But I think it was needed for them to be.
Ellie Escobar:I hear you there.
Ellie Escobar:I'm actually kind of in the middle on this one, but I actually sort of agree with Nathan.
Ellie Escobar:I didn't dislike the main villain, but lots of people are really impressed with the, like, the creature design and the movement on his face.
Ellie Escobar:I've never been blown away by it.
Ellie Escobar:I thought.
Ellie Escobar:I think he's fine, but people are like, oh, it's the greatest, and I don't hate it.
Ellie Escobar:I'm not, like, anti that villain, but it is.
Sam Cole:It.
Ellie Escobar:It is a weaker element.
Ellie Escobar:I think the.
Ellie Escobar:The.
Ellie Escobar:When the Thermians are so good.
Ellie Escobar:I think what Nathan is saying is it would have been cool if there were villains that, like, matched that level of, like, it feels like they're just underdeveloped bad guy lizards.
Bea Butterworth:I think what.
Bea Butterworth:They didn't get characterization.
Bea Butterworth:They got in really funny body comedy.
Bea Butterworth:There was some really good moments where they were, like, splattered up against a windshield or, like, when the rock monster goes to attack them.
Bea Butterworth:They.
Bea Butterworth:They had this kind of clumsy hive.
Nathan Shore:But maybe it could have leaned into it with a little more physical comedy.
Dan Martin:The hench.
Dan Martin:The henchmen, guys, like the.
Dan Martin:The guys that were running the goon.
Dan Martin:The goons that were running around the ship, those seemed a little bit more dialed down as far as costumes and stuff.
Dan Martin:They were just like.
Dan Martin:Like stuntmen in green clothes.
Dan Martin:It looked like.
Nathan Shore:Yeah, they only had one.
Nathan Shore:I think creature design, that model, or.
Sam Cole:A few of them.
Nathan Shore:So Saris, I think the other sidekicks.
Nathan Shore:For him, it was the same mold that they added the features to it.
Dan Martin:Sarris was so cool.
Dan Martin:He reminded me of something you'd see, like, my favorite banglader you know, it's like an alien with, like, metal plates on his eyes and, like, cool spines that come up on his back.
Nathan Shore:I like that when you get angry, the spikes go up.
Dan Martin:You know, like, I do like the.
Ellie Escobar:Moving parts on his face, and I couldn't tell if it was just.
Ellie Escobar:He's like an actor with a.
Ellie Escobar:With a prosthetic thing on that has, like, motion control parts, but, like, all the stuff moving on his face, like, that was impressive.
Dan Martin:That was really cool.
Dan Martin:I think it was mostly practical.
Ellie Escobar:Yeah.
Ellie Escobar:It looked like.
Bea Butterworth:We have another audience.
Nathan Shore:We have a question.
:I don't.
:I'm not exactly sure where to start to answer your question from before, what was the funniest thing in here?
:Yeah, it's.
:It's still the.
:I've only seen this once before, 25 years ago, so this is my second time watching it.
:The joke that stood out to me there then is the same joke that stands out to me now.
:It's when Tony Shalhoub and the alien are getting it on.
:And Sam Rockwell's response to it is really very funny.
Dan Martin:Oh, that's not right.
Sam Cole:Oh, man.
:That's not right.
:And that's when.
:This is about where Sam Rockwell was starting to come out of, like, independent films and.
:And show up in these mainstream films over time.
:And that was.
:And so that.
:This is really early for him.
:There's only one Oscar winner in this film, and it's him.
Dan Martin:Yeah.
:I find interesting.
:I think that the Hulk.
:This is a perfectly cast movie.
Nathan Shore:Great casting.
:And I also.
:If I'm to sum it up, one day a bunch of guys got together and said, let's put Trekkies, Three Amigos in space camp in a block blender.
Dan Martin:It's like my.
Dan Martin:My mom would say, there's a lot of actors in this movie.
:And I also think that a lot is borrowed from Toy Story just a few years before, because I think the aliens are kind of modeled after the little aliens in Toy Story.
:Remember the.
Dan Martin:The chosen ones?
Sam Cole:Oh, yeah.
Ellie Escobar:The ones in the claw.
Nathan Shore:Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly.
:And I feel like they're out of that.
:I think, obviously, this is borrowing from Buzz Lightyear and Toy Story thematically, just four years before.
:So I can just see a studio just getting all these ingredients together, like the manatees who write south park or.
:Or Family Guy.
Dan Martin:Yeah.
:In the south park episode.
Dan Martin:I love how you.
Dan Martin:I love how you gestured toward me like Dan knows.
Sam Cole:Yeah.
:I think it's.
:This is Dean Pariso, the only other film I've seen that he directed was Bill and Ted Face the Music.
Sam Cole:Yeah.
Dan Martin:Great.
:He's a good.
:He's a very good comedy director from what I can see.
:And I agree with you about the aliens in a weird way because the bad guys, somebody.
:Yeah, but, but, but it didn't strike me until Nate said it.
:I think the one criticism I have of the movie, and I may be alone on this because I think it, it's.
:It was very clever when it came out and I love the combinations of things.
:To me now it in.
:It might just be me.
:It just feels a little dated to me now.
: Oh yeah, it feels very: Sam Cole:Yeah.
Dan Martin:You sort of, you sort of need some nostalgia for it at this point.
Ellie Escobar: beryllium sphere is very like: Ellie Escobar:Ho hum.
Ellie Escobar:Kind of like CGI actions.
:Like, what's that show from the 70s, the land before.
:What is it?
:The land, Land of the Lost or something.
Ellie Escobar:It's got that cheap.
Ellie Escobar:I know what you mean.
Ellie Escobar:Yeah.
:And I think that like other space parodies, Spaceballs ages better than this.
:And other Zucker Abram Zucker films age better than this.
Ellie Escobar:Spaceball's age as well.
Ellie Escobar:I saw that literally like a week.
Bea Butterworth:Nathan and I were thinking about other parodies.
Bea Butterworth:Princess Bride keeps coming to mind.
:Princess Bride ages very.
Dan Martin:I recently rewatched I'm gonna get you, sucker.
Sam Cole:Yeah.
:Did that age well?
Dan Martin:That and that aged better than this?
Sam Cole:Okay.
Dan Martin:A little bit, yeah.
Ellie Escobar:So black exploitation, you're saying, like it didn't.
Dan Martin:It didn't.
Ellie Escobar:It's not that it's aged poorly.
Ellie Escobar:It's just contained within its time.
Ellie Escobar:Feel it.
Ellie Escobar:It doesn't quite reach over.
Ellie Escobar: It's like this is a: Ellie Escobar:You can tell that like Disney is like, we're going to do a sci fi thing because Star wars just came back out again.
Ellie Escobar:Like you could, you can see the mentality.
:I remember times parallel wise, but I'm thinking like I could see them all, all the screenwriters sitting there watching Three Amigos and then, okay, you watch Space Camp, I'll watch Three Amigos and we'll meet at lunch.
:And it almost feels like I don't remember specifically.
Sam Cole:Specifically.
Dan Martin:And this might be a good game to play with the cast and audience here.
Dan Martin:But I remember in 99 I was 19, huge fan of movies and Star Trek and stuff.
Dan Martin:My criticism from then would probably be.
Dan Martin:My criticism from now is where I would not have liked Tim Allen to be in that movie.
Dan Martin:I'm not a huge Tim Allen fan.
Dan Martin:Wasn't really a huge Tim Allen stand then.
Bea Butterworth:The director wanted Alec Baldwin.
Dan Martin:Okay.
Dan Martin:Alec Baldwin would have been good.
Nathan Shore:He was originally.
Dan Martin:Probably would have loaded one of the phases wrong.
Nathan Shore:Well, Harold Ramos, not to hijack you, but Harold Ramos was the original director.
Nathan Shore:He wanted Alec Baldwin.
Dan Martin:Well, who would?
Dan Martin:Who would.
Dan Martin:I don't remember who I wanted back then, but I remember going.
Nathan Shore:Should we play the recasting game?
Dan Martin:Let's play it.
Nathan Shore:We actually have a little game here that we used to do.
Nathan Shore:We haven't had the segment in a while where we recast this movie, but it has to be recast with Mark Wahlberg.
Sam Cole:Something in this field could be releasing the chemical into the air when there's.
Nathan Shore:Too many of us together.
Sam Cole:Don't I bomb me, boy.
Sam Cole:I see your mother driving up and down the street looking at me.
Narrator:I'll be your step father about a week.
Sam Cole:It's a bad time, Bob.
Sam Cole:I'm serious.
Sam Cole:If I leave now, I'm not coming back.
Dan Martin:You ever hear the expression, you got.
Sam Cole:A face only mother can love?
Sam Cole:Let's just stay ahead of the wind.
Nathan Shore:Yes.
Nathan Shore:So I'm asking you guys and anyone else here can participate, who you recasting in this movie with?
Nathan Shore:Mark Wahlberg.
Dan Martin:Who am I replacing?
Nathan Shore:Yeah.
Nathan Shore:Tim Allen.
Sam Cole:Yep.
Nathan Shore:Okay.
Dan Martin:I'm putting Mark Wahlberg in the front of it.
Nathan Shore:All right.
Nathan Shore:Anyone else here?
Ellie Escobar:He could do that.
Ellie Escobar:He could do the Tim Allen role because he'd have more, like, angst.
Ellie Escobar:Guys, you know, we got to get the Berlin spear.
Nathan Shore:Come on.
Dan Martin:Let's do it.
Dan Martin:Yeah.
Ellie Escobar:Come on, guys.
Ellie Escobar:Like what?
Sam Cole:We got to get out of here.
Ellie Escobar:But I am a Tim Allen fan.
Ellie Escobar:I mean, I think it's because of Home Improvement.
Ellie Escobar:I love that show.
Ellie Escobar:I've seen all 206 episodes.
Ellie Escobar:So it's during.
Nathan Shore:During the run of our show.
Nathan Shore:You what?
Nathan Shore:Didn't you watch the whole thing or.
Ellie Escobar:I did.
Ellie Escobar:I watched the whole thing.
Ellie Escobar:Yeah.
Ellie Escobar:Yeah.
Nathan Shore:And when he should have been watching more movies with us, you know.
Sam Cole:Maybe.
Dan Martin:A better time, join Sam on his.
Dan Martin:His new podcast, Back to the Home Improvement Rate, Right.
Dan Martin:Where they.
Ellie Escobar:It's a rewatch show of every episode of every episode.
Dan Martin:I'm gonna be on it.
Ellie Escobar:Yeah, it's gonna be good.
Dan Martin:It's gonna be good.
Nathan Shore:Any.
Nathan Shore:Anybody have any other recasting ideas?
Nathan Shore:Doesn't have to be Mark Walbran.
Bea Butterworth:Sam Rockwell.
Bea Butterworth:Put Mark Wahlberg in for Sam Rockwell.
Dan Martin:Oh, you can't lose Sam Rockwell.
Dan Martin:You can't lose him in this.
Bea Butterworth:Everyone's so fine.
Nathan Shore:Yeah, everyone's so good, actually.
Nathan Shore:Everyone is fantastic in this.
Ellie Escobar:It's hard to try to, like, pass the whole movie with the worst actor.
Ellie Escobar:Like, not bad actors, but the worst casting you could possibly imagine.
Ellie Escobar:That's like a fun challenge.
Bea Butterworth:Antecasting.
Ellie Escobar:Yeah.
Nathan Shore:I replace Mark Wahlberg in the.
Nathan Shore:In the.
Nathan Shore:Sarah's role because that'd be more interesting.
Bea Butterworth:If they were gonna make this movie today.
Bea Butterworth:I think Zoe Saldana could do the Sigourney Weaver role.
Ellie Escobar:She can do it so well.
Ellie Escobar:You know, speaking of that, they were gonna do Disney plus was going to do a Galaxy Quest show with all the cast, but it was right around the time that Alan Rickman passed away, unfortunately, and that.
Ellie Escobar:That stopped it.
Ellie Escobar:But I would have loved that show if that.
Ellie Escobar:If that had come together, I would have watched that.
Sam Cole:Yeah.
Ellie Escobar:Because the concept is there, like, that that could continue on Disney plus.
Ellie Escobar:Well, yeah.
Nathan Shore:Yeah.
Bea Butterworth:You mean we shouldn't just.
Dan Martin:I would like it if they did that with, like, a.
Dan Martin:Like an entourage.
Dan Martin:Fourth wall break where, like, they film in the show and then they're also in real life living their lives.
Dan Martin:That would have been cool.
Ellie Escobar:No, exactly.
Nathan Shore:So I have a question or you have nothing.
Sam Cole:No, I.
:The only thing I was going to add is the only show that I want Disney to do a spin off series from a movie, as in continuation from it, and it can pick up, like 30, 40 years later.
Bea Butterworth:National Treasure.
:No argyle, no air bud.
:Howard the Duck.
Bea Butterworth:You are the closest Howard the Duck.
:They could pick up with Leah Thompson and the Duck and Tim Robbins.
Ellie Escobar:They could do that.
Nathan Shore:He's doing athletics.
:I already have ideas.
Ellie Escobar:They had to replace the golden retriever.
Ellie Escobar:Lost his paw to cancer, so they replaced the dog halfway through the shoot.
Nathan Shore:I have a question that anybody in this room can answer, and I don't know the answer to this.
Nathan Shore:So why.
Nathan Shore:Why do the Thermians.
Sam Cole:Why.
Nathan Shore:Why can't they use the same technology to beam Tim Allen off the rock planet that they used him to beam off of Earth?
Nathan Shore:Like the.
Dan Martin:I thought of that, and I think it's because they're on the ship now, and on the ship they have the technology from the show, but before they were on the space station and they had the Thermian bubble thing.
Dan Martin:So I think that's in my head.
Dan Martin:I just wrote it off because I thought about it too.
Dan Martin:But I'm like, oh, well, they're using the ship now.
Dan Martin:That's why.
Nathan Shore:So they can't use this.
Nathan Shore:The.
Nathan Shore:The goo transporter.
Dan Martin:They don't have it on there.
Dan Martin:They have Tony Shalhoub's Hand job.
Ellie Escobar:That's right.
Ellie Escobar:Because the goo transporter is at the starbase.
Nathan Shore:Yeah, I thought it was like some like long distance.
Nathan Shore:Short.
Nathan Shore:Short distance transport.
Ellie Escobar:We have another audience that could be.
Dan Martin:Hold on, let's get you a mic.
Ellie Escobar:Question for you, Nathan, is what compels you to be logical about this one particular item?
Dan Martin:Yeah.
Dan Martin:Yeah.
Nathan Shore:Because I think I have no movie.
Nathan Shore:I would have thought of that.
Nathan Shore:You know there's.
Sam Cole:Would you have.
Nathan Shore:I think of logic.
Nathan Shore:Listen, I think about the fact.
Nathan Shore:And my daughter actually Chloe was here.
Nathan Shore:We actually looked at each other during a senior year.
Nathan Shore:Which has bothered me every time I see this.
Nathan Shore:When they're leaving the.
Nathan Shore:The.
Nathan Shore:The docking bay or whatever it is and.
Nathan Shore:And they're driving out.
Nathan Shore:He scrapes the side of.
Nathan Shore:Of the.
Nathan Shore:The.
Sam Cole:The.
Nathan Shore:The.
Nathan Shore:The dock.
Nathan Shore:Whatever it is.
Nathan Shore:I can't think of straight.
Sam Cole:It's a dock.
Dan Martin:It's okay.
Dan Martin:Come breathe.
Dan Martin:Remember?
Nathan Shore:And the wing of the ship would be inside of the space station if that were the case.
Nathan Shore:It makes no sense at all.
Nathan Shore:The geometry doesn't work out.
Ellie Escobar:That's true.
Ellie Escobar:But to point out on the record, this is the guy who, when we watched Gremlins, he said.
Ellie Escobar:So I don't get it.
Sam Cole:They.
Ellie Escobar:They that if you.
Ellie Escobar:If you feed the gremlins after midnight, wouldn't it not be midnight in another time zone?
Ellie Escobar:Just make.
Ellie Escobar:And the sequel, Gremlins 2.
Ellie Escobar:Can't get him to watch.
Ellie Escobar:Acknowledges this comedy and is brilliant and.
Dan Martin:And have a gremlin somewhere eating.
Ellie Escobar:Christopher Lee is in Gremlins too.
Ellie Escobar:I'm telling you.
Ellie Escobar:Gremlins too.
Sam Cole:He.
Ellie Escobar:He's annoyed because I never shut up about Gremlins.
Nathan Shore:My doorstep someday.
Dan Martin:I'm sorry, but.
Dan Martin:I'm sorry, but Nate, you're like.
Dan Martin:But Nate is Nate.
Ellie Escobar:You really stand by that movie.
Dan Martin:Hold on one second.
Dan Martin:You really give up?
Ellie Escobar:Never surrender, Nathan.
Dan Martin:I will fight to speak.
Dan Martin:You couldn't handle Gremlins like you couldn't handle a gremlin eating at midnight in California because it's 5 o'clock in another place.
Nathan Shore:It doesn't make it any sense.
Dan Martin:It makes time zone based.
Dan Martin:Okay.
Sam Cole:If you.
Dan Martin:If you take that alien.
Dan Martin:If you take that gremlin.
Dan Martin:Sorry, I'm getting all confused.
Dan Martin:Your blazer is making me crazy.
Dan Martin:If they.
Dan Martin:If you take that gremlin out of.
Dan Martin:I don't know where they were, New York or whatever.
Dan Martin:You take that gremlin, it's midnight in New York and you fly.
Dan Martin:I think you fly to California and it's nine because it's like three hours difference or what.
Dan Martin:I don't know if it's backwards or forwards.
Nathan Shore:I think the movie's supposed to take place in Pennsylvania.
Nathan Shore:Shut up.
Dan Martin:You did New York State.
Dan Martin:So you take the gremlin from Pennsylvania.
Dan Martin:I hate you.
Dan Martin:So you take the gremlin.
Dan Martin:I don't.
Dan Martin:You take the gremlin from Pennsylvania.
Dan Martin:It's 12 o'clock, he starts eating.
Dan Martin:You get him on a plane, fly him to California, right?
Sam Cole:So he's going to turn into a.
Dan Martin:Grandma a couple times.
Dan Martin:It's not gonna matter.
Dan Martin:Dude, he started eating at midnight.
Nathan Shore:It just makes it's biology of a gremlin doesn't know what time it is.
Ellie Escobar:But Nathan, to its credit, the whole reason why I keep peddling Gremlins too is because I think the comedy in that film acknowledges your logic and is like, you will appreciate, like Gremlins 2.
Ellie Escobar:You will be entertained.
Nathan Shore:So if you have my concern, I.
Ellie Escobar:Would not give you a movie for you to hate it.
Ellie Escobar:My goal is for you to be entertaining.
Ellie Escobar:Entertained by it.
Dan Martin:If you get a mogwai wet.
Dan Martin:Right?
Dan Martin:Yeah, they reproduce.
Nathan Shore:Have you, have you seen the movie.
Dan Martin:I made 10 years ago?
Ellie Escobar:Yeah, that's a good.
Ellie Escobar:That was actually a really good movie.
Ellie Escobar:I showed that.
Dan Martin:I was trying to make a joke about something, but it didn't work and so I gave up on it and stopped.
Nathan Shore:So, yeah, anyway, so logic, whatever.
Nathan Shore:What else?
Dan Martin:Although you're right though.
Sam Cole:The.
Dan Martin:The wing would have.
Dan Martin:The wing would have hit the other side.
Ellie Escobar:It would have gone through the.
Dan Martin:It would have been like.
Dan Martin:It would have been like.
Dan Martin:It was.
Dan Martin:I mean, I hate to say.
Dan Martin:You're right.
Dan Martin:You're right.
Sam Cole:You hate it, right?
Dan Martin:I hate it.
Dan Martin:Oh.
Sam Cole:Oh, hey, we.
Nathan Shore:Me and my daughter, we looked at each other like.
Nathan Shore:Yeah, I.
Nathan Shore:I hate.
Nathan Shore:You know what?
Nathan Shore:I have a.
Nathan Shore:I have documented.
Nathan Shore:I have a Google document dated eight days ago with that note.
Bea Butterworth:So, you know, next time get it in writing.
Dan Martin:We got to watch Gremlins too now.
Dan Martin:Nathan, do you like Gremlins too?
Ellie Escobar:I love Gremlins.
Nathan Shore:D and Sam can start their own podcast and do that.
Sam Cole:All right, whatever.
Dan Martin:It's so good.
Dan Martin:Hulk Hogan's in it.
Dan Martin:Like, come on, man.
Ellie Escobar:Christopher Lee, isn't it?
Dan Martin:Christopher Lee, isn't it?
Dan Martin:Brown female gremlin looking all hot.
Bea Butterworth:Thank you all for coming to our Gremlins 2 podcast.
Nathan Shore:We have another.
Bea Butterworth:Okay, so my like from this movie is probably very different than anyone else since I'm not like a movie nerd.
Bea Butterworth:I like the part where the teenager has all those, all those fireworks and goes to his and his mother's like, what are you doing with all those fireworks?
Bea Butterworth:And he, like, spews off all his scientific knowledge.
Bea Butterworth:And she's like, okay, just be home by 7.
Bea Butterworth:And looks at her husband's like, at least he's going outside.
Bea Butterworth:I feel like Nathan and I have had that discussion many times where totally.
Bea Butterworth:I'm just.
Bea Butterworth:No, you didn't ever carry fireworks.
Dan Martin:Oh, someone else in your family.
Dan Martin:That is also very specific.
Bea Butterworth:Yes.
Dan Martin:I've never said that about Roman candles.
Ellie Escobar:That scene is hilarious.
Bea Butterworth:I agree.
Bea Butterworth:But to me, that was like the funniest thing because I feel like I've had that exact conversation.
Nathan Shore:Has had that conversation.
Sam Cole:I also love.
Dan Martin:I also love Nathan's wife beginning her question with me, like, look, I'm not a nerd.
Sam Cole:Like you guys say that.
Dan Martin:I said, but I like criticizing teenagers.
Dan Martin:That's what I like.
Bea Butterworth:This movie is so wholesome.
Sam Cole:Yeah.
Bea Butterworth:This movie so wholesome.
Sam Cole:It is the pg.
Nathan Shore:They had to get rid of any single Sigourney Weaver's face.
Bea Butterworth:So good synchronization.
Nathan Shore:Yeah.
Nathan Shore:Fact I watched on this.
Nathan Shore:On this Blu Ray.
Nathan Shore:There's a lot of deleted scenes.
Nathan Shore:And you.
Nathan Shore:They took out anything that had any.
Nathan Shore:With any vulgarity.
Dan Martin:Any poop words.
Sam Cole:Poo words.
Nathan Shore:Yes.
Ellie Escobar:Let's see the unrated version.
Dan Martin:Or as we called them when my daughter was young.
Dan Martin:Red words.
Nathan Shore:What's funny is we really dress this.
Nathan Shore: This came out on Christmas: Nathan Shore:This is a Christmas movie.
Nathan Shore:It seems so.
Dan Martin:Yeah.
Sam Cole:Weird.
Dan Martin:I remember going out and seeing it getting Chinese food.
Nathan Shore:Doesn't seem like a Christmas Christmas film.
Dan Martin:Yeah, it was cool.
Nathan Shore:Came out the same day as any given Sunday.
Nathan Shore:Talented Mr.
Nathan Shore:Ripley.
Nathan Shore:And I think there was one other one.
Nathan Shore:But it just seems like same day as talented Mr.
Nathan Shore:No, but I mean, I don't know what is a Christmas movie.
Nathan Shore:But this just seems like it's just.
Sam Cole:Okay.
Dan Martin:It came out.
Dan Martin:There are lights in it.
Bea Butterworth:But if you want to get frustrated with Nathan about Icon, like an opinion, ask him how he feels about Bubble Guppies, the TV show.
Nathan Shore:Going.
Nathan Shore:Going off the air.
Bea Butterworth:It's time for lunch.
Bea Butterworth:No, I love Bubble Guppy.
Dan Martin:But how do you feel about this?
Nathan Shore:This episode is going in some directions.
Dan Martin:How do you feel about Bubble Guppies?
Nathan Shore:Oh, Bubble Guppies.
Nathan Shore:So Bubble Guppies.
Nathan Shore:My problem is with Bubble Guppies for everyone.
Nathan Shore:Everybody swims.
Nathan Shore:Bubble Guppies.
Nathan Shore:Why are there sidewalks?
Bea Butterworth:Who gave you a microphone?
Sam Cole:I mean.
Nathan Shore:Why are the Bubble Guppies.
Nathan Shore:Why are the sidewalks.
:It's Bubble Guppies.
:It's a kid show.
Nathan Shore:Yes, but why do you Know why are there stairs?
Sam Cole:Why the sidewalk in spongebob.
Dan Martin:Spongebob.
Dan Martin:Krabby Patties are made of fish.
Dan Martin:And they serve them to fish.
Sam Cole:Are they.
Nathan Shore:So I get that fish eat fish, though.
Dan Martin:The soy green is fish eat fish.
Nathan Shore:That's their.
Sam Cole:It's just.
Dan Martin:It's not cool, man.
Ellie Escobar:Is it an animated show?
Ellie Escobar:Bubble.
:What's called Bubble Guppies.
Ellie Escobar:Bubble guppies.
:All right.
Sam Cole:We.
Nathan Shore:We're getting toward the end of things.
Dan Martin:I love it, like, but fish eat fish.
Nathan Shore:I want to.
Nathan Shore:I want to.
Nathan Shore:I want to ask some of our people still hanging around here and.
Nathan Shore:And here our.
Nathan Shore:Our host here of what would be movie pairing.
Nathan Shore:I have a bumper for this, though.
Nathan Shore:One last time, sir.
Sam Cole:What?
Sam Cole:Are either one of these any good?
Sam Cole:I don't watch movies.
Audience Member:Well, have you heard anything about either one of them?
Sam Cole:I find it's best to stay out of other people's affairs.
Sam Cole:You mean you haven't heard anybody say anything about either one of these?
Sam Cole:Nope.
Sam Cole:Well, what about these two?
Sam Cole:Well, they suck.
Dan Martin:All right, So I don't appreciate your.
Nathan Shore:Ruse double feature with Galaxy Quest.
Nathan Shore:What do you guys recommend as a.
Nathan Shore:To pair with Galaxy Quest and would you.
Nathan Shore:What would you watch first so anybody can participate?
Dan Martin:I would probably go with Star Trek for the Voyage Home.
Sam Cole:Okay.
Dan Martin:And Galaxy Quest just to get a little taste to like the serious with some jokes.
Dan Martin:Because Star Trek 4 is hilarious.
Dan Martin:And then.
Dan Martin:Yeah, I think I would do that just to get a genre film in there as well.
Ellie Escobar:I love Star Trek.
Ellie Escobar:In fact, watching Galaxy Quest makes me want to watch Star Trek.
Ellie Escobar:And so I would say I would start with Galaxy Quest as like the.
Ellie Escobar:The.
Ellie Escobar:The comedic beginning.
Ellie Escobar:But then I would end the night with the gravitas of Star Trek to the Wrath of Khan and just like have a real like sci fi adventure, you know?
Dan Martin:Yeah, I just love in Voyage Home.
Dan Martin:I just.
Dan Martin:I just love like the jokes, like the double dumbass on you and all.
Ellie Escobar:The Voyage Home is excellent.
Ellie Escobar:Yeah, like 100%.
Ellie Escobar:Yeah.
Dan Martin:Because it has the.
Dan Martin:It has the comedy, but plays it straight with the genre film and stuff like that.
Dan Martin:So, like, it's not a parody, but it's like a parody of itself.
Ellie Escobar:Right.
Ellie Escobar:And they're like total fish out of water.
Ellie Escobar:Yeah, it's brilliant.
Dan Martin:Yeah.
Narrator:You are aware of the one scene in that movie where Nichelle Nichols and Walter Koenig are.
Narrator:Remember, they're asking people where the nuclear Wessels are.
Narrator:Remember that one?
Ellie Escobar:Yeah, I remember that.
Narrator:And of course you remember there was a woman they came up to and she said, oh, that's right.
Narrator:They're across the bay in Alameda.
Narrator:And of course they both play it off, you know, no problem.
Narrator:And then they.
Narrator:Then they realize when the scene was cut, hey, wait a minute.
Narrator:That passerby had.
Narrator:Wait a minute.
Narrator:We got to go back and get a release from her.
Narrator:So they had to chase her through the streets, you know, wherever she went.
Ellie Escobar:She was not an extra.
Narrator:She was not an extra.
Ellie Escobar:She walked in and she was like, oh, no, no.
Narrator:Because what.
Narrator:That's what that was what they were doing.
Narrator:They were just.
Narrator:Nimoy wanted spontaneity, want authenticity.
Narrator:So what happened is he told Michelle and Walter, stay in the street, talk to people.
Narrator:Chances are, most of the morning, the time of day, just play off it.
Narrator:But one lady did stop, gave them some feedback and then walked away.
Narrator:And then they realized, wait a minute, she's not signed.
Narrator:She didn't sign anything.
Narrator:We got to chase after.
Narrator:That's what they.
Ellie Escobar:That's what they had to do.
Ellie Escobar:She was so sincere too.
Narrator:She was.
Narrator:She was so genuine.
Nathan Shore:Yeah.
Sam Cole:It's amazing.
Sam Cole:She should.
Dan Martin:I mean, I stand by my parents.
Narrator:I mean, hopefully you got credited, you know.
Ellie Escobar:Hopefully she did.
Ellie Escobar:Yeah.
Bea Butterworth:I mean, double feature.
Bea Butterworth:I would do Mars Attacks.
Dan Martin:Another great movie.
Nathan Shore:Yeah.
Narrator:Last Starf Fighter.
Ellie Escobar:I love the Last Star.
Nathan Shore:That was my other pick.
Nathan Shore:I have one.
Nathan Shore:It's not as fun, but.
:Well, B is Sparta.
Dan Martin:Spot on.
:With Mars Attacks.
:There's no better one.
:But if I'm just going to go off the rails a tad here, I would pair Gremlins 2 with Star Trek 5 because I hate you for bringing up Gremlins 2.
Dan Martin:There's another good one that I didn't.
Ellie Escobar:I think that you and I should meet in front of the Slatersville Mill and have a showdown.
Ellie Escobar:And the last man standing, Gremlins 2 will be honored forever.
Ellie Escobar:We'll get this on film.
Ellie Escobar:This is going to be a fight for the ages.
Sam Cole:I just have one thing to share because it's not.
Dan Martin:All right.
Dan Martin:I.
Dan Martin:I'm gonna wait for Christian.
:No, this is.
:This to go along with what you're saying.
:Years ago, I had a great idea for a movie where a bunch of pissed off Batman fans from the Joel Schumacher oh God.
Sam Cole:Film.
Ellie Escobar:Oh, my God.
Dan Martin:Nipples were.
:Were met with a bunch of John Grisham fans who were pissed off off.
Ellie Escobar:Oh, that'd be amazing.
:And I called it Bring me the head of Joel Schumacher.
Nathan Shore:Wow.
Ellie Escobar:Like that.
:It's never gonna happen.
Nathan Shore:No.
:Somebody else there.
Ellie Escobar:It should happen.
Ellie Escobar:But I will say I.
Ellie Escobar:I have a tolerance for Bad movies.
Ellie Escobar:I actually tried to watch Batman and Robin again recently, and it was so much worse than I remembered.
Ellie Escobar:I can't even.
Ellie Escobar:I can't even get through it.
:It's up there with the Star Wars.
Dan Martin:I thought of another cool movie that would be good to pair with this.
Dan Martin:It's an independent film.
Dan Martin:It's kind of a rom com.
Dan Martin:It's called Free Enterprise.
Dan Martin:And I think it would be cool to pair with this movie because Free Enterprise is a movie about two guys.
Dan Martin:I believe they're struggling writers in.
Dan Martin:In genre and stuff.
Dan Martin:They're writers and one of them, like, idolizes William Shannon.
Dan Martin:He has problem in his love life and they're like collectors and they have a problem paying.
Dan Martin:He's a problem paying his bills because he spends his money on collectibles and stuff.
Dan Martin:It's been a long time since I've seen it.
Dan Martin:And William Shatner plays himself in the movie and like, sort of acts as like, like the Jiminy Cricket to like, the lead guy who's like, sort of life is all messed up and like, meets him at a party, like an industry thing.
Dan Martin:I think that would be a cool movie to watch with this because it.
Dan Martin:It gives a lot of.
Dan Martin:It's like a love letter to Star Trek in a way, and to.
Dan Martin:To nerds who go to con conventions.
Dan Martin:And it just really kind of like, brings.
Dan Martin:So I think that'd be a cool movie to watch.
Ellie Escobar:That'd be awesome with this.
Ellie Escobar:I know this is kind of off topic, but we're also here to discuss governmental issues here in the town of Weston.
Ellie Escobar:So all in favor for fixing the pothole situation?
Ellie Escobar:I 30 street between here, say I.
Ellie Escobar:All in favor a motion to get the pothole fixed?
Nathan Shore:Any other dream recommendations?
Narrator:He said free enterprise.
Narrator:Chaos on the bridge.
Ellie Escobar:Good.
Sam Cole:We have one right here.
Nathan Shore:Recommendation over here.
Nathan Shore:Yeah.
:With my little non knowledge on actual, like, films, I would do this with Shark Boy and Lava Girl.
Nathan Shore:The what?
Bea Butterworth:Shark Boy and Lava.
:Lava Girl.
Nathan Shore:Shark Boy and Lava Girl.
Nathan Shore:All right.
Dan Martin:Robert Rodriguez, right?
Dan Martin:Yeah.
Ellie Escobar:That is Robert Rodriguez, isn't it?
Sam Cole:Yeah.
Nathan Shore:Cool.
Nathan Shore:That's right.
Sam Cole:Yeah.
Bea Butterworth:Yeah.
Nathan Shore:And okay, so my recommendation.
Sam Cole:Oh, my God.
Nathan Shore:It's nowhere near as fun as all of these because I ground everything.
Nathan Shore:If I have a comedy, I have to ground it with something that's like.
Dan Martin:I swear, if it's Driving Miss Daisy.
Nathan Shore:It's not.
Nathan Shore:No, but it is Lost in Translation because I.
Sam Cole:Why?
Nathan Shore:Because they're both films about, like, the theme of actors struggling with their legacy.
Bea Butterworth:Nathan, tell them which one you'd watch.
Nathan Shore:First after they're dated.
Dan Martin:Is that the one where, like.
Dan Martin:Is it Bill Murray?
Nathan Shore:Bill Murray.
Dan Martin:And he's got a.
Dan Martin:Johan, I think you're really cool.
Nathan Shore:I love that film.
Ellie Escobar:Well, they both have, you know, I don't know, lobbies.
Nathan Shore:I love heartfelt indie dramas and I think it's a nice juxtaposition to Galaxy Quest.
:I can't, in that case, just bring in Sunset Boulevard.
Nathan Shore:I thought about it.
Dan Martin:How would I pair Glenn?
Dan Martin:Like, sequence, Scarface.
Ellie Escobar:I think this movie goes.
Ellie Escobar:This movie goes really well with Jacob's Ladder.
Dan Martin:Yeah, that's what I wanted to check.
Ellie Escobar:I think it's just the two of them.
Dan Martin:You know, Galaxy Quest and Sophie's Choice.
Sam Cole:I think would be so good to.
Dan Martin:Just kind of, you know, different ends of the spectrum.
Dan Martin:I mean, they both.
Dan Martin:They both have people facing a crux in their life.
Dan Martin:You know, they both have characters that are conflicted with what to do next.
Dan Martin:I think it would be really good.
Dan Martin:I think it'd be a good night.
Nathan Shore:I like to bring myself down after I come here.
Dan Martin:Galaxy Quest and Powder.
Dan Martin:I think Powder would be another good one.
Sam Cole:Get some blue velvet.
:Superman for four.
Dan Martin:Like, why Galaxy Quest and Human Centipede?
Nathan Shore:I think.
Dan Martin:No, because I think if you're gonna.
Nathan Shore:Do it, I was thinking, stop talking.
Nathan Shore:I go with like 100 days of Sodom or whatever.
Sam Cole:Oh, God.
Dan Martin:Who would you recast as Mark Wahlberg and Human Centipede?
Bea Butterworth:The middle.
Nathan Shore:All right, all right.
Nathan Shore:Hey, this is really important.
Sam Cole:All right.
Nathan Shore:So the whole theme of our show is to make the decision if a film gets put into our vault or it gets purged into the apocalypse.
Nathan Shore:I think we need to make a decision.
Bea Butterworth:Oh, okay.
Nathan Shore:All right, all right.
Nathan Shore:This is purge or save.
Nathan Shore:And let's main cast only.
Dan Martin:Or do I.
Nathan Shore:It has to be majority, but we're gonna go through.
Nathan Shore:The four of us have a vote.
Nathan Shore:Brian, you get a vote, and the audience has their vote as well.
Nathan Shore:We'll just do it by.
Nathan Shore:We got a few members here and we also.
Ellie Escobar:We have to definitely give a.
Ellie Escobar:Both in a shout out.
Nathan Shore:4, 5, 6.
Ellie Escobar:Shout out to Ellie Escobar over there.
Ellie Escobar:Ellie is here, one of our original cast members.
Ellie Escobar:I don't want to embarrass you or anything, but you have to vote.
Ellie Escobar:Yeah.
Nathan Shore:Purge or preserve.
Nathan Shore:So we need four votes to preserve our.
Nathan Shore:This film which we'll begin.
Nathan Shore:So, Dan, you're our guest.
Nathan Shore:What do you.
Nathan Shore:What do you say?
Sam Cole:Preserve.
Nathan Shore:Preserve.
Sam Cole:B.
Sam Cole:Yeah, sure.
Bea Butterworth:Yeah.
Bea Butterworth:I don't know.
Bea Butterworth:I don't know that it needs to be saved.
Bea Butterworth:It's a good Movie.
Bea Butterworth:But I don't just save.
Bea Butterworth:Save Star Trek.
Bea Butterworth:Yeah.
Bea Butterworth:I wouldn't save it.
Bea Butterworth:I'd purge.
Dan Martin:I mean, because if I'm around, it's gonna, like.
Dan Martin:It's gonna be that.
Dan Martin:You know, that patch I've had in the drawer 15 years, and someone's gonna be like, hey, we're doing a Galaxy quest thing.
Dan Martin:And I'm like, I needed that.
Dan Martin:You know, so it's gonna come up in conversation sometime while.
Dan Martin:When the world's burning.
Dan Martin:And I want to be like, we should watch Go.
Dan Martin:I purged it.
Ellie Escobar:That's.
Ellie Escobar:That's.
Sam Cole:That's.
Ellie Escobar:That's why.
Ellie Escobar:What you just said there is exactly why I want to salvage it.
Dan Martin:Yeah.
Ellie Escobar:Because I'll be like, oh, man, I wanted to watch that.
Ellie Escobar:All the.
Ellie Escobar:All the, you know, nuclear waste out the window.
Ellie Escobar:I can't watch Galaxy.
Sam Cole:This sucks.
Dan Martin:Yeah, exactly.
Dan Martin:It's going to be that thing where you're, like, kicking you, like.
Dan Martin:I threw that out.
Sam Cole:Oh.
Dan Martin:All I got is.
Ellie Escobar:It had some funny scenes in it.
Sam Cole:Now it's gone.
Sam Cole:I'm sad.
Dan Martin:All I got is Schindler's List, and I guess I'll pair that with Spaceballs.
Dan Martin:I don't know.
Nathan Shore:So we have two.
Nathan Shore:Preserve one courage.
Nathan Shore:All right, I'm.
Sam Cole:I'm.
Nathan Shore:I've seen this now four times.
Nathan Shore:Three times this week.
Nathan Shore:I think I'm good for the rest of eternity.
Nathan Shore:The rest of eternity.
Nathan Shore:It's a good movie, but like I said, you know, it's.
Nathan Shore:It's not my jam necessarily.
Nathan Shore:You know, I.
Nathan Shore:There's other parodies.
Nathan Shore:There's other films that you're cool.
Nathan Shore:I like a lot more this.
Sam Cole:You know what?
Nathan Shore:Our vault is reserved for the elite, the creme of the.
Nathan Shore:The creme de la creme.
Nathan Shore:Like the great outdoors.
Nathan Shore:Sam.
Ellie Escobar:I was just going to say the great outdoors.
Sam Cole:I would.
Sam Cole:Yeah.
Dan Martin:So good.
Dan Martin:So I hope Harry and the.
Nathan Shore:Hey, I.
Nathan Shore:I'm purging it because, you know, I'm.
Nathan Shore:We're cutthroat.
Nathan Shore:Okay, so we're.
Sam Cole:Brian.
Nathan Shore:Brian.
Nathan Shore:But you got the.
Nathan Shore:Micah, what do you say?
Nathan Shore:This is important.
Nathan Shore:We're down to the save it, Brian stakes here.
Ellie Escobar:Your only hope.
Narrator:Put a line of volt or throw it out there in the wasteland.
Narrator:Is that it?
Sam Cole:Yeah.
Narrator:Okay, well, because I like the film.
Narrator:I've always liked the film, and it's never growing old with me, I say we preserve it because it works on so many levels.
Narrator:And once again, you don't get to see a parody film that doesn't take itself too seriously and then throws in A good space adventure to move the plot along.
Narrator:And yes, you're right, it does have one dimensional characters.
Narrator:But, you know, you got a 90 minute film.
Narrator:You got to.
Narrator:You know, you got to.
Narrator:You got to take.
Dan Martin:And I think.
Dan Martin:I think it has that.
Dan Martin:A good parody film.
Dan Martin:You know, think of the grandfathers, you know, the forefathers of parody, the Zucker.
Dan Martin:Abram Zucker mentioned earlier.
Dan Martin:They took and played everything straight.
Dan Martin:They took dramatic actors and they told them not to screw her up or not.
Dan Martin:You know, this, deliver this act this.
Sam Cole:Yeah, just do zero hours, play this straight.
Dan Martin:And I think this movie does that in a way.
Sam Cole:We have one more.
Nathan Shore:Brian, why don't you see if we can get our audience to.
Nathan Shore:We need.
Nathan Shore:We need them to decide.
Sam Cole:Right.
Nathan Shore:And it's.
Nathan Shore:Everybody here has to.
Nathan Shore:We need them to.
Nathan Shore:To decide where you live.
:There are.
Nathan Shore:Unless you guys want to huddle and convene.
:There are better parodies.
:It's not a bad film, but.
:And it's a good film.
:But I would say, because you have limited you.
Sam Cole:You.
Nathan Shore:Are you speaking for everybody here?
Sam Cole:We need.
Nathan Shore:We need everyone here.
:I would say no.
Dan Martin:Okay, we're pershing.
Sam Cole:All right.
Nathan Shore:So we have the audience.
Nathan Shore:We have one.
Nathan Shore:We have a no for the audience.
Dan Martin:I've probably seen this more than anybody else in this room, and it's absolutely.
Sam Cole:Going in my vault.
Sam Cole:Yes.
Sam Cole:All right.
Sam Cole:All right.
Dan Martin:Yes.
Nathan Shore:It's.
Nathan Shore:Oh, it's getting close.
Ellie Escobar:Yeah.
Sam Cole:No, I don't even like Segoli with the blonde hair.
Dan Martin:You came after the movie, though.
Dan Martin:Did you watch it?
Dan Martin:Okay, well, I'm holding you to task.
Dan Martin:I saw you coming late.
Nathan Shore:It is close.
Narrator:You know, I wish I wouldn't beat around the bush.
Narrator:Do you like it or not?
Dan Martin:Oh, speaking of Bush, Sam Rockwell played a great George Bush.
Dan Martin:Remember that?
Bea Butterworth:I say preserve.
Sam Cole:Yes.
Nathan Shore:All right.
Nathan Shore:You know, Chloe, this all comes down to you.
Nathan Shore:That's what she wanted.
Nathan Shore:This all comes down to you.
Nathan Shore:Make a decision, Chloe.
Ellie Escobar:If you preserve it, your parents will give you endless episodes of Bubble.
Dan Martin:What's it called, Guppies.
Nathan Shore:We need you to speak.
Nathan Shore:You speak for the entire audience here of the final episode of Back to the Frame Rate.
Nathan Shore:This is like.
Nathan Shore:You are the final voice of what?
Nathan Shore:The last movie that gets put into our vault.
Nathan Shore:Or not.
Bea Butterworth:And this is what you parented.
Sam Cole:Back to the.
Nathan Shore:Yeah, high stakes.
Nathan Shore:Everything like.
Nathan Shore:Like, strap on, feel the G's.
Sam Cole:Every single.
Dan Martin:Listen, you've heard me roast your dad all night.
Dan Martin:I'll keep doing it if you voted in.
Dan Martin:Keep it.
:I love roasting him.
:Roasting him is like.
Nathan Shore:But make a decision on this film.
:Well, well, it's a good.
:It's a really good movie.
:The thing is that I feel like I haven't watched Star Trek, but I feel like it's like this.
:It's like another like version of Star Trek.
:So I.
:I never watched Star Trek, but I don't know if it's like something like close to it and they like copied off.
:Not copied off of it, but it's.
Bea Butterworth:Exactly what it is.
Nathan Shore:She gets it from me.
Nathan Shore:This.
:This like movies 24 7.
:We've never had a conversation that doesn't bring up movies.
Sam Cole:But it's true.
:We've never had a conversation that you haven't been like brought up movies or.
Dan Martin:Something that you watch when you get your permit.
Dan Martin:He's just going to make you watch License to Drive.
:I would say it's a good movie.
:So I preserve it.
Sam Cole:Yeah.
Sam Cole:Yeah.
Nathan Shore:We are saving Galaxy Quest.
Dan Martin:Nice.
Dan Martin:And you have a spot in my vault.
Dan Martin:If they get rid of you for that decision.
Ellie Escobar:So my existence is complete right now.
Dan Martin:Yes.
Nathan Shore:He has been.
Nathan Shore:Has been saved.
Nathan Shore:Well, there you have it.
Dan Martin:By Graptar's hammer or gra.
Dan Martin:Graptar.
Nathan Shore:Okay, well, I think that kind of wraps everything up.
Dan Martin:This was so fun.
Nathan Shore:This was a lot of fun.
Nathan Shore:Maybe we should do it again.
Dan Martin:You know what?
Ellie Escobar:Let's do it tomorrow.
Bea Butterworth:Never give up.
Bea Butterworth:Never surrender.
Nathan Shore:Okay, that's true.
Nathan Shore:Any last words as we close it out?
Dan Martin:You shall be avenged.
Bea Butterworth:I am still shocked by that death every time.
Dan Martin:Yeah, it's a good.
Dan Martin:It's a good death.
Nathan Shore:It's really good.
Dan Martin:Yeah.
Ellie Escobar:I would say never give up.
Ellie Escobar:And always try your hardest.
Ellie Escobar:Because if you don't, when you're old and you didn't try, you'll be really disappointed in life.
Ellie Escobar:So you got to give it a good shot.
Ellie Escobar:Thank you.
Ellie Escobar:It's been a pleasure.
Dan Martin:Is that the grandfather from Angus?
Ellie Escobar:I don't know.
Sam Cole:Making.
Ellie Escobar:I have no idea.
Sam Cole:Yeah, screw them.
Ellie Escobar:So when you said the grandfather from Angus, I thought.
Ellie Escobar:I thought, I thought you're referencing.
Ellie Escobar:I can't believe you don't know Angus.
Ellie Escobar:No, I know Angus, but I thought.
Dan Martin:It will be another talk.
Dan Martin:We have to talk later because I think Nathan's trying to, you know, scrape it.
Dan Martin:Scrape the ship against the side here.
Ellie Escobar:If you ever get lost in life, you can always listen to this podcast again because why go forward when you can go back to the frame rate?
Sam Cole:Oh, wow.
Nathan Shore:So just like end it there.
Dan Martin:I'm crying a little bit.
Nathan Shore:I was going to end it on this if you feel it, but let's end it.
Nathan Shore:All right.
Nathan Shore:So that is the show.
Nathan Shore:Everyone back to the Frame Rate is part of the Weston Media Podcast Network.
Nathan Shore:Thank you, Brian Ellsworth for our show opening.
Nathan Shore:On behalf of all of us, we bid you for farewell from the Fall Shelter.
Nathan Shore:If you are enjoying this show, please subscribe.
Nathan Shore:So you can always listen to back catalog of our of our podcast.
Nathan Shore:It's available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or your favorite podcast platform.
Nathan Shore:You will always find all of our episodes on this is the end of our transmission back to the Frame Rate.
Nathan Shore:Signing off.
Sam Cole:Want you to know it's over.
Sam Cole:Well, bye.